Laws on Antaea

Unlike other lands, Antaea grew up with a serious case of individuality. The laws reflect the independent nature of the land. The only exception is The Heavens where there is a lot more governance and more constitutional in nature.

The Laws of Antaea

Individual Sovereignty:

Every individual has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, free from undue interference.

Land Ownership:

Landowners have the right to use and manage their property as they see fit, provided they do not harm others or the environment.

Voluntary Exchange:

All trade and business transactions should be consensual. Fraud, theft, and coercion are strictly prohibited.

Limited Governance:

The central governing body exists to protect individual rights and mediate disputes, not to dictate daily life.

Freedom of Expression:

All individuals have the right to express their thoughts, beliefs, and ideas without fear of retribution.

Right to Self-Defense:

Every individual has the right to defend themselves, their loved ones, and their property from harm.

Environmental Stewardship:

While individuals can use natural resources, they must do so responsibly, ensuring sustainability for future generations.

Open Markets:

Markets should be free and competitive, with minimal governmental intervention.

Personal Responsibility:

Individuals are responsible for their actions and must face the consequences of their choices.

Equality Before the Law:

All individuals, regardless of status or wealth, are equal in the eyes of the law.

Freedom of Association:

Individuals have the right to associate or disassociate with whomever they choose, for any reason.

Right to Privacy:

Every individual's privacy is sacred and must not be invaded without just cause.

Innovation and Progress:

Technological and societal advancements are encouraged, as long as they do not infringe upon individual rights.

Transparent Governance:

The actions and decisions of the central governing body must be transparent and open to public scrutiny.

Voluntary Taxation:

Taxes are necessary but should be as minimal as possible and used efficiently. Citizens have the right to know where their taxes are being allocated.

Right to Movement:

Individuals have the right to move freely within Antaea, barring private properties where they might not be welcome.

Education by Choice:

Education is essential, but its form and content should be decided by individuals or communities, not a central authority.

Respect for Tradition:

While progress is valued, traditions that do not infringe on individual rights are respected and preserved.

Dispute Resolution:

In the event of disputes, impartial third-party arbitrators are preferred over bureaucratic legal systems.

Minimalist Foreign Policy:

Antaea will engage with foreign entities based on mutual respect and non-intervention, focusing on trade and diplomacy.

These laws reflect Antaea's emphasis on individual freedom, personal responsibility, and a minimalist approach to governance, all while recognizing the need for some centralized structure to maintain order and protect rights.