Shannon is the owner and shipbuilder of all the flying ships within Dort. His pride and joy is in launch yet another flying ship. He has built up the business to the point that he has four dockyards in constant operation, releasing a ship at least once a month. Shannon longs to be accepted as nobility, having more money than anyone else he knows. He operates on a strict code of ethics for himself and his business.
Shannon spends his time in the daily operations of the flying ships he builds. He negotiates contracts and building schedule for his ships. He also manages the teams of ship builders, his apprentices, suppliers and he is the first to launch and fly the ships to ensure they're fully operational.
Lady Mary is a regal woman in her late 50s, she towers over most other ladies at 6' 2" and 150 pounds. Slender, built well she hold her composure and proper posture. She is a prankster, always looking for a good joke, often using her height to make jokes. She has jet black hair with no greys even in her late 50s. She's mischievously charming to everyone she meets and will flirt with anyone, but just flirt, it goes nowhere.
Lady Mary is wife to Shannon and works alongside him in the ship building business. She is known to be just as dedicated to the business as Shannon and her word is like his word in all ship building business. She is known to her workers to be hard working and will often, when production is behind schedule, get right into working with them in the docks. She will treat the employees to parties on the delivery of ships and is known to be kind, caring and looks after the workers and their families.
Lady Mary came from nobility but found them all too stuffy for her likes. She also wanted someone taller than her and most noble families didn't have a suitable candidate. Lady Mary commissioned a ship from Shannon's father for her 20th birthday and saw Shannon working the line on her ship and constantly found ways to be present when he was. Shannon was oblivious, but his dad saw the attraction she had for him. Shannon's father enlightened Shannon who, sheepishly, asked Lady Mary out and the rest is history. Lady Mary came from Irna, from Rockhaven from the Wettin noble family.
Leander is the son of a renowned flying shipbuilder from "The Heavens". Despite his father's fame and the grandeur of their craft, Leander was always more interested in numbers and ledgers than the physical labor of shipbuilding. He took on the role of managing the financial side of the family business, proving himself to be an adept accountant. His father's status and the importance of their business to the city earned him the informal title of "prince", though he is often too engrossed in his books to pay much mind to such titles.
As an accountant for his father's shipbuilding business, Leander is responsible for managing the finances, ensuring that the business remains profitable. He also assists in negotiating contracts and deals with clients, using his keen intellect and understanding of numbers to secure favorable terms. Despite his meek demeanor, Leander is highly respected in "The Heavens" for his intelligence and dedication to his work.