Barrett's Bottomless Beverage

Barrett's Bottomless Beverage

2nd-level transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (a tankard or a glass)
  • Duration: Up to 1 hour
  • Classes: Wizard, Sorcerer, Bard

When you cast Barrett's Bottomless Beverage, you enable the automatic refilling of drinks within a specified range, ideal for a tavern or party setting. The spell links drink containers (like tankards, glasses, or cups) within 30 feet of you to your stock of beverages. When a drink in any of these containers is emptied, it refills with the beverage of your choice from your stock.

As the caster, you have control over the manner in which the drinks refill. You can choose a flashy display, where drinks visibly refill from an ethereal source, or a more subtle approach, where they simply refill unnoticed from the bottom. The spell ensures that each container is refilled with the correct drink as desired by its holder.

Barrett's Bottomless Beverage is particularly useful for barkeepers and hosts, allowing them to efficiently manage drinks during busy times or social gatherings.


Barrett's Bottomless Beverage was created by Barrett Brewmaster, a wizard with a love for hospitality and social gatherings. Barrett, who also ran a popular tavern, sought a magical solution to keep his patrons' drinks filled without constant attention from the staff.

His spell not only added convenience and efficiency to his tavern but also became a celebrated feature that delighted his customers. The spell gained popularity among other tavern owners and party hosts, who found it an excellent way to keep their guests happy and their gatherings lively.

Barrett's Bottomless Beverage is remembered as a testament to Barrett's innovative spirit and his desire to blend magic with the art of hospitality.