1st-level enchantment
When you cast Cassandra's Call of Companionship, you send out a gentle, compelling invitation to the nearest domesticated animal within range. The spell creates an invisible, magical beckoning that is harmless and non-intrusive. The targeted animal feels a sudden, natural inclination to approach your location, but it is not compelled to stay or perform any actions.
This spell is designed to attract common domestic animals such as dogs, cats, horses, or similar creatures. It is ineffective on wild animals, magical beasts, or creatures that are not considered domesticated. The animal's approach is calm and friendly, and it behaves according to its natural disposition once it arrives.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the range of the spell increases by 30 feet for each slot level above 1st.
Cassandra's Call of Companionship was created by Cassandra Greenmeadow, a druid known for her affinity with animals and her gentle demeanor. Cassandra believed in the importance of forming bonds with the creatures of the land, but she also respected their autonomy and freedom.
She developed this spell as a way to call animals to her side without exerting force or control over them. Cassandra used the spell to summon animals for companionship during her travels, to aid in their care, or to simply enjoy a moment of connection with them.
The spell became popular among those who work closely with domestic animals, such as farmers, animal healers, and rangers. Cassandra's Call of Companionship is a testament to her philosophy that true connections with animals are built on mutual respect and understanding.