2nd-level enchantment
When you cast Cedric's Compelling Checklist, you instill a magical reminder in a willing subject to complete up to five specified tasks. Upon casting, you touch the subject and mentally list the action items. The spell then reminds the subject of these tasks at intervals chosen by you, ranging from every 15 minutes to every 2 hours.
The reminders are gentle but persistent, taking the form of a mental nudge or a whisper in the subject's mind. They continue until the subject dismisses the spell or all the tasks have been completed. The spell is designed to aid in productivity and ensure important tasks are not forgotten.
Cedric's Compelling Checklist is especially useful for those with busy schedules, a tendency to forget tasks, or anyone who needs help staying on track with their responsibilities.
Cedric's Compelling Checklist was created by Cedric the Conscientious, a wizard known for his meticulous nature and impeccable time management. Cedric often found himself overwhelmed with numerous tasks and sought a magical means to keep track of his responsibilities.
His creation proved to be incredibly useful for managing his own schedule and quickly became popular among his peers and students. The spell is a reflection of Cedric's organizational skills and his understanding of the importance of balancing multiple tasks effectively.