3rd-level transmutation
When you cast Evelyn's Eye Elixir, you can correct the eyesight of a willing creature to the normal standard for their species. Upon casting, you touch the creature's eyes, and the spell painlessly adjusts their vision, correcting issues such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and similar vision problems.
The spell does not regenerate lost or destroyed eyes, nor does it grant vision beyond the natural capabilities of the recipient's species. It simply restores their eyesight to the standard level of acuity expected for them.
Evelyn's Eye Elixir is ideal for those who have suffered from vision impairments due to age, injury, or genetic factors and desire a return to normal eyesight without resorting to physical aids like spectacles or lenses.
Evelyn's Eye Elixir was created by Evelyn Clearview, a cleric renowned for her dedication to healing and improving the quality of life for those with physical ailments. Evelyn was particularly moved by the struggles of those with poor eyesight, which could significantly impact their daily lives.
Determined to find a magical solution, Evelyn combined her knowledge of healing with intricate transmutation magic to develop this spell. The spell became a boon for many, granting them the freedom and clarity of vision they had lost or never had.
Evelyn's Eye Elixir is remembered as a testament to Evelyn's compassion and her belief in the power of magic to bring tangible improvements to people's lives.