Lyra's Lyrical Lineage Limiter

**Lyra's Lyrical Lineage Limiter**

3rd-level abjuration

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a silver locket containing a piece of moonstone)
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Classes: Bard (female only)

Lyra's Lyrical Lineage Limiter is a spell specifically designed for female bards, allowing them to temporarily forego the possibility of pregnancy. Upon casting, the spell creates a protective magical barrier that prevents conception for a duration of one year. This spell does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases or other forms of physical intimacy-related complications. It solely focuses on preventing pregnancy.

The spell is often used by bards who wish to maintain their traveling lifestyle without the added responsibilities or complications that pregnancy might bring. It's a choice for those who want to focus on their art, adventures, and personal growth.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the duration of the spell extends by one year for each slot level above 3rd.


Lyra's Lyrical Lineage Limiter was created by Lyra Nightingale, a renowned bard known for her wanderlust and passion for freedom. Lyra lived in an era when the expectations placed upon women often conflicted with their personal aspirations, particularly for those who pursued the life of a traveling performer.

Seeking a solution that would allow her and her peers to have control over their own bodies and destinies, Lyra developed this spell. It was a revolutionary creation at the time, empowering female bards to make choices about their lives that were previously dictated by societal norms and biological constraints.

The spell quickly gained popularity among female bards, who saw it as a means of asserting their independence and autonomy. Lyra's Lyrical Lineage Limiter is remembered as a significant contribution to the bardic tradition, symbolizing the freedom and agency that are central to the spirit of bardic life.