Merrick's Measured Mark

**Merrick's Measured Mark**

1st-level transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous
  • Classes: Wizard, Cleric, Bard

When you cast Merrick's Measured Mark, you gain the ability to precisely measure the distance between two points you can touch. Upon casting the spell, you touch one point, then move to the second point and touch it. The spell then calculates and communicates to you the exact distance between these two points.

This spell can measure distances up to a maximum of 500 feet. It is accurate regardless of obstructions or terrain, measuring the straight line (as the crow flies) distance between the points. Merrick's Measured Mark is useful for a variety of practical applications, such as construction, mapping, or any situation where precise measurements are needed.


Merrick's Measured Mark was developed by Merrick the Meticulous, a wizard known for his obsession with precision and accuracy. Merrick was often called upon to help with the construction of buildings and the planning of cities, where precise measurements were crucial.

Frustrated by the limitations of conventional measuring tools, Merrick created this spell to provide instant and exact measurements. His creation was widely celebrated, particularly among architects, builders, and land surveyors, for whom the spell revolutionized their work.

The spell became a testament to Merrick's precision and his contribution to the fields of construction and planning. It remains a favored tool among those who value accuracy and efficiency in their work.