Nevin's Numbing Nostils

**Nevin's Numbing Nostils**

Cantrip, transmutation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Classes: Wizard, Sorcerer, Bard

When you cast Nevin's Numbing Nostils, you temporarily suppress your sense of taste and smell for the duration of the spell. This cantrip is particularly useful for situations where unpleasant tastes or smells are a distraction, but it does not negate the effects of poisons, toxins, or other harmful substances detected through smell or taste.

The spell creates a harmless, magical numbness in your taste buds and olfactory receptors, preventing you from experiencing flavors or odors. However, this suppression does not impact your ability to detect poisonous substances, stenches, or other hazardous effects that rely on the sense of smell or taste as per the rules of D&D. All other senses function normally.

This cantrip does not have higher levels.


Nevin's Numbing Nostils was conceived by Nevin the Neutralizer, a wizard with a finely tuned palate and acute olfactory senses. Nevin created this spell to help him and others cope with unpalatable tastes and strong odors encountered during their adventures and experiments, without compromising their ability to detect dangers typically sensed through taste or smell.

The spell became a handy tool for alchemists, healers, and adventurers, especially those who frequently dealt with unpleasant or overpowering sensory experiences. Nevin's Numbing Nostils is celebrated for its practicality, illustrating Nevin's thoughtful approach to magical problem-solving within the parameters of adventuring and exploration.