Cantrip, divination
When you cast Timothy's Temporal Teller, you instantly gain knowledge of the current time of day. The spell informs you of the approximate time based on the position of the sun or stars in the sky, relative to your current location. It is accurate to within a few minutes and adjusts for the time zone you are in.
This cantrip is particularly useful for adventurers and travelers who need to keep track of time, especially in environments where traditional timekeeping methods are unavailable or unreliable, such as in dungeons, forests, or other remote areas.
At Higher Levels: This cantrip does not have higher levels.
Timothy's Temporal Teller was created by Timothy the Timekeeper, a wizard with an obsession for punctuality and scheduling. Timothy disliked relying on sundials or mechanical clocks, which could be inaccurate or impractical during his travels.
To solve this, he devised a simple yet effective cantrip that allowed him to know the time at any moment. His spell became popular among adventurers, guards, and anyone who needed to keep a strict schedule or be mindful of the passing hours.
Timothy's Temporal Teller is remembered as a reflection of Timothy's practicality and his desire to bring order and precision to his daily life. It remains a favored tool for those who wish to stay attuned to the rhythm of the day without the need for physical timekeeping devices.