2nd-level abjuration (ritual)
When you cast Vera's Vampiric Vamoose as a ritual, you revoke the invitation granted to a specific vampire or all vampires from entering a residence. This spell requires you to touch the main entrance of the residence while performing the ritual.
For the basic version of the spell, you must name the specific vampire whose invitation you wish to revoke. The spell then creates a magical barrier that prevents that vampire from entering the residence, effectively nullifying their previous invitation.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the spell's effect extends to revoke the invitations of all vampires from the residence, not just a specific one. This higher-level version creates a blanket un-invitation, ensuring that no vampire, regardless of whether they were previously invited, can enter the residence.
Vera's Vampiric Vamoose was created by Vera the Vigilant, a cleric who dedicated her life to protecting people from supernatural threats, particularly vampires. Vera recognized the need for a spell that could counteract the unique ability of vampires to enter homes once invited.
In her quest to safeguard homes and communities, Vera developed this ritual to empower individuals with the means to revoke such dangerous permissions. Her spell became an essential tool in regions plagued by vampire attacks, offering a layer of protection against these nocturnal predators.
Vera's Vampiric Unwelcome is celebrated as a symbol of Vera's commitment to defense against the dark arts and her contribution to the safety of those she vowed to protect.