
Dolorum, the Harrower of Hope

Weapon (dagger), artifact (requires attunement by a creature of evil alignment)

Magic Weapon: Dolorum is a magical dagger that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

Damage: 1d4 piercing + 1d6 necrotic.

Properties: Finesse, Light, Thrown (range 20/60 feet).

Heart's Despair: Dolorum thrives on emotional pain. When used to slay a beloved or significant figure, it casts a wave of despair over a 1-mile radius. Affected creatures must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or fall into a state of sorrow, suffering disadvantage on all ability checks and saving throws for 24 hours.

Veil of Shadows: Once per long rest, the wielder can activate this ability to become nearly invisible and silent for up to 10 minutes, granting advantage on Stealth checks and making their location difficult to pinpoint.

Compelling Presence: Any creature within 30 feet of Dolorum must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or feel an overwhelming urge to pick up and use the dagger. This effect is particularly potent in moments of emotional vulnerability.

Wielder Domination: Upon attunement, a character must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or become dominated by Dolorum, prioritizing creating the greatest emotional pain possible.

Soul Harvest: A creature slain by Dolorm has its soul absorbed and destroyed, making resurrection impossible unless the soul is reconstructed by a Wish spell or similar magic. The wielder may make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw to subdue this ability.

Wielder Sacrifice: Dolorum cares nothing for its wielder's safety. If an action would lead to a greater spread of despair but put the wielder at risk, Dolorum compels the wielder to take that action, requiring a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw to resist. This is particularly useful if Dolorum is wielded by a beloved or significant figure, as it can compel them to end themselves in public.

Sentience: Dolorum is a sentient chaotic evil weapon with an Intelligence of 18, a Wisdom of 14, and a Charisma of 16. It communicates through cold, whispering tones, manipulating its wielder to maximize sorrow and despair.

Personality: Dolorum embodies malevolence and despair. It is cold, calculating, and utterly indifferent to suffering, except as a means to its ends.


Name Purpose Description
Mandrelout Justice The origin weapon
Almondeur Retribution Almondeur was once the tool of a tyrannical warlord who brought ruin and misery to those who opposed his rule.
Armouredl Vengence Armouredl was its name when it was in the hands of a fallen paladin, who used it to enact vengeance under the guise of justice, leaving a trail of sorrow
Remouldor Dread In an earlier age, as a weapon of a dark cult, it was called Remouldor, a name that symbolized despair and dread among those who knew of its existence
Dolormur Sadness During a time when Dolorum was wielded by a notorious assassin, it was known as Dolormur, a name whispered in fear in the dark alleys of ancient cities