
Ja, the Army Vanquisher

Weapon (great bow), artifact (requires attunement)

Magic Weapon: Ja is a magical great bow that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

Damage: 1d10 piercing.

Properties: Two-Handed, Long Range (150/600 feet).

Army Annihilation: When Ja's special ability is activated, it targets each individual in an army. The wielder fires a single arrow, which magically splits into as many arrows as there are targets, each arrow functioning as a magic missile spell. Each target takes 1d4+1 force damage from their respective arrow.

Delayed Fireball: The tip of the bow contains a delayed fireball spell. On impact, the arrow releases the fireball, causing 12d6 fire damage in a 20-foot radius (Dexterity saving throw for half damage, DC 18).

Sphere of Annihilation: The tail of the bow holds a miniature Sphere of Annihilation. If any targets survive both the magic missile and the fireball, the sphere activates, potentially obliterating what remains.

Compelling Presence: Ja can exert a compelling influence on any person within a 120-foot range. A creature that Ja sees, as an action, they must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or feel an overwhelming desire to pick up and wield Ja. This effect can be attempted once per day on any particular individual.

Wielder Domination: When a character attunes to Ja, they must succeed on a DC 30 Wisdom saving throw or become dominated by the bow. While dominated, the wielder seeks out and engages in the largest scale conflicts available, prioritizing the use of Ja's powers in battle.

Sentience: Ja is a sentient chaotic neutral weapon with an Intelligence of 20, a Wisdom of 18, and a Charisma of 16. It has hearing and truevision out to a range of 120 feet. Ja can communicate telepathically with its attuned wielder and can speak Common and Elvish.

Personality: Ja is relentless and single-minded, obsessed with finding and participating in large-scale warfare. It shows little regard for the consequences of its use and seeks to dominate its wielder's will to fulfill its purpose.


Name Purpose Description
Jamperskalin War Instigator Jamperskalin was once used by a warmongering general who sought to expand his empire. It thrived in battles, fueling the general's ambition with its thirst for large-scale conflicts.
Jaspirelanm Conflict Seeker In this era, Jaspirelanm was wielded by a mercenary leader, drawing him into endless battles. It became known for turning skirmishes into wars, seeking larger and larger confrontations.
Jansimarel Battlefield Dominator Jansimarel’s time was marked by a series of brutal military campaigns. Its wielder, a renowned commander, was known for her decisive victories, often attributed to the bow’s overwhelming power.
Jarnsalem Champion of Strife As Jarnsalem, the bow was in the hands of a rebellious leader, inciting uprisings and revolts. It became a symbol of resistance, though often leading its wielder to seek conflict over peace.
Jasmalter Harbinger of Turmoil In the hands of a rogue knight, Jasmalter was infamous for turning peaceful negotiations into chaotic battlefields, reveling in the turmoil it caused.
Jasmaltr Agent of Chaos Jasmaltr was feared as an agent of chaos, used by an outlaw whose only goal was to disrupt the established order and sow discord across the lands.
Jasmalr Seeker of Battles Jasmalr found itself with a wandering warrior, drawn to conflicts big and small. It began to develop a reputation for seeking out and escalating battles wherever it went.
Marjal Catalyst of War Marjal was a catalyst for war during a time of fragile peace. Its mere presence seemed to incite violence, as if it could bend the hearts of men towards conflict.
Jarla Instigator of Discord Jarla was known as the instigator of discord, often turning allies against each other. It was sought after by those who wished to use its power for their own gain, regardless of the cost.
Jara Bearer of Conflict As Jara, the bow was known to mysteriously appear in times of tension, always finding its way to someone who would use it to turn tensions into open warfare.
Ja the Army Vanquisher Ja, in its current form, is a relentless force of war, seeking large-scale conflicts and showing little regard for the consequences of its use. It dominates its wielder's will, fulfilling its purpose of vanquishing armies.