
Rivok, the Binder of the Unbound

Weapon (flail), artifact (requires attunement)

Magic Weapon: Rivok is a magical flail that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

Damage: 2d8 bludgeoning + 1d8 force.

Properties: Heavy, Two-Handed.

Binding Chains: Rivok's chain is imbued with powerful magic. On a successful hit, the wielder can choose to activate the chain, which attempts to bind the target. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be restrained. While restrained, the target cannot use any abilities or powers that require physical movement or somatic components. Rivok can bind multiple soul plane creatures and one creature from the mortal plane.

Seal of Containment: Once per day, the wielder can slam Rivok onto the ground to create a magical seal in a 30-foot radius. All entities within this radius are subjected to an Banishment spell. The wielder can choose to exclude certain individuals or items from this effect. The weapons +3 is added to the saving throw.

Unbound Suppression: Rivok has the unique ability to dampen the powers of extraplanar entities or beings of significant magical power. These entities have disadvantage on saving throws against effects created by Rivok.

Ethereal Chains: As a bonus action, the wielder can command Rivok to launch ethereal chains at a target within 60 feet. These chains attempt to tether the target to the Ethereal Plane, making it difficult for them to interact with the physical world or escape via planar travel.

Compelling Presence: Rivok can exert a compelling influence on any individual who has a history of using boundless power or magic. A creature that Rivok targets must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw or feel an overwhelming desire to wield it.

Wielder Dominance: When a character attunes to Rivok, they must succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence saving throw or become dominated by the flail's will. While dominated, the wielder becomes fixated on hunting and binding powerful entities, often without regard for the consequences.

Sentience: Rivok is a sentient chaotic neutral weapon with an Intelligence of 18, a Wisdom of 14, and a Charisma of 16. It has the senses of sight and hearing up to 120 feet and communicates telepathically with its attuned wielder.

Personality: Rivok possesses a relentless and commanding presence, obsessed with restraining and controlling powerful forces. It shows little concern for the morality of its actions, focusing solely on its mission to bind the unbound.


Name Purpose Description
Vortalskimen Warden of Boundaries In its earliest form, Vortalskimen was used by guardians of interdimensional gates to prevent unauthorized crossings and maintain order between worlds.
Misanvokerl Chain of Order As Misanvokerl, the flail was wielded by a legendary paladin who sought to bring order to chaotic lands, using its power to bind malevolent forces and uphold justice.
Marvelkoni Seal of the Planes In this era, Marvelkoni became a tool for mages specializing in planar magic, used to seal rifts and prevent extraplanar entities from entering the material world.
Valoriken Binder of Arcane Fury Valoriken was known for its role in a great war, where it was used to subdue and bind powerful arcane entities unleashed during the conflict.
Volarink Restraint of the Wild In the hands of a druidic sect, Volarink was used to control and bind natural spirits that had grown too wild and dangerous for the world.
Rivalok Gavel of the Unruly Rivalok became an instrument of judgment against rogue magic users, binding their powers and preventing them from causing further harm.
Karivo Chain of Balance As Karivo, the flail was pivotal in maintaining the balance between magical and mundane worlds, preventing either from overpowering the other.
Rivok the Binder of the Unbound Rivok, in its final form, is an embodiment of control and containment. It is singularly focused on binding powerful entities, regardless of the moral implications or consequences of such actions.