
Shamshiel, the Undead's Bane

Weapon (longsword), artifact (requires attunement)

Magic Weapon: Shamshiel is a magical longsword that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

Damage: 1d8 slashing (1d10 when used with two hands).

Properties: Versatile.

Ethereal Scabbard: Shamshiel can be sent to an ethereal void and recalled with a thought. If the wielder dies, the weapon reappears next to the wielder's body.

Sun Blade: When drawn, Shamshiel emits bright light in a 200-foot radius. Creatures with darkvision or sensitivity to light are blinded unless they succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC set by opposed WIS check to suppress this ability).

Attack Undead: When undead are in line of sight and within 120 feet, the wielder must succeed on a contested Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to attack them.

Sun Beam (Recharge 5): Shamshiel can emit a beam of sunlight 10 feet wide and 45 feet long. Destroys undead with 20 HP or less within the beam; deals 2d10 + 10 radiant damage to other undead.

Dancer: The wielder can release Shamshiel to autonomously fight the nearest undead creature within 120 feet. An opposed Charisma check is required to recall the sword before its target is dead. If no undead are present, an opposed CHA check is needed to attack another target.

Sun Blast: Shamshiel can release a blast of sunlight in a 30-foot radius. Destroys undead with 20 HP or less; deals 4d6 + 8 radiant damage to other undead. The wielder is incapacitated for 1 round after using this ability. Recharges after a short rest.

Zoranti Death: Attacks that deal lethal damage on an undead can be converted to Zoranti damage, retrieving and destroying the soul of any slain undead creature, making resurrection impossible unless intervened by a deity.

Compelling Presence: Shamshiel exerts a compelling influence on any person within a 60-foot range (half the range of the domination feature). A creature that sees Shamshiel must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 9, half the DC of the domination feature) or feel an overwhelming desire to wield it.

Wielder Domination: Upon attunement, a character must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become dominated by Shamshiel, prioritizing the destruction of undead.

Sentience: Shamshiel is sentient, lawful good, with Intelligence 16, Wisdom 14, Charisma 18. It has hearing and darkvision up to 120 feet and communicates telepathically.

Personality: Shamshiel possesses a zealous and unwavering spirit, dedicated to the eradication of undead. It encourages its wielder to pursue this mission with fervor, often compelling action against undead entities.


Name Purpose Description
Thalassodermni Purifier of Spirits In its earliest form as Thalassodermni, the sword was used by a famed exorcist. It had a nascent sentience and was beginning to develop its distinct aversion to undead, aiding in purifying haunted locales.
Marshlandiest Slayer of Ghouls As Marshlandiest, the sword was in the hands of a renowned monster hunter. It was particularly effective against ghouls and other lesser undead, earning a reputation as a slayer of dark creatures.
Smitheranls Banisher of Evil In this era, Smitheranls belonged to a knight of a holy order. It was known for its role in several key battles against necromancers, where it helped banish powerful undead beings.
Thrashmiles Light in Darkness Thrashmiles illuminated the path for a group of adventurers delving into cursed crypts. Its growing power and light were key in surviving and purging the undead-infested depths.
Marshielsh Guardian of the Grave Marshielsh served as a guardian weapon in the hands of a tomb sentinel, protecting sacred burial sites from desecration by the undead and those who would raise them.
Shamshiel the Undead's Bane In its current, most powerful form, Shamshiel is an artifact of great power and determination, utterly devoted to the destruction of undead. Its abilities and sentience are fully developed, making it a formidable weapon against all forms of undead.