
Vorshen, the Mage Hunter

Weapon (dual-bladed scythe), legendary (requires attunement)

Magic Weapon: Vorshen is a magical dual-bladed scythe that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

Damage: 2d4 slashing + 1d6 necrotic.

Properties: Two-Handed, Heavy, Reach.

Anti-Magic Field: Once per short rest, as an action, the wielder can activate an anti-magic field (as per the Anti-Magic Field spell, except the wielder and their magical effects are unaffected by this affect) for 1 minute. The field extends 20 feet around Vorshen.

Magic Detection: Vorshen can detect the presence of magic within 120 feet. It does not reveal the location but alerts the wielder to the presence.

Arcane Disruption Strike: When Vorshen hits a creature that can cast spells or use magical abilities, there's a 25% chance that the target cannot cast any spells or use magical abilities until they have had a short rest.

Soul Harvest: If the wielder chooses, a creature slain by Vorshen has its soul absorbed and destroyed, making resurrection impossible unless the soul is reconstructed by a Wish spell or similar magic.

Compelling Presence: Vorshen can exert a compelling influence on any person within a 30-foot range. A creature that Vorshen sees, as an action, they must succeed on a DC 9 Intelligence saving throw or feel an overwhelming desire to pick up and wield Vorshen. This effect can be attempted once per day on any particular individual.

Wielder Domination: When a character attunes to Vorshen, they must succeed on a DC 18 Intelligence saving throw or become dominated by the scythe's will. While dominated, the wielder prioritizes hunting and eliminating magic users, often interpreting situations to fit this purpose. A dominated wielder can attempt a new saving throw each day to break free from Vorshen's influence.

Sentience: Vorshen is a sentient chaotic neutral weapon with an Intelligence of 17, a Wisdom of 15, and a Charisma of 19. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet and can communicate telepathically with its attuned wielder.

Personality: Vorshen despises the misuse of magic and seeks to eliminate those it deems corrupt. It is cunning and manipulative, often presenting compelling arguments to its wielder to pursue its goals.


Name Purpose Description
Phantomsliver Sorcerer's Foe In its earliest form as Phantomsliver, the weapon was wielded by a mage-hunter who sought to balance the use of magic in the world, targeting only those who misused their powers.
Northmeisval Arcane Equalizer As Northmeisval, the scythe passed into the hands of a vigilante who saw themselves as an equalizer against the rising power of arcane users, hunting those who gained too much influence.
Marvelshotn Bane of the Corrupt In this era, Marvelshotn was used by a sect dedicated to eradicating corruption in magical circles. The scythe gained notoriety for its effectiveness against spellcasters who strayed from their ethical paths.
Thronsalve Anti-Magic Avenger As Vorshelemar, the weapon became a symbol of vengeance against abusive magic users. It was often used in battles where magic was exploited for personal gain or to oppress others.
Shoalnver Guardian of Balance Shoalnver was wielded by a group of warriors who viewed themselves as guardians of magical balance, intervening in situations where magic threatened the natural order.
Harvenso Harvester of Souls In the hands of a solitary wanderer, Harvenso was feared for its soul-harvesting ability, particularly targeting those who used dark magic or necromancy.
Vorshen the Mage Hunter Vorshen, in its final and most powerful form, is an embodiment of anti-magic sentiment. It actively seeks the destruction of mages it deems unworthy or corrupt, driven by a deep-seated hatred for the misuse of magical powers.