Dream Realm

Nature of the Dream Realm

The Dream Realm is a unique and multifaceted plane within the cosmos, where the subconscious minds of dreaming beings intersect and manifest their innermost thoughts, desires, and fears. Unlike other mystical realms that exist independently of the perceivers, the Dream Realm is shaped and reshaped by the dreams of all sentient creatures, making it a constantly evolving tapestry of fantasy and emotion.


The landscape of the Dream Realm is as varied as the dreams that create it, encompassing everything from surreal, fantastical sceneries to hyper-realistic environments. It is a place where the laws of physics and logic do not apply, allowing for landscapes that shift and change, driven by the narrative of individual dreams. Here, entire worlds can be born from the mundane, the magical, the perverse, and the pleasurable, reflecting the limitless potential of imagination.


The inhabitants of the Dream Realm are primarily the dreamers themselves, who visit the realm in an ethereal, projected form while they sleep. Besides these transient visitors, the realm is populated by native entities and manifestations of emotions, concepts, and symbols. These beings range from benign guides and protectors to malevolent figures representing deep-seated fears and anxieties. Some entities are thought to be sentient aspects of the Dream Realm itself, embodying the collective unconscious of dreaming species.

Role in the Cosmos

The Dream Realm serves as a nexus of subconscious thought, a space where the mental and emotional energies of all dreaming beings converge. It plays a critical role in the psychological and emotional health of sentient creatures, offering a space for processing, understanding, and sometimes confronting their innermost thoughts and feelings.

Navigating the Dream Realm is a journey through one's subconscious, with the landscape and events reflecting aspects of the dreamer's psyche. Travel in this realm is not through physical movement but through the flow of the dream narrative. The realm responds to the emotions and desires of the dreamer, often leading them through sequences that range from wish-fulfillment to nightmare.

Unique Aspects of the Dream Realm

Dream Manifestations

Dreams manifest in this realm in vivid detail, creating environments that can be as fantastical or as ordinary as the dreamer's mind allows. These manifestations can fulfill the dreamer's deepest desires or darkest fears, from the most whimsical fantasies to the most intimate experiences.

Dangers of Dream Travel

Traveling to the Dream Realm via dreams carries inherent risks. While death in most dreams does not typically result in physical harm to the dreamer, those who enter the realm through conscious astral projection or magical means can indeed die in both the Dream Realm and the real world if they perish within the dream. This danger adds a perilous edge to adventures within this plane.

Awakening and Control

When a dreamer begins to realize they are dreaming and gains lucidity, they gain a degree of control over the dream environment. However, the Dream Realm resists such manipulation; heightened awareness and control often lead to the dreamer being expelled from the realm as they approach full consciousness, returning them to their waking reality.

Guidelines for Dreamers

  1. Awareness and Lucidity: Dreamers who become aware they are dreaming may attempt to control their surroundings. However, this can lead to destabilization of the dream and eventual expulsion from the Dream Realm.
  2. Safety and Protection: Those entering the Dream Realm through magical means should employ protections against its more dangerous inhabitants and the possibility of death within the dream affecting their physical body.
  3. Interactions and Consequences: Actions and interactions within the Dream Realm can have psychological effects that persist into waking life, impacting the dreamer's mental and emotional well-being.

The Dream Realm stands as one of the most enigmatic and personal of the mystical planes, a place where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, and where the inner workings of the mind are laid bare. Its ever-changing nature and the personal significance of its landscapes and narratives make it a realm of endless possibilities and hidden dangers, reflecting the complexity of the dreaming mind.


In the Dream Realm, a domain of boundless imagination and deep subconscious currents, several unique and significant locations exist beyond the individual dreamscapes of its visitors. These locations are integral to the realm's structure and function, each serving a specific purpose within the broader tapestry of dream and nightmare.

Hall of Dreams

The Hall of Dreams is a vast, ethereal library where every dream is stored within a crystal, glowing softly with the essence of countless sleeping minds. These crystals are meticulously cataloged in extensive books, allowing for the dreams to be revisited or studied. The hall is overseen by the Lord of Dream, a powerful entity who governs the Dream Realm, ensuring the balance between the whimsical and the terrifying, guiding the dream narratives according to the mysterious rules of this place.

Mirror Lake

Mirror Lake is a serene yet haunting body of water where newcomers to the Dream Realm are first deposited. The lake's surface reflects not just the physical appearance of those who gaze into it but also their deepest fears and past nightmares. These reflections feel intensely real to the observer, often serving as a test or a purification rite before they can journey deeper into the realm.

Field of Rest

A paradox within a realm of endless dreams, the Field of Rest is a sprawling, peaceful meadow where sleep brings no dreams. Those who lay down here are enveloped in an overwhelming sense of tranquility, risking eternal slumber. It's a place of ultimate escape and forgetting, where memories and desires fade into the endless quiet.

Wooded Nightmare

The Wooded Nightmare is an ever-moving forest, a manifestation of collective fears that seeks to engulf pleasant dreams and turn them into terrifying nightmares. The trees whisper with voices of dread, and shadows move with malicious intent. Mortals who find themselves within its grasp face their darkest fears, battling not just for their sanity but for escape from a seemingly sentient adversary.

Sky of Wishes

A mesmerizing expanse where the night sky is always visible, filled with stars that represent unfulfilled wishes and unspoken desires. Travelers can reach towards a star and experience a vision of a wish's potential fulfillment, offering insight or solace but sometimes also regret for what might never be.

Maze of Mirrors

An intricate labyrinth constructed from mirrors that reflect not just images but possibilities, showing different paths one's life could have taken. Navigating the Maze of Mirrors requires confronting alternate realities and the choices that lead to them, a psychological journey that can be enlightening or harrowing.

The Forgotten City

Ruins of a once-majestic city that now only exists within the Dream Realm, inhabited by figments of imagination and echoes of past lives. It's said to be a place where lost memories go, and travelers can wander its streets and buildings to uncover secrets long forgotten in the waking world.

Each of these locations within the Dream Realm offers a unique exploration of the psyche, from the depths of fear and regret to the heights of wishes and desires. Governed by the enigmatic Lord of Dream, the realm stands as a testament to the power of the subconscious mind, a place of infinite possibility bounded only by the limits of imagination.

Lord of Dream

Title: Lord of Dream

Alignment: True Neutral

Domains: Dreams, Secrets, Nightmares, Subconscious


The Lord of Dream appears as a constantly shifting entity, its form changing to reflect the dreams and fears of those who behold it. To some, it might appear as a benevolent guardian cloaked in starlight, while to others, a shadowy figure with eyes that pierce the soul. Its true form, if it indeed has one, is unknown, embodying the very essence of the Dream Realm itself.


The Lord of Dream is enigmatic and inscrutable, driven by motivations and purposes beyond the understanding of mortal minds. It embodies the dual nature of dreams, capable of both nurturing growth and invoking terror. Despite its immense power, it rarely interferes directly in the affairs of dreamers, preferring to guide, observe, and occasionally manipulate the fabric of dreams to maintain the balance of the Dream Realm.


  • Dream Omniscience: The Lord of Dream has an innate knowledge of all dreams that occur within its realm, able to recall any dream in perfect detail and understand the deepest desires and fears of all beings.
  • Manipulation of Dreams: It can alter, create, or dissolve dreams at will, shaping the Dream Realm according to its will or to teach lessons to those who traverse its domain.
  • Master of Secrets: By accessing the crystalline archives of dreams, the Lord of Dream holds the keys to countless secrets, including those hidden even from the gods.
  • Control Over Nightmares: It wields the power to summon or banish nightmares, using them as agents to challenge, test, or punish dreamers as it sees fit.
  • Immortality: As a manifestation of the Dream Realm itself, the Lord of Dream is beyond death or any form of physical harm, existing as long as the concept of dreams does.

Role in Adventures

The Lord of Dream serves as a powerful ally, adversary, or a neutral party, depending on the nature of the adventurers' quests and how they align with the balance of the Dream Realm. It can offer guidance, wisdom, and assistance, or pose challenges to test the mettle and resolve of those who venture into its domain. Its knowledge of secrets makes it a valuable source of information, though its assistance often comes with a price or a lesson.


The Lord of Dream, while nearly omnipotent within the Dream Realm, is bound to the realm itself. Its influence wanes in the waking world, and it cannot exert its full power beyond the boundaries of its domain. Its existence is tied to the concept and continuity of dreams; should anything threaten the fundamental nature of dreaming itself, it would be at risk.

Interaction with PCs

Characters may seek out the Lord of Dream for knowledge, to uncover secrets, or for assistance in navigating the perils of the Dream Realm. The Lord of Dream may also take an interest in characters who possess unique dreams or who threaten the balance of its realm, presenting them with challenges that test their understanding of themselves or offering cryptic advice that guides their journey. Encounters with this entity are profound, often leaving adventurers with more questions than answers, and a deepened understanding of the power and mystery of dreams.