Plane of Time

Nature of the Plane of Time

The Plane of Time is an extraordinary realm where the concepts of past, present, and future are not linear but instead exist simultaneously and interactively. It's a dimension where the flow of moments converges, allowing for a unique exploration of temporal phenomena and the possibility of traversing and understanding the vast tapestry of existence in ways that defy mundane comprehension.


The landscape of the Plane of Time is abstract and fluid, characterized by regions that represent different epochs and possibilities. Timeless zones, where time stands still, coexist alongside areas where moments can pass in the blink of an eye or stretch out indefinitely. These regions are not bound by physical laws as understood in the material world but are instead shaped by the flow of time itself, creating environments that can change from ancient pasts to possible futures within a few steps.


The Plane of Time is home to beings such as Timekeepers and Chronomancers, entities with the ability to navigate and manipulate the temporal currents. These beings serve as guardians and guides within the plane, overseeing the integrity of time's flow and the myriad pathways that branch through history and possibility. The Time Master, a figure of immense power and wisdom, reigns over the plane, ensuring the balance and continuity of time's endless cycle.

Role in the Cosmos

The Plane of Time plays a crucial role in the cosmos by maintaining the continuum of existence and allowing for the exploration of alternate timelines and what-if scenarios. It acts as a repository of all that has been and all that could be, offering a unique perspective on the nature of reality and the interconnectedness of events across the multiverse.

Mystical Attributes

  • Abstract Nature: The Plane of Time embodies the abstract essence of time, transcending physical boundaries to influence reality, fate, and destiny. It's a realm where time's flow can be witnessed and interacted with, providing insights into the progression of existence and the potential to alter or understand the course of events.
  • Temporal Anomalies: The plane is riddled with temporal anomalies and paradoxes, areas where time behaves unpredictably, offering challenges and opportunities for those who navigate its complex currents.
  • Source of Time Magic: As the heart of temporal magic, the plane offers access to powerful time-related artifacts and spells, serving as a mystical resource for those skilled in the arcane arts of chronomancy.

Impact on Travelers

Mortals venturing into the Plane of Time may find themselves able to witness events from the past or potential futures, but they must navigate carefully to avoid becoming lost in time or inadvertently altering the course of history. The plane's guardians are ever vigilant against such disruptions, guiding or intervening to preserve the temporal balance.

Timeless Zones

Within the plane, there are pockets of existence where time stands utterly still, known as Timeless Zones. These areas offer sanctuary from the relentless march of time, allowing beings to ponder eternity, make pivotal decisions, or seek respite from the cosmic flow of events. However, lingering too long in these zones can detach one from the temporal stream, risking disconnection from the natural progression of their own timeline.

The Plane of Time is a realm where the past, present, and future coalesce into a singular, mystical continuum. It offers a unique canvas for adventures that seek to explore the depths of existence, challenge the confines of reality, and perhaps even alter the threads of destiny woven through the fabric of the cosmos.


Time Halls of History

Within the Plane of Time, the Time Halls of History stand as a monumental archive, housing the collective memory of the multiverse. These vast halls contain an infinite number of moments, preserved and continuously replaying like echoes of existence. Time Lords frequent these archives, studying the intricate web of cause and effect that has shaped realities. While the events displayed here offer invaluable insights, they remain immutable, a rule strictly enforced by the plane's guardians to prevent temporal paradoxes.

The Infinifold

The Infinifold is a sprawling, labyrinthine complex that embodies the plane's nature, stretching across dimensions to encompass every conceivable timeline and its quantum variations. It's a place where reality diverges and converges, presenting travelers with a kaleidoscope of what might have been or could yet be. As individuals navigate its paths, they're granted glimpses into alternate destinies, understanding the fragility and malleability of fate.

Chronal Convergence

At the heart of the Plane of Time lies the Chronal Convergence, a dazzling nexus where temporal threads from countless timelines intertwine. This focal point offers a unique vantage, enabling one to observe and traverse the junctions of personal or historical timelines. It is here that the fabric of time is most malleable, allowing for journeys across one's life span or pivotal moments in the cosmos, though such travel is heavily regulated by the Time Masters to maintain temporal integrity.

Temporal Tides

The Temporal Tides are the dynamic currents that dictate the ebb and flow of time throughout the plane. These forces of temporal entropy and causality create a navigable stream, enabling movement through history and the future. Mastery over these tides is essential for any who wish to traverse the plane's vast expanse, offering a means to witness the universe's birth or its end, subject to the strict laws that govern temporal manipulation.

The Epochal Expanse

An endless desert where each grain of sand represents a moment in time, the Epochal Expanse stretches beyond horizons, encapsulating the eternity of existence. Travelers here experience the overwhelming vastness of time, with mirages showing fleeting glimpses of past civilizations and future societies, illustrating the transient nature of all things.

The Paradox Pinnacles

A series of towering cliffs and valleys where time loops and folds upon itself, creating paradoxes that defy logic. This area is treacherous, with paths that lead travelers to meet themselves or witness events from an impossible perspective. Only the most experienced Time Navigators dare to explore its depths, and even they tread lightly to avoid unraveling their own timelines.

The Chronoquarium

A serene, underwater realm where time flows like water, the Chronoquarium is home to memories and moments that have a fluid, changing nature. Observers can dive into specific streams to relive memories or explore the undercurrents of what was once considered fixed and immutable. It's a place of reflection and understanding, revealing the depth and complexity of personal and collective histories.

The Futurescape Fields

Vast plains where the potential futures of the multiverse bloom like flowers in an endless meadow. Each blossom represents a possible outcome, with the landscape continually changing as futures are born and wither away. This region is particularly sought after by visionaries and prophets, seeking to glean insights into what might come to pass.

Each location within the Plane of Time offers a unique perspective on the continuum of existence, challenging the perceptions of those who journey through it and providing unparalleled opportunities for discovery, reflection, and interaction with the very essence of time itself.