Welcome to the Physical Realms


The Physical Planes of the Cosmos encompass a diverse and intricate tapestry of realms, each embodying the fundamental elements and forces that govern existence. From the steadfast solidity of the Mineral Plane to the boundless depths of the Tidal Realm, these planes collectively form the foundation of the material universe. The Nexus serves as the gravitational heart, anchoring the cosmos and dictating the physical laws that allow for the balance and interaction between the planes. Above, the Zephyr Realm stretches endlessly, a domain of air and ceaseless motion, while the Shattered Domain reveals the divine aspect of reality, where gods and their followers navigate a landscape shaped by faith and power.

Each plane offers unique landscapes, inhabitants, and phenomena, reflecting the diverse aspects of elemental and metaphysical forces. The Mineral Plane, with its endless expanses of pure elemental earth, hosts a variety of terrains, from towering mountains of metal to deep caverns of precious gems. The Tidal Realm, an infinite ocean without surface or air, teems with life and mystery, its waters glowing with an ethereal light. The Nexus, a realm of varying gravity, challenges the very notion of up and down, hosting islands adrift in its ever-changing gravitational fields. The Zephyr Realm invites beings to soar through its skies, where floating islands and shifting currents offer a realm of freedom and exploration. Meanwhile, the Shattered Domain serves as a celestial mosaic, a realm fragmented into divine territories, each governed by deities drawing power from the devotion of their followers.

Together, the Physical Planes offer a complex and dynamic universe for adventurers to explore, each plane interwoven with the others through a delicate balance of forces. Here, the elemental and the divine converge, creating a cosmos rich with opportunities for discovery, challenge, and understanding the fundamental nature of existence. It is within these planes that the stories of heroes are forged, where the mysteries of the universe unfold, and the endless dance of creation and destruction continues.

The Prime Plane

The Prime Plane, often referred to as the central jewel of the cosmos, is a realm where the forces of magic and the material world converge in a breathtaking tapestry of life, energy, and possibility. As the foundational plane from which all others diverge, it represents the perfect equilibrium between the mystical energies of the Arcana and the shadowy depths of The Dim, embodying both the light and darkness inherent in existence. This balance is crucial, as it provides the Prime with its vibrant diversity of life forms and ecosystems, making it a nexus of not just magical and elemental forces, but of all conceivable contrasts and harmonies.

The Prime is also the physical manifestation of the universe's elemental forces, drawing from the essences of the Mineral Plane, The Tidal Realm, The Zephyr, and The Ember. These elements of earth, water, air, and fire interlace to form the Prime's physical reality, creating a rich and dynamic world that is both diverse in its landscapes and abundant in its life forms. The interplay of these elements, governed by the gravitational pull from The Nexus, ensures that the Prime remains a stable yet ever-evolving plane, capable of supporting a wide range of existences.

Moreover, the Prime Plane is not just a singular world but a universe filled with countless stars, planets, and galaxies, each holding the potential for life and magic. Among these celestial bodies, Dort stands as a key world known for its connections to other realms, serving as a focal point for adventures that span across the cosmos. The presence of portals, such as the one on Dort, hints at the intricate network of gateways that bind the worlds of the Prime Plane together, offering pathways to explore the unknown reaches of the universe.

As the heart of the physical realms, the Prime Plane is a testament to the intricate balance that sustains the cosmos. It is a realm where the mystical and the material, the elemental and the ethereal, intertwine to create a universe teeming with possibilities, adventures, and mysteries waiting to be uncovered. In the grand scheme of the cosmos, the Prime stands as a beacon of balance and diversity, inviting all who dwell within to explore the depths of its magic and the breadth of its horizons.


The Arcana Plane pulsates with the raw essence of sorcery - an elemental realm from whence all fey and faerie folk once emerged. Its protean landscapes give form to the boundless versatility of spellcraft, morphing according to the careless dreams of ancient powers. Enchanted woodlands frolic beside realms of orderly and anarchic magic alike in vivid dimensions, painting the plane in sumptuous danger.

Myriad creatures now dwell amid the Arcana's richness - from puckish fey motes to archmages whose eyes harness forgotten starfire. All bear the plane's arcane genesis in their blood, wielding innately the magics its earth bestowed. For the archmages raised up a mythic barrier long ago at the gods' behest, to temper the uncontrolled flow of magic into mortal soil. Thus passage now relies on ensorcelled ritual and pact-bargains with those who guard the hidden ways.

Still arcanists and thrill-seekers seek access to its hidden archives of eldritch power and long-lost arcana. The plane's abundant mana and untamed forces promise vaulted mastery to those who survive its tests. For within the Arcana churns still the quickening torrent of creation's kindled spark - an elemental font forever yielding new anomalies for those daring or foolish enough to draw from its currents. None return unaltered.

The Dim

The Dim, once known as the Plane of Dusk, exists as a shadowed mirror to the Prime Plane, embodying the essence of darkness, mystery, and the uncanny. This realm is characterized by its perpetual twilight, where the light is scarce, and the landscape reflects a twisted version of the Prime Plane's beauty. Here, forests stand petrified, mountains loom ominously, and rivers flow with murky waters, creating a world that is hauntingly beautiful yet inherently desolate. The Dim serves as a stark reminder of the cosmos's balance, offering a counterpoint to the vibrancy found within the Prime and Arcana Planes.

Inhabiting this dimly lit realm are creatures and beings that have adapted to its unique conditions, from shadowy echoes of familiar creatures to unique entities born of darkness. Magic in The Dim is a rare and precious commodity, with its ambient environment draining the potency of arcane energies. Despite this, certain locations within The Dim brim with dark wonders and perilous adventures. The City of Shadows, governed by the enigmatic Lord Nocturnus, stands as a bastion of civilization amidst the darkness, its streets illuminated by dim, magical lanterns and its markets bustling with trade in rare commodities found nowhere else.

Key locations within The Dim, such as the Well of Void, the Carnivorous Forest, the Tower of Shadows, and the Cavern of Echoing Night, offer adventurers unique challenges and rewards. The Well of Void, located in the heart of the City of Shadows, is known for its ability to drain magical items of their enchantment, serving as both a defensive measure and a testament to the fragile nature of magic within this plane. The Carnivorous Forest and the Cavern of Echoing Night are home to deadly flora and shadow monsters, respectively, challenging adventurers to navigate their dangers to uncover the secrets they guard.

The Dim's role in the cosmos is multifaceted, serving not only as a realm of dark reflection but also as a domain where the concepts of shadow and darkness are explored beyond their typical associations with evil. It provides a setting where adventurers can delve into the mysteries of the night, confront the creatures that lurk in the shadows, and discover the beauty that exists in darkness. The governance of the City of Shadows by Lord Nocturnus, a being of half-elf, half-shade heritage, adds a layer of intrigue and complexity, illustrating the delicate balance of power and survival in a world where light is a scarce blessing.

The Dim is a realm of endless night that offers a unique blend of beauty, peril, and mystery. It challenges adventurers to navigate its shadowed landscapes, engage with its enigmatic inhabitants, and unravel the mysteries that lie hidden in its darkness. As a pivotal component of the physical planes, The Dim enriches the cosmos with its dark allure, proving that even in the absence of light, life and magic find a way to thrive.

The Ember

The Ember plane is a realm where the primal essence of fire shapes every corner, creating a world of extreme heat, light, and energy. Dominated by landscapes such as volcanic mountain ranges, vast deserts of smoldering ash, and expansive seas of molten lava, this plane is a vivid illustration of fire's dual nature as both creator and destroyer. The air, thick with the scent of sulfur and filled with the heat of unquenched flames, challenges all who dare to explore this incendiary world.

Inhabitants of The Ember, from fire elementals and salamanders to fire giants and efreeti, have adapted to thrive in its blistering conditions, building civilizations around volcanic vents and mastering the art of survival in a land where fire reigns supreme. The City of Brass, a floating metropolis within a colossal brass enclosure, stands as a pinnacle of magical and engineering achievement, serving as a bustling hub of commerce, culture, and arcane study for the plane's diverse population.

The Ember offers a realm of unparalleled challenge and opportunity for adventurers and scholars alike, inviting those who seek to unlock the secrets of elemental fire and to experience the awe-inspiring beauty of a world forged in flame.

The Mineral Plane

The Mineral Plane is a vast and formidable realm dominated by the elemental essence of earth in its myriad forms. It is a world of incredible diversity, where entire landscapes are composed of pure minerals, from sprawling plains of shifting sands to towering mountains of gleaming metal. The plane's beauty is matched only by its danger, as it is a land where stability is fleeting and the ground beneath one's feet can change without warning. Earthquakes frequently reshape the topography, creating new formations as quickly as they destroy old ones, and caverns and tunnels beneath the surface offer both opportunity and peril to those brave enough to explore them.

Among the notable locations within the Mineral Plane is "The Solid," a rare bastion of stability that hosts a small, resilient community. This settlement stands as a crucial hub for trade and exploration in an otherwise unpredictable realm. Beyond The Solid, the plane offers a wealth of exploration opportunities, from the Metallic Highlands, with their rich veins of precious metals, to the Crystal Labyrinths, illuminated by the soft glow of luminous gems. However, these treasures are fiercely guarded by the plane's inhabitants, including the mineral-consuming Xorn, which see the veins of precious metals as their rightful food source, leading to frequent conflicts with adventurers and miners.

The Mineral Plane serves as a captivating destination for those drawn to the elemental forces of the earth, offering untold riches and ancient secrets to those willing to face its challenges. Its diverse landscapes and the constant dynamic shifts in its environment make it a realm where only the most adaptable and daring thrive. From the unique ecosystems of The Stonewood Forests to the treacherous beauty of The Obsidian Fields, the Mineral Plane is a testament to the enduring and ever-changing nature of the elemental earth, inviting adventurers to uncover its depths and survive its trials.

The Nexus

The Nexus serves as the gravitational cornerstone of the cosmos, a domain where the forces of gravity not only shape the physical reality but also dictate the very dynamics of existence. It presents a landscape of profound variations, marked by areas where gravity shifts from overwhelming intensity to areas of near weightlessness. This plane holds a critical role as a nexus for travel between planes, despite the inherent risks presented by its fluctuating gravitational forces. Adventurers venturing into The Nexus encounter a realm where conventional orientations of up, down, and lateral are in constant flux, offering a uniquely disorienting yet fascinating experience.

Within The Nexus, features such as the formidable Gravity Wells, which include the dangerously attractive Crushing Black Hole and the repulsive White Hole, highlight the extreme aspects of this plane. The Fields of Floating provide sanctuaries of zero gravity amidst dense gravitational anomalies, while Celestial Forges utilize the plane's potent forces to create items of extraordinary power. Mount Titan also stands as a significant landmark, with a massive titan bearing an immeasurable burden, a silent sentinel whose task is rumored to be crucial for the cosmos's stability. These locations guide those navigating The Nexus, presenting both marvels and hazards to all who journey through.

The Nexus is an embodiment of the raw and intricate nature of gravity as an essential force within the universe. It compels visitors to adapt, think innovatively, and approach the omnipresent gravitational forces with respect. For those in pursuit of pathways to other realms, mastering the ebb and flow of The Nexus's gravity can provide expedited routes across the cosmos, making it a valuable yet perilous conduit for the bold or reckless. Ultimately, The Nexus reveals the foundational structure of the universe, where gravity molds not only the physical realms but also the very essence of adventure and discovery.

The Shattered Domain

The Shattered Domain, also recognized as the Plane of Ix, unfolds as a celestial confluence of divine territories, each shaped by and under the dominion of a deity. This realm, born from the remnants of the primordial deity Ix, is a vast mosaic where territories are delineated by the essence and power of the residing gods. Arranged in a circular pattern, the plane visually manifests the cosmic balance, with realms of benevolence on one side and malevolence on the opposite, highlighting the eternal struggle between light and dark. The size and proximity of these divine lands vary, directly reflecting the strength of each god's worshipper base and their amassed soul coins, illustrating a dynamic map of divine influence and follower devotion.

At the heart of this divine tapestry lies the Ocean of Belief, encircling the central land mass known as Godless, a place for the souls of those who chose to live without worship or allegiance to any deity. This island, set amidst the panoramic view of the hundred deities’ domains, serves as a poignant reminder of the power of faith and the consequences of its absence. The unclaimed territories amongst these divine realms spark intrigue and speculation about potential undiscovered aspects of Ix, suggesting the existence of yet unknown gods. The Shattered Domain is a complex plane of divine politics, power shifts, and the interplay of belief, embodying the intricate relationships between the gods and their followers across the cosmos.

The Tidal Realm

The Tidal Realm is an immersive, endless ocean that defies traditional concepts of depth and surface, offering a unique elemental experience. Within this boundless expanse, there is no need for a sun, as the waters themselves emit a gentle, bluish-green glow, illuminating an aquatic world of diverse temperatures and salinities. This luminous environment supports a rich tapestry of life and varied ecosystems, where water elementals, luminescent marine creatures, and coral structures thrive in harmony.

Here, societies are fluid, mirroring the adaptability and resilience of their surroundings. Magic is as ubiquitous as the water, with inhabitants wielding it to shape their environment, communicate, and navigate the endless currents. For adventurers, the Tidal Realm is a plane of discovery, offering an endless ocean to explore, where the journey is not marked by distance but by the richness of experiences within the realm's serene and boundless waters.

The Zephyr

The Zephyr Realm is an expansive domain where air forms the basis of existence, presenting an endless sky filled with the purest forms of air, interspersed with pockets of various impurities. These impurities, ranging from clouds of all types, fog, steam, mist, and even rare elemental fire, create a dynamic and visually stunning atmosphere. The realm's unique composition allows for floating spheres of water and solid matter, including dust, ash, and larger chunks of earth, some of which have been brought into the plane by intelligent beings and now host vibrant communities or remnants of ancient civilizations.

Inhabiting this plane are creatures and beings adapted to a life suspended in the air, from majestic air elementals to diverse communities living on the floating islands of solid matter. The Zephyr Realm's inhabitants have developed cultures that embrace the fluidity and transience of their environment, with societies built on and around the ever-present currents and gusts that define their world. Magic here is as airy and ephemeral as the plane itself, with spellcasters learning to harness the winds, control the weather, and communicate across great distances through the air.

The Zephyr Realm offers a unique perspective on existence, emphasizing freedom, movement, and the inherent unpredictability of air. Adventurers and explorers who venture into this plane find themselves in a world where navigation requires an understanding of the ever-changing currents and where the landscape itself can shift from moment to moment. It's a realm of endless possibility, challenging those who traverse its skies to adapt, innovate, and embrace the boundless nature of the air that surrounds them.