
Layers of Paradiso

First Layer: Ordo Sanctus, Realm of Order and Harmony

Ordo Sanctus stands as the first and most fortified layer of Paradiso, a celestial bastion of law, order, and divine virtue. Governed by the radiant Azha, this realm serves as the initial sanctuary for ascending souls seeking refuge and enlightenment in the afterlife, as well as the primary line of defense against the encroachments of The Hells. It is a realm where the highest ideals of celestial harmony are not only upheld but woven into the very fabric of existence, creating a society where justice, peace, and compassion dictate the course of all actions.

In Ordo Sanctus, the architecture and natural landscapes are imbued with divine magic, reflecting the layer's commitment to balance and righteousness. From the majestic Gate of Ascension that welcomes worthy souls to the serene Gardens of Respite offering solace and healing, every aspect of Ordo Sanctus is designed to inspire and uplift. The realm is characterized by its brilliant light, which serves both as a beacon of hope to the righteous and a barrier against darkness and malevolence.

Despite its peaceful visage, Ordo Sanctus is ever-prepared for the eternal conflict with the forces of evil, embodying the paradox of a realm that is both a haven of tranquility and a fortress of celestial might. The inhabitants of Ordo Sanctus, from the humblest spirit to the mightiest archangel, are united in their purpose: to protect the sanctity of Paradiso, guide souls towards their ultimate redemption, and maintain the cosmic balance that underpins the universe.

Ordo Sanctus is not just a layer within the celestial hierarchy; it is the foundation upon which the virtues of the higher realms are built. It represents the first step in the soul's journey towards divine perfection, offering lessons in the virtues that define celestial existence. Under Azha's wise and benevolent rule, Ordo Sanctus stands as a beacon of the power of good, a reminder that even in the face of unending darkness, the light of order, virtue, and compassion will always prevail.


The Gate of Ascension
  • Fortified Gateway of Entry: The Gate of Ascension stands as a majestic, fortified entrance to Paradiso, symbolizing not only welcome to souls seeking elevation but also a formidable defense against any infernal attempts to breach sanctity. It is guarded by celestial warriors who embody the principles of justice and valor, ensuring vigilant protection.
  • Beacon of Resistance: This gate serves as the first line of defense, radiating divine light that repels darkness, signifying Ordo Sanctus's role as the guardian threshold of the higher, peaceful realms.
The Bastion of Light
  • Sanctuary and Stronghold: The Bastion of Light is both a guiding beacon for souls and a military fortress equipped for celestial warfare. It stands ready to mobilize against any threats, embodying the eternal vigilance required to maintain peace and order in the face of eternal conflict.
  • Command Center for Celestial Forces: Serving as the operational heart for the forces of good, this bastion coordinates the defense of Paradiso, ensuring that the virtues of Ordo Sanctus are protected and the layer remains an impenetrable shield against corruption.
Harmonia Regalis - Capital of Order
  • Strategic and Spiritual Capital: Harmonia Regalis is not just the administrative center of Ordo Sanctus but also a strategic command hub for the celestial armies. While it symbolizes the bureaucratic and judicial power of the layer, it also prepares and dispatches forces of light to contested fronts across the cosmos.
  • Beacon of Hope and Strength: The city's architecture blends beauty with defensibility, its spires serving both as beacons of hope and watchtowers. It's a place where strategy and spirituality converge, ensuring that the forces of good are always guided by wisdom and justice.
The Fields of Valor
  • Training Grounds of the Celestial Host: Reimagined from the Iron Fields, the Fields of Valor are where the celestial beings train in the arts of holy warfare, preparing their souls and sharpening their skills for the battles against the forces of darkness.
  • Visible Demonstration of Might: These fields exemplify the martial aspect of Ordo Sanctus, where the commitment to peace is matched by the readiness to defend it, ensuring that no infernal force can ever hope to desecrate the sanctity of Paradiso.
The Spires of Vigilance
  • Observatories and Garrisons: The Spires of Vigilance are equipped with both scrying tools to monitor demonic movements and garrisons of celestial soldiers ready to respond to threats. They embody Ordo Sanctus's proactive stance in the eternal war, ensuring that vigilance is as much a virtue as compassion.
  • Sentinels of the Celestial Order: Manned by angelic watchers, these spires are pivotal in maintaining the security of Ordo Sanctus and by extension, all of Paradiso, acting as both early warning systems and launch points for counter-offensives.
The Arsenal of Virtues
  • Armory of Sacred Weapons: Transforming the Archive of Laws into an arsenal, this location houses divine armaments and sacred artifacts designed for the celestial war effort. Each weapon and piece of armor is imbued with virtuous power, ready to be wielded in defense of the good.
  • Repository of Battle Lore: Besides weapons, the Arsenal contains scrolls and tomes detailing strategies, enemy weaknesses, and records of past conflicts, serving as a knowledge base for the ongoing war against evil.
The Coliseum of Champions
  • Arena of Celestial Might: The Coliseum of Champions is where the celestial beings test their strength and prowess in friendly competition, but also where they honor the heroes of their eternal struggle. It's a place of inspiration, where tales of valor fortify the resolve of Paradiso's defenders.
  • Memorial of Sacrifice: Beyond a venue for contests, this coliseum stands as a living memorial to those who have fallen in the battle against The Hells, ensuring their sacrifices are forever remembered and honored.
The Concord Market
  • Bazaar of Unity and Support: This marketplace is where celestial beings exchange not goods, but vows of support and solidarity, reinforcing the bonds between the various orders and choirs. It reflects the communal spirit of Ordo Sanctus, united in purpose against a common foe.
  • Center of Celestial Artisans: The market also showcases the creations of celestial artisans—items imbued with blessings and protective magics, crafted not for commerce but for mutual aid in the ongoing battle against darkness.
The Gardens of Respite
  • Sanctuaries for Warriors: The Gardens of Respite offer a place of healing and rejuvenation for those wearied by the eternal conflict, a peaceful haven within the fortified realm. Here, warriors of light can recover, meditate, and reconnect with the divine source of their strength.
  • Wellsprings of Courage: These gardens also serve as a spiritual armory, where the virtues of courage, faith, and hope are renewed, ensuring that the defenders of Paradiso are spiritually equipped to face the horrors of The Hells.
The Maze of Miracles
  • Labyrinth of Divine Intervention: This intricate network of paths is filled with divine mysteries and miracles, a place where celestial beings seek guidance and blessings for their battles. It is a spiritual journey that reaffirms their purpose and divine support in the struggle against evil.
  • Sanctuary for Strategic Insight: The maze also functions as a place where strategies and divine interventions are revealed to the leaders of the celestial host, ensuring that their tactics are always one step ahead of the infernal enemy, guided by the wisdom of the divine.

Each location in "Ordo Sanctus" is a fortress of virtue, prepared for the eternal conflict with The Hells, yet never losing sight of the higher principles of law, order, and goodness that define this celestial realm.

Second Layer: Copia Sanctus, Abundance and Generosity

Copia Sanctus, the second layer of Paradiso, is a celestial realm epitomizing abundance, generosity, and communal well-being. Governed by the celestial archon Astrion, it stands in stark contrast to the greed-driven planes, offering a sanctuary where wealth—be it knowledge, resources, or magical gifts—is shared freely among its inhabitants. The realm fosters an environment where the principles of selflessness and collective prosperity are not just ideals but the very foundation of society. Here, generosity is the highest virtue, and the well-being of the community transcends individual gain, making Copia Sanctus a true embodiment of celestial harmony and generosity.

Locations in Copia Sanctus

The Great Hall of Sharing
  • Sanctuary of Generosity: The Great Hall is a vast, open pavilion where goods, services, and blessings are freely given and received. It is a hub of communal exchange, adorned with symbols of unity and abundance, radiating with the warmth of shared prosperity.
  • Culture of Giving: Here, the act of giving is celebrated, with no expectation of return. The hall fosters a spirit of selflessness, where the well-being of the community is elevated above individual gain.
Palace of Benevolence
  • Monument to Altruism: The Palace of Benevolence serves as a striking symbol of the layer's dedication to kindness and generosity. Constructed from gleaming white stone and living vines, its architecture is both magnificent and inviting, showcasing the open-hearted nature of its inhabitants.
  • Home of the Guardian: The guardian of Copia Sanctus resides in this palace, not as a ruler in a seat of power, but as the first among equals, guiding the realm in acts of kindness and the distribution of its bountiful resources.
The Fields of Plenty
  • Harvests for All: These endless fields produce a miraculous bounty, supplying an abundance of food that nourishes the entire layer. The Fields of Plenty are tended by joyful volunteers, embodying the principle that in giving, there is receiving.
  • Community Gatherings: Harvests are communal events where everyone contributes and partakes, celebrating the joy of life and the blessings of abundance in grand feasts open to all.
The Repository of Riches
  • Vaults of Shared Wealth: Unlike the vaults of Avaricia, these repositories are open to the public, safeguarding not just material wealth but knowledge, art, and magical items intended for the betterment of all. Security is minimal, for trust and respect govern its operations.
  • Well of Resources: The Repository functions as a central resource for those in need, whether they seek material aid, wisdom, or magical assistance. Its doors are always open, ensuring that no one in Copia Sanctus lacks for anything.
The Gardens of Eternal Spring
  • Havens of Rest and Growth: These gardens are a natural paradise, meticulously cared for by all inhabitants, offering beauty and rest to the weary. They are real, thriving ecosystems that symbolize the layer's dedication to nurturing life and spirit in harmony.
  • Reflections of Joy: Each garden path leads to spaces designed for communal enjoyment and personal meditation, where the beauty of nature and the joy of life are celebrated in every blossom and leaf.
The Scriptorium of Shared Knowledge
  • Library of Collective Wisdom: This grand library houses the collective knowledge and wisdom of Copia Sanctus, freely accessible to all. It is a place of learning and discovery, where knowledge is considered the highest form of wealth.
  • Centers of Learning: The Scriptorium is not just a repository of books and scrolls but a vibrant center of education, offering classes and lectures. Here, wisdom is shared openly, enriching the minds and souls of all who seek to learn.
The Forum of Unity
  • Assembly of Voices: The Forum is the democratic heart of Copia Sanctus, a place where all inhabitants can gather to discuss and decide on matters affecting the community. It epitomizes the layer's principles of equality and collective decision-making.
  • Harmony in Discourse: Debates and discussions in the Forum are conducted with respect and a genuine desire to reach consensus, reflecting the layer's commitment to understanding and unity over conflict and division.
The Wellspring of Miracles
  • Source of Celestial Magic: At the center of Copia Sanctus lies a radiant wellspring, whose waters are said to perform miracles of healing and rejuvenation. It is a place of pilgrimage, healing, and reflection, symbolizing the endless generosity of the celestial realm.
  • Gift of the Divine: The Wellspring's magic is freely offered to all who need it, embodying the essence of Copia Sanctus: that the greatest treasures are those shared with open hearts and hands, in service to the well-being of others.

Third Layer: Lux Sanctus, Truth and Clarity

Lux Sanctus is the celestial layer renowned for its unwavering dedication to truth, clarity, and open communication. Governed by Verax, Oracle of the Divine, this realm stands as a bastion of honesty in a cosmos where deceit can often prevail. Illusions and falsehoods find no refuge here; instead, transparency and the light of understanding illuminate every corner, creating an environment where trust and mutual understanding flourish. In Lux Sanctus, the pursuit of truth is both a personal journey and a communal endeavor, fostering a society where integrity forms the foundation of all interactions and decisions.


The Pillars of Truth
  • Sanctuaries of Enlightenment: Towering structures radiating with light, where individuals seek personal revelations and universal truths. These pillars are places of meditation and insight, revealing the inner truths of all who visit.
The Crystal Halls of Clarity
  • Centers of Learning and Discussion: Expansive halls made entirely of transparent crystal, facilitating unobstructed communication and understanding. Here, scholars and seekers gather for open dialogue, debates, and the sharing of knowledge without deception.
The Reflecting Waters
  • Mirrors of the Soul: Serene lakes and pools that reflect more than just physical appearances, showing visitors their true selves and intentions. The waters are sought after for personal reflection and the purification of one's thoughts and motives.
The Archives of the Ages
  • Library of Unaltered History: A vast repository containing the unredacted history of the cosmos. Scrolls, books, and artifacts within these archives offer unblemished accounts of the past, serving as an invaluable resource for understanding the present and future.
The Forum of Transparency
  • Arena of Open Discourse: A grand open-air forum designed for the free exchange of ideas, where truth is the only currency. In this space, no voice is silenced, and all perspectives are heard, fostering a community built on mutual respect and understanding.
The Beacon of Insight
  • Lighthouse of Divine Wisdom: A towering beacon emitting a guiding light, symbolizing the pursuit of enlightenment. It serves as both a literal and metaphorical guide for those lost in falsehood, leading them back to the path of truth.
The Garden of True Intentions
  • Horticultural Expression of Sincerity: A garden where the flora responds to the intentions of those who walk its paths. Plants bloom in the presence of genuine spirits, while withering away when faced with deceit, encouraging visitors to embrace sincerity.
The Pathways of Illumination
  • Roads of Discovery: These luminous pathways crisscross Lux Sanctus, guiding travelers not just through the realm but on journeys of personal discovery and enlightenment. Each path is an invitation to explore the depths of truth and the heights of one's own potential.
The Sanctum of Vows
  • Altar of Sacred Promises: A revered space where oaths are made with the divine as witness. In Lux Sanctus, vows taken in the Sanctum are unbreakable, binding the swearer with their own truth and integrity.
The Chamber of Reflection
  • Realm of Self-Examination: A secluded chamber where individuals are confronted with their actions and choices, stripped of any self-deception. This space is crucial for growth and redemption, offering a chance to reconcile with one's own truths.

Fourth Layer: Cura Sanctus, Compassion and Restraint

Cura Sanctus, under the serene guardianship of Paxa, the Seraph of Compassion, stands as a celestial realm where kindness, empathy, and restraint are the pillars of society. In stark contrast to realms driven by might and conquest, Cura Sanctus is a sanctuary of peace, offering solace and protection to those in need. Here, strength is measured by one's capacity for mercy, and actions are guided by a profound commitment to compassion and the welfare of all. It is a realm where every soul, regardless of its past, is embraced and nurtured towards healing and growth, embodying the ideal that true harmony is achieved through understanding and the gentle application of power.


The Haven of Refuge
  • Sanctuary for the Weary: A sanctuary that provides shelter and solace to those who have been harmed or are fleeing adversity. This haven is a place of healing and renewal, where the weary can find comfort and the strength to rebuild.
The Grove of Whispers
  • Counsel for the Troubled: A tranquil grove where the trees themselves seem to offer counsel and comfort to those in need. Whispering leaves carry words of encouragement and wisdom, helping visitors find peace and guidance in their struggles.
The Chambers of Reconciliation
  • Arena of Peaceful Resolution: Rooms dedicated to mediating conflicts and fostering understanding between disputing parties. Here, Paxa's influence ensures that even the most heated arguments are resolved with empathy and a commitment to mutual respect.
The Archives of Acts of Kindness
  • Repository of Compassionate Deeds: A library documenting the countless acts of kindness and selflessness that have taken place in Cura Sanctus. These archives serve as inspiration to all, highlighting the impact of compassion in action.
The Pool of Serenity
  • Waters of Reflection and Calm: A mystical pool whose waters mirror not just the physical appearance but the inner state of its visitors. Gazing into the pool, one can see the potential for peace and restraint within themselves, encouraging a path of nonviolence and understanding.
The Path of the Protector
  • Journey of the Guardian: A winding path that traverses Cura Sanctus, marked by statues commemorating the realm's protectors who have defended the oppressed. This path symbolizes the journey of guardianship, balancing strength with mercy.
The Garden of Mutual Growth
  • Harmony with Nature: A garden where plants and celestial creatures coexist, each nurturing the other. This space embodies the principle that true strength comes from supporting and protecting the vulnerable, fostering an ecosystem of mutual care and respect.
The Tower of Vigilance
  • Beacon of Protective Watchfulness: A tower from which guardians watch over Cura Sanctus, ready to offer aid wherever it is needed. The tower represents Paxa's commitment to protection, serving as a reminder that vigilance and strength are always wielded with compassion.
The Hall of Gentle Strength
  • Monument to Restraint: A hall that celebrates the use of power in the service of protection, not aggression. Exhibits and artefacts within the hall teach visitors about the history of Cura Sanctus's defenders and the importance of using one's abilities to foster peace and safety.
The Altar of Unity
  • Symbol of Collective Compassion: An altar where inhabitants of Cura Sanctus come together to pledge their commitment to the realm's ideals. Here, collective ceremonies are held to affirm the shared values of empathy, protection, and the judicious use of one’s power for the greater good.

Fifth Layer:Citadel, Justice and Vindication

Citadel, ruled by the majestic Celestial Dragon, stands as the embodiment of divine justice and retribution within the celestial realms. It is a fortress of righteousness where holy warriors and celestial beings are united under the banner of vindication and valor. Here, justice is not merely an ideal but an active pursuit against the forces of darkness. The realm's architecture and natural landscapes—ranging from the Scales of Justice to the Forge of Virtues—reflect its commitment to upholding the balance between mercy and judgment. Citadel is a realm where the wicked are purged through divine wrath, and the virtuous are protected and honored, ensuring that righteousness prevails across the cosmos.


For the fifth layer, Citadel, under the fierce and just rule of the Celestial Dragon, locations within this realm should reflect the themes of justice, retribution, and the unwavering pursuit of righteousness. Here are several locations that embody the layer's essence:

The Scales of Justice
  • Eternal Balance: A grand plaza where a monumental set of scales stands, symbolizing the delicate balance between justice and mercy. This is where the Celestial Dragon adjudicates the most complex cases, ensuring that justice is meted out with perfect fairness.
The Halls of Valor
  • Warriors' Sanctuary: A fortress-like structure serving as both a barracks and a hall of honor for the celestial warriors who serve the Celestial Dragon. The walls are adorned with the banners of the valorous, and the halls echo with the tales of heroic deeds.
The Crucible of Wrath
  • Purification Through Fire: A volcanic valley where the wicked are brought to face divine retribution. The fires are said to be fueled by the righteous anger of the Celestial Dragon, purging evil with unrelenting heat and leaving no darkness untouched.
The Archive of Deeds
  • Record of Righteousness and Sin: An extensive library that contains the records of all beings' deeds, both virtuous and vile. These archives are meticulously maintained by celestial scribes, ensuring that no act of wickedness escapes notice, nor any deed of goodness goes unrewarded.
The Bastion of the Faithful
  • Refuge of the Righteous: A fortified sanctuary where those who have been wronged or seek protection from evil forces find refuge. This bastion is a testament to the layer's commitment to safeguarding the innocent and upholding the tenets of justice.
The Arena of Trials
  • Grounds of Judgement: A colossal arena where disputes are settled through trial by combat, overseen by the Celestial Dragon. Only those causes deemed truly just are allowed to be contested here, with the Celestial Dragon ensuring that honor and law guide the outcome.
The Garden of Remembrance
  • Memorial of the Fallen: A tranquil garden dedicated to those who have fallen in the pursuit of justice. It serves as a place of reflection and remembrance, reminding all of the sacrifices made in the fight against evil.
The Tower of Vigilance
  • Watchtower of the Realm: A towering spire from which celestial sentinels watch over the realm, ever alert to signs of wickedness. The tower's beacon shines brightest in the darkest times, guiding lost souls to safety and warning of impending threats.
The Forge of Virtues
  • Armory of the Just: Where celestial weapons and armor are crafted, imbued with divine magic to aid in the battle against evil. The forge is run by celestial blacksmiths, whose creations are as beautiful as they are deadly, reserved for the most honorable warriors.
The Chasm of Penitence
  • Abyss of Redemption: A deep chasm where those who seek forgiveness for their misdeeds may embark on a trial of redemption. It is a perilous journey, reflecting the belief that redemption is possible, but it requires true repentance and transformation.

Sixth Layer: Sophia Astrum, Humility and Wisdom

Sophia Astrum, under the enlightened rule of Ivo, the Empyrean of Humility and Wisdom, stands as a celestial domain dedicated to the virtues of learning, introspection, and the collective pursuit of enlightenment. It is a realm where wisdom is revered, and humility is considered the greatest strength. Here, beings from diverse backgrounds congregate to share knowledge, engage in thoughtful discourse, and embark on personal journeys of intellectual and spiritual growth. Sophia Astrum is a testament to the belief that true understanding and enlightenment arise from a place of modesty, open-mindedness, and respect for the infinite diversity of perspectives within the cosmos.


The Grove of Contemplation
  • Sanctuary of Thought: A tranquil garden filled with ancient trees under whose branches philosophers, scholars, and seekers of truth gather to debate ideas, share knowledge, and meditate on life's mysteries.
The Halls of Insight
  • Libraries of Enlightenment: Vast libraries that house the collective wisdom of the cosmos. Each hall is dedicated to different realms of knowledge, from the sciences to the arts, inviting all who seek understanding to explore its depths.
The Fountain of Reflection
  • Wellspring of Self-Discovery: A mystical fountain whose waters are said to mirror the soul of the drinker, offering insights into one's innermost self and encouraging personal growth and humility in the pursuit of wisdom.
The Pathways of Virtue
  • Journeys of Enlightenment: A network of paths that wind through Sophia Astrum, each leading to monuments and shrines dedicated to virtues such as kindness, courage, and humility. Travelers on these paths undertake a spiritual and intellectual pilgrimage, seeking to embody these ideals.
The Forum of Discourse
  • Arena of Exchange: An open-air forum where beings from across the realms come to engage in dialogue, share ideas, and learn from one another. This space is a testament to the belief that wisdom grows from the sharing of perspectives and the respectful debate of ideas.
The Observatory of the Cosmos
  • Window to the Universe: An advanced observatory where astronomers and mystics study the stars and the fabric of the universe, seeking to unravel the celestial mysteries and understand the deeper truths of existence.
The Archives of the Ages
  • Repository of History: Secure vaults that contain the histories of countless civilizations, both mortal and divine. Scholars and historians dedicate their lives to studying these records, ensuring that the past's lessons inform the future's wisdom.
The Gardens of Serenity
  • Harmony with Nature: Gardens that exemplify the balance between nature and knowledge. Each plant, tree, and flower is chosen for its symbolic representation of a philosophical concept or virtue, offering lessons in harmony and interconnectedness.
The Sanctum of Solitude
  • Retreats of Reflection: Private chambers and cottages scattered throughout Sophia Astrum where individuals can retreat for periods of solitude and meditation, free from distractions, to ponder life's questions and their personal journeys of enlightenment.
The Circle of Unity
  • Symbol of Collective Wisdom: A grand amphitheater where leaders, thinkers, and citizens gather for ceremonies that celebrate the realm's achievements and reflect on the collective journey towards a brighter future. It stands as a reminder that wisdom and humility are not solitary pursuits but shared endeavors that unite all beings.

Seventh Layer: Caritas Astrum, Love and Devotion

Caritas Astrum, under the benevolent guardianship of Agapetos, the Seraphim of Love and Devotion, is a celestial realm where the principles of selfless love and unwavering devotion are not just ideals, but the very foundation of existence. This layer celebrates the profound connections that bind individuals together, from the deep, familial bonds to the noble dedication to altruistic causes. Unlike realms where love might be misconstrued as mere emotion or possession, Caritas Astrum elevates love to its highest form—sacrificial, pure, and transformative. Here, love is the giving of oneself for the good of another, embodying the true essence of devotion in every act and interaction.


The Gardens of Compassion
  • Sanctuary of Empathy: Expansive gardens where every plant and flower symbolizes a facet of love's many forms, from familial to platonic to selfless acts of kindness. Pathways lead visitors through areas dedicated to different expressions of compassion, encouraging reflection on love's impact on life.
The Hall of Heroes
  • Monuments of Sacrifice: A grand hall displaying statues and relics of those who have exemplified supreme acts of love and devotion. It serves as a place of inspiration, where stories of sacrifice for others are honored and remembered, igniting the spirit of selflessness in visitors.
The Reflecting Pools of Devotion
  • Mirrors of the Heart: Serene pools that mirror not just the physical form but reveal the depth of one's capacity for love and devotion. Visitors come to meditate by the waters, seeking clarity on how to deepen their connections and commitment to those they care about.
The Archives of Vows
  • Library of Promises: This archive houses millions of vows, oaths, and promises made out of love and devotion, from the simplest acts of kindness to the grandest declarations of love.
The Cloisters of Contemplation
  • Retreats for Reflection: Quiet, secluded cloisters where individuals can retreat to ponder the nature of love, explore the depths of their own hearts, or simply find peace in solitude. These spaces are designed to facilitate personal growth and understanding of love's true essence.
The Bridges of Connection
  • Pathways of Unity: These bridges span the realm's many landscapes, symbolizing the connections love creates between individuals. Each bridge is uniquely designed, representing the diverse ways in which love can bridge distances, differences, and difficulties.
The Altar of Sacrifice
  • Beacon of Selflessness: A sacred altar where individuals can make offerings or perform rituals in honor of loved ones, symbolizing the sacrifices made out of love. This space is sacred to those who wish to express gratitude or seek strength to make selfless choices.
The Circles of Fellowship
  • Gatherings of Shared Affection: Open spaces scattered throughout Caritas Astrum where people come together to celebrate relationships, share stories of love's impact on their lives, and support one another in their journeys of devotion.
The Chambers of Reunion
  • Sanctuaries of Reconnection: Special areas designed to facilitate reunions, whether between estranged friends, family members, or companions who have lost touch. These chambers are imbued with magic that aids in healing past wounds and fostering a renewed sense of love and understanding.

The Meadows of Serenity

  • Fields of Unconditional Love: Vast, open meadows where individuals are reminded of love's boundless nature. The serene environment encourages open-heartedness and the release of judgments, inviting visitors to experience love in its most unconditional form.

Eighth Layer: Satis Astrum, Temperance and Contentment

Countering Gula's excess, this layer embodies moderation and the joy of simplicity. It champions a life of balance and contentment, where desires are met with gratitude and the pursuit of excess gives way to the appreciation of life's simple pleasures.

Ninth Layer: Nova Astrum, Freedom and Creativity

The final layer opposes Anarchos's chaos with a celebration of individual freedom and creative expression. It is a realm of endless possibilities, where innovation and imagination are encouraged, and souls are free to explore their potential in a supportive and dynamic environment.

These nine layers of Paradiso form a celestial hierarchy that celebrates the virtues of law, generosity, honesty, compassion, equality, humility, love, temperance, and freedom. Each layer offers a unique perspective on the good that souls can aspire to, providing a multifaceted vision of paradise that nurtures and rewards the best aspects of the spirit.