
Avaricia: The Realm of Insatiable Greed

Welcome to Avaricia, the second layer of The Hells, a domain where unbridled greed and material exploitation are not just the norm but the law. In this realm, wealth dictates power, and the accumulation of riches is the ultimate pursuit. Avaricia is a world where the insatiable desire for wealth has corrupted the very essence of existence, turning every interaction into a transaction and every soul into a commodity.

The Nature of Avaricia

Avaricia is a plane that epitomizes the sin of greed in its most extreme and unapologetic form. It's a realm where opulence and luxury clash with poverty and despair, reflecting the vast disparities created by its inherent avarice. The very fabric of Avaricia is woven with the threads of exploitation and manipulation, making it a place where the rich and powerful thrive at the expense of the weak and impoverished.

The landscape of Avaricia mirrors its decadent ethos, with grandiose structures dedicated to commerce and indulgence standing tall amid the squalor and destitution of those trampled underfoot in the relentless pursuit of wealth. In this layer, every soul has a price, and every moment is an opportunity for profit.

Pyxata: Ruler of Avaricia

Pyxata stands as the supreme ruler of Avaricia, the second layer of The Hells. His reign is marked by an insatiable appetite for wealth and a shrewd mastery of manipulation and commerce.

Physical Appearance

  • Aura of Opulence: Pyxata exudes wealth and luxury. His towering figure is adorned with extravagant attire, embellished with precious metals and jewels that reflect his domain's essence.
  • Eyes of Greed: His eyes are like two gleaming coins, radiating avarice and cunning. They seem to appraise the value of everything and everyone they gaze upon.
  • Chameleon-like Skin: Pyxata's skin has a metallic sheen, shifting in color like the changing hues of gold and silver. This chameleon-like quality reflects his adaptability in matters of trade and deception.
  • Majestic Horns and Tail: His horns are twisted and polished, resembling ornate gold and silver sculptures. His tail is long and serpentine, often coiled around a scepter of wealth.


  • Manipulation of Wealth: Pyxata can influence and control material wealth, manipulating it to serve his purposes. He can turn the most mundane items into objects of great value or render valuable items worthless.
  • Master of Contracts: He possesses a deep understanding of infernal contracts, able to craft agreements that are almost impossible to break and always favor him.
  • Telepathic Negotiations: Pyxata is a skilled telepath, capable of influencing and negotiating with others using his mind, often bending them to his will.
  • Illusion and Deception: He can create powerful illusions, making the false appear true, furthering his manipulative abilities in his quest for accumulation.

Ruling Style

  • Cunning and Calculating: Pyxata rules Avaricia with a calculating mind, always seeking ways to increase his wealth and power. He is as much a businessman as a ruler.
  • Economy of Greed: Under his rule, Avaricia thrives on the principles of greed and exploitation. Pyxata ensures that the flow of wealth continues to favor him and his elite, often at the expense of the less fortunate.
  • Patron of the Wealthy: He favors the wealthy and powerful, often engaging in deals that bolster their status, while the poor and weak are seen as mere pawns in his grand scheme.

Known Information

  • Feared and Admired: Pyxata is both feared for his ruthlessness and admired for his ability to amass wealth. His reputation as a shrewd ruler and businessman is known throughout The Hells.
  • Architect of Avaricia's Economy: He is credited with shaping the economic landscape of Avaricia, turning it into a realm where wealth is both the greatest weapon and the most coveted prize.
  • Alliances and Rivalries: Pyxata maintains complex relationships with other infernal rulers. His alliances are often based on mutual profit, while his rivalries stem from economic competition and power struggles.

Locations in Avaricia

The Grand Market of Avaricia

The Grand Market of Avaricia is the pulsing heart of commerce and greed in this infernal layer. It is a sprawling expanse of trade and treachery, where everything and anything can be bought for a price.

Description and Architecture
  • Labyrinthine Bazaar: The Market is a vast network of winding streets, alleys, and squares, filled with stalls, shops, and tents. The architecture is a chaotic mix of styles, each vendor seeking to outdo the others in extravagance.
  • Dazzling Displays: Goods of every conceivable nature are on display, from exotic artifacts and magical items to enslaved beings and stolen souls. Bright lights, enchanting scents, and alluring sounds fill the air, each designed to draw in potential customers.
Function and Operation
  • Hub of Commerce: The Market is where deals are made, and fortunes are won or lost. It operates on a ruthless principle of supply and demand, with no regard for morality or fairness.
  • Culture of Haggling: Negotiation is an art here, with vendors skilled in the art of deceit and persuasion. Visitors must be shrewd and cautious, as the uninitiated are easy prey for the cunning traders.
The Atmosphere
  • Air of Opportunism: The Market buzzes with an atmosphere of excitement and danger. It's a place of opportunity for the greedy and the desperate, where one's fortunes can change in an instant.

Palace of Opulence

The Palace of Opulence is a symbol of the excess and decadence that defines Avaricia. It is the residence of the ruler of this layer and a monument to their wealth and power.

Description and Nature
  • Architectural Marvel: The Palace is an architectural wonder, with every surface gilded or jeweled. It is a sprawling complex of halls, chambers, and courtyards, each more lavish than the last.
  • Riches Beyond Imagination: The interiors are adorned with precious metals, rare gems, and priceless artworks. The extravagance is overwhelming, designed to impress and intimidate.
Function and Operation
  • Seat of Power: The Palace is the center of governance for Avaricia, where the ruler administers their domain and entertains powerful guests.
  • Symbol of Authority: It stands as a testament to the ruler's absolute control over the wealth and resources of the layer, as well as their dominance over its inhabitants.
The Atmosphere
  • Splendor and Intimidation: The Palace exudes an air of opulent splendor, but also one of intimidation. It's a reminder of the vast gap between the rulers and the ruled in Avaricia, and of the power that wealth can wield.

The Auction House of Souls

The Auction House of Souls in Avaricia is a notorious establishment where the eternal fates of souls are bartered and sold. It is a place of grim commerce, where the value of a being's eternal essence is quantified and auctioned to the highest bidder.

Description and Architecture
  • Grandiose and Macabre Structure: The Auction House is a large, imposing building with grand columns and a façade adorned with sculptures depicting scenes of avarice and despair. Inside, the auction hall is vast, with a central stage and rows of seating for bidders.
  • Display of Souls: The souls up for auction are displayed in various ways, some in ethereal chains, others in spectral cages, all visible to the potential buyers. Their forlorn visages add to the somber atmosphere of the place.
Function and Operation
  • Trading of Souls: The primary function of the Auction House is to facilitate the trade of souls. These souls, bound by infernal contracts or captured through deceit, are sold to the highest bidder.
  • Spectacle of Sorrow: Auctions here are grand events, attended by demons, devils, and other malevolent beings. The fate of each soul is decided amidst a cold, calculating atmosphere of commerce.
The Atmosphere
  • Air of Desperation and Greed: The Auction House is filled with a sense of desperation from the souls and greed from the buyers. It is a place where compassion is nonexistent, and the value of existence is measured in infernal currency.

The Vaults of Avaricia

The Vaults of Avaricia are the heavily guarded storehouses where the accumulated wealth of this layer is kept. They are symbols of the greed that permeates Avaricia, holding unimaginable treasures amassed over eons.

Description and Nature
  • Fortress-like Security: The Vaults are located in a heavily fortified area of Avaricia, guarded by powerful demons and protected by potent magical wards. The exterior is unassuming, belying the riches within.
  • Labyrinthine Interior: Inside, the Vaults are a labyrinth of rooms and chambers, each filled with mountains of gold, precious gems, rare artifacts, and other treasures. The wealth is both ostentatious and meticulously cataloged.
Function and Operation
  • Storage of Wealth: The primary purpose of the Vaults is to store the immense wealth accumulated by the rulers of Avaricia and other powerful entities within the layer.
  • Target of Intrigue: The Vaults are a constant target for thieves and adventurers from across the planes. Many have tried to breach their defenses, drawn by tales of the untold riches within.
The Atmosphere
  • Sense of Avarice and Paranoia: The atmosphere around the Vaults is one of intense avarice and paranoia. The presence of such wealth instills a deep sense of greed, as well as fear of theft or betrayal.

The District of the Downtrodden

The District of the Downtrodden in Avaricia starkly contrasts the opulence and excess seen in other parts of this infernal layer. Here, the exploited and suffering souls reside, embodying the direct consequences of Avaricia's rampant greed.

Description and Atmosphere
  • Bleak and Impoverished Slums: The District is a sprawling expanse of squalid slums and dilapidated structures. The streets are narrow, crowded, and filled with despairing souls.
  • Manifestation of Neglect: Buildings are in a state of disrepair, and basic amenities are scarce. The area is neglected by the wealthier denizens of Avaricia, serving as a dumping ground for those deemed worthless.
Function and Operation
  • Home to the Exploited: This District is where the less fortunate souls end up - those who have been exploited and drained of their value. It serves as a stark reminder of the cost of greed.
  • Forced Labor: Many inhabitants are forced into hard labor, working in deplorable conditions to support the extravagance of Avaricia’s elite.
The Atmosphere
  • Air of Hopelessness and Despair: The District is permeated with a sense of hopelessness. Its inhabitants, trapped in a cycle of poverty and exploitation, reflect the darkest aspects of greed and avarice.

The Court of Greed

The Court of Greed in Avaricia is where the facade of legal proceedings masks the twisted justice that serves the layer’s wealthy and powerful. Here, laws are manipulated to perpetuate the cycle of greed and exploitation.

Description and Architecture
  • Opulent Courthouse: The Court is a grandiose building, lavishly decorated, reflecting the wealth of Avaricia. Its architecture is imposing, designed to intimidate those who enter its halls.
  • Halls of Injustice: Inside, the courtrooms are extravagant, with golden gavels and scales that are more decorative than functional. The judges preside over cases from high thrones, looking down upon those being judged.
Function and Operation
  • Twisted Legal Proceedings: The Court of Greed handles cases involving breaches of contracts, debts, and financial disputes. However, the proceedings are skewed to favor the rich and influential.
  • Punishments for Debtors: Those unable to pay their debts or who fall foul of the wealthy are harshly punished. Sentences often involve enslavement, indentured servitude, or worse.
The Atmosphere
  • Sense of Corruption and Inequality: The Court exudes an air of corruption. It’s a place where justice is bought and sold, and the scales of judgment are tipped in favor of those with wealth and power.

The Gardens of False Delight

The Gardens of False Delight in Avaricia are an illusory paradise, crafted to ensnare and captivate the greedy and the unsuspecting. These gardens represent the seductive and treacherous nature of desire and wealth.

Description and Nature
  • Enchanting Beauty: The Gardens appear as a paradise, lush and vibrant, filled with rare and beautiful flora, sparkling streams, and exquisite sculptures.
  • Illusory Tranquility: The beauty of the Gardens is an illusion, designed to trap souls. They shift and change to reflect the deepest desires and greed of those who enter, luring them deeper into their enchantment.
Function and Operation
  • Trap for the Greedy: The Gardens are a snare for souls lured by the promise of pleasure and riches. Once entrapped, souls find it nearly impossible to leave, lost in their own avarice and lust.
  • Manipulation of Desire: The Gardens exploit the visitors' desires, using their own greed against them, binding them to the Gardens and, by extension, to Avaricia.
The Atmosphere
  • Air of Seduction and Danger: The Gardens exude a sense of allure and menace. The beauty is overwhelming, but beneath the surface lies the peril of eternal entrapment.

The Infernal Bank of Avaricia

The Infernal Bank of Avaricia is a pivotal institution in this layer of The Hells, epitomizing the ruthless and exploitative financial practices that dominate the realm.

Description and Architecture
  • Majestic and Foreboding Structure: The Bank is a massive, fortress-like building, constructed of dark stone and adorned with symbols of wealth and power. Its imposing doors are guarded by demonic entities.
  • Vaults of Greed: Inside, the Bank houses countless vaults filled with coins, treasures, and soul contracts. The interior is a labyrinth of secure rooms and corridors, each heavily guarded.
Function and Operation
  • Center of Financial Transactions: The Bank handles all manner of financial dealings in Avaricia, from storing wealth to issuing loans and managing investments.
  • Oppressive Lending Practices: The Bank is notorious for its harsh loan terms and predatory practices. Debtors often find themselves in inescapable cycles of debt, their souls collateral against their financial obligations.
The Atmosphere
  • Sense of Avarice and Power: The Bank is a place where wealth equates to power. It is filled with an air of calculated coldness, where every transaction is a weapon in the pursuit of greater wealth and control.