
Gula: The Layer of Excessive Indulgence

Welcome to Gula, a realm within The Hells that epitomizes the punishment for souls who succumbed to gluttony and excessive indulgence. Governed by the demon lord Edaxius, Gula is a physical representation to the destructive nature of unrestrained consumption and self-gratification.

The Nature of Gula

Gula is a domain where every form of excess is both celebrated and cursed. It's a landscape that embodies the sin of gluttony, transforming the pleasures of indulgence into instruments of eternal torment. The layer is meticulously crafted to exploit the weaknesses of its inhabitants, making their deepest cravings the source of their unending punishment

Edaxius: Lord of Gula

Edaxius, the demon lord of Gula, presides over this realm of excessive indulgence and gluttony in The Hells. His very essence embodies the extremes of overconsumption and self-gratification.

Physical Appearance

  • Imposing and Voracious: Edaxius possesses a form that reflects the insatiable nature of Gula. His appearance is marked by excess, with a seemingly endless appetite that is evident in his every feature.
  • Manifestation of Gluttony: His body is large and overwhelming, a physical manifestation of the layer's theme of gluttony. Every aspect of his form speaks to the idea of excess and uncontrolled indulgence.

Powers and Abilities

  • Manipulator of Cravings: Edaxius has the power to inflame and exploit the cravings and desires of others. He can amplify the hungers of souls, drawing them deeper into their own indulgences.
  • Command Over Excess: As the ruler of Gula, Edaxius wields control over all aspects of the layer. He orchestrates the torments and punishments that befit the gluttonous and excessively indulgent souls.

Ruling Style

  • Rule Through Temptation: Edaxius governs Gula by ensnaring souls in their own desires. He uses their own cravings against them, trapping them in cycles of eternal longing and unfulfilled appetite.
  • Cruel Indulgence: His approach to ruling is marked by a cruel twist on indulgence. He ensures that the souls in Gula are constantly surrounded by temptations that they can never satisfy, turning their desires into punishments.

Known Information

  • Embodiment of Gluttony: Edaxius is known throughout The Hells as the epitome of gluttony and excess. His presence in Gula serves as a constant reminder of the consequences of living a life ruled by unchecked indulgence.
  • Feared and Revered: His ability to manipulate cravings makes him both a feared and revered figure in The Hells. He is respected for his control over Gula, a layer that exemplifies one of the cardinal sins.

In Edaxius, the sin of gluttony finds its master. His rule over Gula is an eternal display of the perils of overconsumption and the emptiness that lies at the heart of indulgence. He stands as a cautionary figure, embodying the destructive nature of excess and the inevitable downfall that comes with a life of unrestrained pleasure-seeking.


The Palace of Edaxius

The Palace of Edaxius is the extravagant center of Gula, epitomizing the excess and indulgence that define the layer.

Description and Nature
  • Opulent and Overwhelming: The palace is a sprawling complex of grand halls and luxurious chambers, each more lavishly decorated than the last. It's adorned with gold, jewels, and fine tapestries, embodying the height of decadence.
  • Visual Feast: Every aspect of the palace is designed to tantalize and tease; it's a visual feast of excess, filled with the finest things that the souls in Gula are forever denied.
Function and Operation
  • Residence of Edaxius: This palace serves as the residence of Edaxius, the ruler of Gula, and the administrative center of the layer. It's from here that Edaxius oversees the punishments and orchestrates the torments for the damned.
  • Hall of Unfulfilled Desires: Despite its richness, the palace is a place of ultimate deprivation for the souls; they can see, smell, and hear the extravagance but can never partake in it, exacerbating their eternal longing.
  • Air of Torturous Opulence: The atmosphere in the palace is thick with the scent of sumptuous feasts and the sound of haunting melodies. It's a sensory overload that serves as a constant reminder to the souls of what they crave but cannot have, turning luxury into a source of endless torment.

The Halls of Eternal Hunger

The Halls of Eternal Hunger are designed to torment the souls who indulged excessively in gluttony.

Description and Nature
  • Endless Banquet: The halls are lined with tables laden with an array of exquisite and tempting foods and drinks, always just out of reach of the damned souls.
  • Mirage of Satisfaction: The visual and olfactory delights of the feast are overwhelming, yet they serve only to intensify the pangs of hunger and thirst that the souls can never satiate.
Function and Operation
  • Punishment of Unfulfilled Desire: These halls are an eternal tease, a cruel reminder of the gluttonous indulgence of the souls, now forever denied the satisfaction they once sought.
  • Cycle of Temptation and Denial: The tantalizing display perpetuates a relentless cycle of craving and frustration, embodying the punishment for their gluttonous excesses.
  • Aroma of Untasted Feasts: The atmosphere is filled with the delicious scents of foods and the rich aromas of fine wines, creating an environment of constant temptation and unending hunger.

The Den of Addictions

The Den of Addictions is a labyrinth of chambers, each a trap for those who succumbed to substance abuse.

Description and Nature
  • Hallucinatory Ambiance: The chambers are filled with illusions of various substances, from intoxicating drinks to addictive narcotics, all appearing tantalizingly within reach.
  • Distorted Reality: The design of the den warps reality, playing on the desires and addictions of the souls, drawing them deeper into their own cravings.
Function and Operation
  • Temptation Without Relief: The den is a place of unending desire, where souls are tormented by the constant presence of substances they can no longer consume.
  • Mirror of Addiction: It reflects the destructive nature of their addictions, showing them the empty pursuit of their former lives.
  • Air of Desperate Longing: The den has an oppressive atmosphere of craving and need, a space where the unfulfilled yearnings of the souls are palpably felt.

The Casino of Lost Fortunes

The Casino of Lost Fortunes is where souls are ensnared in the addictive cycle of gambling.

Description and Nature
  • Gamble of Damnation: The casino is a dazzling array of lights and sounds, with games of chance that seem to offer hope but are rigged for eternal loss.
  • Illusion of Hope: It's a place of false promise, where every roll of the dice or turn of a card leads to further despair.
Function and Operation
  • Eternal Game of Loss: Souls gamble not for wealth, but for moments of respite from their torment, only to lose every time, deepening their sense of hopelessness.
  • Mirror of Obsession: The casino reflects the compulsive nature of gambling, trapping souls in a never-ending cycle of risk and disappointment.
  • Seductive and Hopeless: The casino is filled with a seductive allure, masking an undercurrent of despair and futility, reflecting the addictive nature of gambling.

The Forest of Exploitation

The Forest of Exploitation is where souls who abused the natural world face retribution.

Description and Nature
  • Revenge of Nature: The forest appears wild and untamed, a stark contrast to the controlled environments the souls once exploited.
  • Hostile Wilderness: It's a place where the spirits of nature turn malevolent, reflecting the damage and disrespect inflicted by the souls.
Function and Operation
  • Natural Retribution: Souls are pursued by vengeful spirits, constantly reminded of the harm they caused to the natural world.
  • Cycle of Pursuit: The forest is both a predator and a prison, a manifestation of the environmental destruction wrought by the souls.
  • Whispers of Wrath: The air is filled with the sounds of the wild, a constant reminder of the beauty and power of nature that was once disregarded and exploited by the damned.

The Mirror Maze of Narcissism

The Mirror Maze of Narcissism challenges the self-obsession of narcissistic souls.

Description and Nature
  • Distorted Reflections: The maze is lined with mirrors that distort and mock the appearances of the souls, confronting them with the superficiality of their vanity.
  • Path of Self-Realization: It's a twisting, turning network of pathways, each leading to another revealing and unflattering reflection.
Function and Operation
  • Reflection of True Self: The maze forces the narcissistic souls to confront the emptiness and ugliness of their self-absorption.
  • Labyrinth of Self-Discovery: As souls navigate the maze, they are compelled to peel away the layers of their narcissism, facing the truth of their character.
  • Air of Unsettling Truth: The atmosphere in the maze is heavy with the burden of self-realization, a space where the false façade of narcissism is relentlessly stripped away.

The Amphitheater of Hypocrisy

The Amphitheater of Hypocrisy is where the hypocritical are exposed and ridiculed.

Description and Nature
  • Stage of Contradiction: The amphitheater is an imposing structure where hypocritical souls are forced to reenact their public pronouncements, only to be contradicted by the display of their true actions.
  • Audience of Demons: It's a place of public exposure, where demonic spectators gather to mock and scorn the souls for their duplicity.
Function and Operation
  • Exposure of Duplicity: The amphitheater serves as a venue for revealing the disparity between words and deeds, highlighting the deceit of the souls.
  • Cycle of Humiliation: The souls are subjected to the ridicule of the audience, a punishment for the gap between their professed beliefs and actual behaviors.
  • Echoes of Mockery: The air is filled with the sounds of laughter and derision, a palpable reminder of the consequences of hypocrisy and the importance of living truthfully.