
Malicor: The Realm of Brutality and Violence

Welcome to Malicor, the fourth layer of The Hells, a domain where unbridled brutality and relentless violence are the norm. In this nightmarish landscape, suffering and pain are not merely byproducts of existence but its very purpose. Here, souls who took perverse pleasure in causing pain and anguish in their mortal lives are subjected to the same torment they once inflicted upon others.

The Nature of Malicor

Malicor is a layer defined by its raw, unfettered savagery. It is a realm where the air is thick with the stench of blood and sulfur, and the ground is scarred by endless battles and torture. The very fabric of this layer is woven with the screams of the damned, creating an atmosphere of constant terror and despair. Structures in Malicor, from its towering fortresses to its deep dungeons, are designed to instill fear and inflict pain, serving as monuments to the layer's cruel ethos.

Ustura: Empress of Malicor

Ustura reigns over Malicor, the fourth layer of The Hells, embodying the sheer brutality and unrelenting violence that characterizes her domain. As the Empress of Malicor, her rule is marked by a love for carnage and a delight in the suffering of others.

Physical Appearance

  • Formidable Presence: Ustura possesses a towering, fearsome presence. Her skin is a fiery hue, reflecting the layer's endless flames, and her eyes burn with a malevolent light.
  • Armor of Terror: She is often clad in armor that seems to be forged from the very essence of Malicor itself – dark, imposing, and adorned with spikes and symbols of war.
  • Aura of Menace: Ustura exudes an aura of raw power and ferocity, her every movement radiating danger and inspiring fear in those who dare to approach her.


  • Mistress of War: Ustura possesses immense strength and skill in combat, able to wield weapons that embody the violence of her realm.
  • Commander of Fiends: She has the ability to command and control the legions of devils and damned souls in Malicor, directing them in their endless battles and acts of brutality.
  • Artisan of Agony: Ustura is adept at devising new forms of torture and punishment, constantly seeking innovative ways to inflict pain and suffering.

Ruling Style

  • Rule Through Fear: Ustura governs Malicor with an iron fist, using fear and violence as her primary tools of control. She is respected and feared by her subordinates, who dare not cross her.
  • Cultivation of Chaos: She encourages the chaos and brutality of her layer, seeing the endless conflict and suffering as a tribute to her power and a reflection of her own nature.
  • Revels in Suffering: Ustura takes pleasure in the torment inflicted within her realm, often personally overseeing the most gruesome acts of violence.

Known Information

  • Feared Warlord: Ustura is known throughout The Hells for her ruthless nature and her delight in bloodshed. Her reputation as a fearsome warrior and a master of pain precedes her.
  • Architect of Malicor’s Horrors: She is credited with shaping Malicor into the relentless battlefield it is, ensuring that every corner of the layer reflects her love for violence and torment.
  • Alliances and Conquests: Ustura is known to forge alliances with other infernal rulers through displays of power and dominance, and she often engages in conflicts with other layers to showcase her strength.


The Dungeons of Despair

The Dungeons of Despair in Malicor are a network of subterranean chambers where souls are subjected to relentless torment. These dungeons represent the cruel and merciless spirit of this infernal layer.

Description and Architecture
  • Harrowing Design: The Dungeons are a labyrinth of dark, cramped cells and torture chambers. Their walls are made of rough, black stone, etched with scenes of suffering and despair.
  • Implements of Torture: Each chamber is equipped with a variety of devices designed for inflicting pain and agony. The air is thick with the stench of fear and the echoes of unending screams.
Function and Operation
  • Center of Torment: The primary purpose of these dungeons is the continuous torture of damned souls. They are overseen by sadistic devils who delight in devising new methods of suffering.
  • Lessons in Agony: Souls here are subjected to physical and psychological torment, a grim reminder of the brutality that defines Malicor.
  • Reflection of Cruelty: The Dungeons of Despair symbolize the relentless and brutal nature of Malicor. They demonstrate the layer's commitment to inflicting suffering as both punishment and entertainment.

The Sulfur Lakes of Fire

The Sulfur Lakes of Fire are a defining feature of Malicor's landscape, vast bodies of burning sulfur that inflict ceaseless agony on the souls condemned to their fiery depths.

Description and Nature
  • Hellish Waterscape: The lakes are expansive, with waves of liquid fire lapping at their brimstone shores. The air above is choked with noxious fumes, painting the sky in a haze of toxic yellow and red.
  • Intense Heat and Flames: These lakes burn with an unnatural fire that is not quenched by water or time. The flames are said to be fueled by the sins and cruelty of the souls within.
Function and Operation
  • Eternal Punishment: Souls cast into these lakes suffer never-ending burning, a punishment for those who delighted in causing pain through fire and heat in their mortal lives.
  • Guardians of Agony: Devilish entities patrol the lakes' edges, ensuring that no soul escapes the torment and occasionally adding to their suffering for their own amusement.
  • Sea of Suffering: The Sulfur Lakes of Fire symbolize the intense and unrelenting torment that characterizes Malicor. They are a physical manifestation of the layer's dedication to the infliction of pain and the inescapable nature of infernal punishment.

The Towering Fortresses of Cruelty

The Towering Fortresses of Cruelty in Malicor are formidable structures where the most heinous acts of brutality are not just conducted, but celebrated. They are the epicenters of violence and sadism in this layer.

Description and Architecture
  • Imposing Structures: Each fortress looms large over the landscape of Malicor, constructed from dark, oppressive stone and adorned with symbols of torment and power.
  • Chambers of Horror: Within their walls, endless chambers and halls are dedicated to the practice of torture and cruelty. The screams of the tormented echo through the corridors, serving as a grim soundtrack to the atrocities committed within.
Function and Operation
  • Instruments of Torture: The fortresses are equipped with diverse and horrific instruments of torture, each designed to inflict maximum suffering.
  • Training Grounds for Devils: These fortresses also serve as training grounds for demons, devils them the art of inflicting pain and mastering the craft of brutality.
  • Monuments to Malice: The Towering Fortresses symbolize the heart of Malicor’s ethos - unadulterated cruelty and the relentless pursuit of inflicting pain.

The Fields of Slaughter

The Fields of Slaughter are vast, blood-soaked plains in Malicor where eternal battles and acts of violence are reenacted by damned souls.

Description and Nature
  • Endless Battlefields: These fields are expansive, covered in the scars of constant conflict. The ground is soaked with blood and littered with the remnants of the fallen.
  • Relentless Conflict: Souls are compelled to fight in never-ending battles, reliving their violent pasts and inflicting pain upon others as they themselves suffer.
Function and Operation
  • Cycle of Violence: The Fields of Slaughter are where souls are condemned to an eternity of combat, reflecting the violent nature of their earthly deeds.
  • Cauldron of Agony: The constant battle serves as both punishment and spectacle, with demons often overseeing the combat to ensure it remains ceaselessly brutal.
  • Landscape of Carnage: These fields symbolize the perpetual cycle of violence and bloodshed that defines Malicor, a layer where brutality knows no bounds.

The Citadel of Malicor

The Citadel of Malicor is the ruling palace and the heart of this infernal layer, embodying the essence of its brutal and vicious nature.

Description and Architecture
  • Dreadful Fortress: The Citadel is a colossal structure of dark stone, towering over Malicor with an air of menacing authority. Its architecture is brutalist and intimidating, designed to inspire fear.
  • Halls of Power: Within its walls are grand halls and chambers where the ruler of Malicor and their lieutenants plan and oversee the layer's endless torment and violence.
Function and Operation
  • Seat of the Brutal Ruler: The Citadel is the residence and command center of Malicor’s ruler, a devil of immense power and cruelty.
  • Center of Command: It is from here that orders are issued and plans are made for the layer’s operations, ensuring that Malicor remains a realm of terror and pain.
  • Heart of Brutality: The Citadel stands as a symbol of the absolute and unrelenting power exerted over Malicor, a stark representation of the layer's dedication to brutality and suffering.