
Mendacium: The Plane of Deceit and Treachery

Welcome to Mendacium, the third layer of The Hells, where every truth is laced with lies, and every promise hides a betrayal. This is a realm where deceit is the currency and manipulation the law, governed by the art of illusion and the mastery of guile. In Mendacium, trust is a scarce commodity, and reality is a fluid concept, constantly reshaped by the whims of its cunning inhabitants.

The Nature of Mendacium

Mendacium is a plane that thrives on the subtle and the insidious. It's a world where appearances are deceptive, and intentions are never clear. Every interaction is a potential trap, and every word might be a carefully woven lie. The very fabric of Mendacium is imbued with an aura of illusion, making it a place where discerning truth from falsehood is a daunting task.

The architecture and landscapes of Mendacium reflect its duplicitous nature. Structures that seem grandiose and stable might suddenly shift, revealing their true, decayed state. Alluring mirages beckon travelers, leading them astray into labyrinths of lies and confusion. In this layer, one's perceptions are constantly challenged, and reality is but a plaything of the powerful.

Mendacium, in its essence, is a realm that showcases the dangers of deception and the corrosive nature of treachery. It is a cautionary tale of the consequences of a life lived in falsehood, where the pursuit of personal gain through deceit leads to a twisted and unstable existence.

Cozen: Master of Deception in Mendacium

Cozen, the ruler of Mendacium, epitomizes the cunning and deceitful nature of this infernal layer. As the architect of countless schemes and master of manipulation, Cozen's reign is marked by a web of lies and treachery.

Physical Appearance

  • Enigmatic Visage: Cozen's appearance is ever-changing, making it difficult to discern his true form. His face often shifts, reflecting the desires and fears of those who look upon him.
  • Elegant yet Sinister: He is usually seen in an elegant, flowing attire that shifts in color and pattern, adding to his enigmatic presence. His movements are graceful, but there's always a hint of menace in his poise.
  • Eyes of Illusion: Cozen's eyes are deep and captivating, swirling with colors that draw in onlookers. A single gaze can trap a soul in a maze of their own thoughts and doubts.
  • Shadowy Aura: A faint, shadowy aura surrounds him, hinting at the dark power and secrets he wields.


  • Master Illusionist: Cozen possesses the ability to create powerful illusions, bending reality to his will. He can make the false appear true and the true seem utterly fantastical.
  • Manipulator of Minds: His greatest strength lies in his ability to manipulate thoughts and emotions. Cozen can weave complex webs of deceit, turning allies into enemies and vice versa.
  • Commander of Lies: He can detect lies and truths, using this knowledge to his advantage in his manipulations. His own lies, however, are undetectable to all but the most discerning.
  • Teleportation through Mirrors: Cozen can use mirrors as portals, moving through them to appear wherever he wishes in Mendacium.

Ruling Style

  • Regime of Deception: Cozen rules through a combination of charm, deceit, and strategic manipulation. He rarely confronts challenges directly, preferring to unravel them through layers of deception.
  • Web of Spies: His network of spies and informants extends throughout Mendacium, ensuring that he is always several steps ahead of his adversaries and allies alike.
  • Patron of Tricksters: Cozen favors those who, like him, use cunning and deceit to achieve their ends. He rewards cleverness and ingenuity, especially when used to manipulate others.

Known Information

  • Feared and Revered: Cozen is both feared for his capacity for betrayal and revered for his unmatched skill in manipulation. His reputation as a master deceiver is well-established throughout The Hells.
  • Architect of Mendacium's Illusions: He is credited with crafting the intricate illusions and deceptions that define Mendacium, turning the entire layer into a theatre of his manipulation.
  • Inscrutable Intentions: Cozen's true goals and desires remain a mystery. Even those closest to him can never be sure of his true intentions, as he is a devil whose every word and action is a part of a larger, unseen scheme.


The Palace of Mirrors

The Palace of Mirrors, the ruling seat of Mendacium, is an architectural enigma designed to distort and deceive. This palace is as much a tool of manipulation as it is a residence of the layer's ruler.

Description and Architecture
  • Maze of Mirrored Halls: The palace is a network of corridors and rooms, each lined with mirrors of all shapes and sizes. The architecture is intentionally disorienting, with reflections leading to confusion and misdirection.
  • Reflective Deception: The mirrors in the palace are enchanted to never show the true reflection. Instead, they reveal distorted images – either amplifying perceived flaws, creating grandiose illusions of power, or showing complete misrepresentations.
Function and Operation
  • Throne of Manipulation: At the heart of the Palace lies the throne room, where the ruler presides. This room contains the most powerful mirrors, used by the ruler to manipulate visitors and maintain control over Mendacium.
  • Hall of Negotiations: A chamber designed for diplomatic dealings, where the truth is twisted, and alliances are forged based on deceit and self-interest.

The Market of False Promises

In the heart of Mendacium lies the Market of False Promises, a bazaar where nothing is as it appears, and every transaction is a potential trap.

Description and Nature
  • Facade of Riches: The market appears as a place of wealth and abundance, but the goods sold here are illusions, falsehoods, or cursed. The stalls and shops are as deceptive as the wares they peddle.
  • Merchants of Deceit: The vendors are skilled in the art of the con, offering enticing items that promise much but deliver little. They are masters of manipulation, adept at exploiting the desires and weaknesses of their customers.
Function and Operation
  • Trading in Lies: The primary trade of the market is in false promises and treacherous deals. Bargains struck here often lead to unexpected and undesirable outcomes for the buyer.
  • Hub of Scams: The market is a center for swindlers and tricksters, attracting those who seek to profit from the misfortune of others.

The Labyrinth of Lies

The Labyrinth of Lies is a vast, ever-changing maze that serves as a physical embodiment of the deceitful nature of Mendacium.

Description and Nature
  • Shifting Pathways: The walls and paths of the Labyrinth are in constant flux, rearranging themselves to confound and trap those within. It is seemingly endless, with corridors that lead to nowhere and deceptive dead ends.
  • Whispers of Deception: The air is filled with whispers that promise guidance but more often lead souls deeper into the maze or into perilous traps.
Function and Operation
  • Prison of Deceit: The Labyrinth serves as a prison for those who have fallen out of favor with the ruler of Mendacium. It is also a punishment for those who have failed in their deceptions.
  • Trial of Wits: Navigating the Labyrinth requires more than just physical endurance; it demands sharp wits and the ability to discern truth from lies, challenging the very essence of those trapped within.

The Theater of Treachery

The Theater of Treachery in Mendacium is a grand establishment where the art of deception is celebrated and showcased. This theater is not just a venue for entertainment but a tool for perpetuating the layer's ethos of betrayal and manipulation.

Description and Architecture
  • Opulent and Deceptive Design: The theater is an architectural marvel, with an exterior that exudes grandeur and luxury. However, its beauty is a façade, masking the treachery that takes place within.
  • Stage of Illusions: The main stage is equipped with magical devices that create convincing illusions, making the performances intensely realistic and emotionally manipulative.
Function and Operation
  • Performances of Deceit: The plays and performances staged here often depict tales of betrayal, intrigue, and deception. Actors are souls condemned to relive their duplicitous acts, serving as both entertainment and punishment.
  • Interactive Experience: Audience members are sometimes drawn into the performances, blurring the lines between spectator and participant, reality and illusion. This serves to further disorient and manipulate those who attend.

The Garden of Twisted Truths

The Garden of Twisted Truths is a bewildering and enchanting location within Mendacium, where reality is distorted, and nothing is as it seems.

Description and Nature
  • Enigmatic Flora: The garden is filled with exotic and otherworldly plants that have the ability to alter perceptions. The plants might whisper misleading half-truths or bloom into mesmerizing illusions.
  • Ethereal Beauty: Despite its treacherous nature, the garden is undeniably beautiful, with an array of vibrant colors and enticing scents that lure visitors deeper into its deceptive embrace.
Function and Operation
  • Maze of Deception: The garden's layout is maze-like, with paths that seem to shift and change, leading visitors on a confusing and disorienting journey.
  • Reflection of Inner Truths: The enchantments within the garden play on the inner fears, desires, and secrets of its visitors, often revealing uncomfortable truths or luring them with false promises.