
Tyrannus: The Gateway to The Hells

Welcome to Tyrannus, the first layer of The Hells, a realm where oppressive order and ironclad law reign supreme. As the initial threshold to the infernal depths, Tyrannus stands as a bastion of control, a necessary passage for souls descending into or ascending from the lower layers of damnation. Here, the virtues of law are twisted into instruments of suppression, and order serves as a means to dominate and control.

The Nature of Tyrannus

Tyrannus is a plane where the concept of justice is perverted into a tool of tyranny. It's a world where the powerful use laws not to protect but to oppress, turning order into a mechanism of unyielding control. The landscape of Tyrannus reflects this with its stark, imposing structures and relentless enforcement of rules.

Zagan: Ruler of Tyrannus

Zagan stands as the formidable ruler of Tyrannus, the first layer of The Hells. His persona is a blend of infernal might, cunning intellect, and unyielding authority.

Physical Appearance

  • Daunting Presence: Zagan possesses a towering, imposing figure. His skin is a deep, ashen hue, tough and marked by the scars of countless battles and power struggles.
  • Eyes of Inferno: His eyes burn with an intense, hellish fire, piercing through the darkness and capable of instilling fear in even the bravest souls.
  • Horns and Wings: Zagan features prominent, twisted horns that sweep back from his forehead, and large, leathery wings that unfurl with an intimidating span, casting ominous shadows.
  • Regal yet Fearsome Attire: Clad in armor forged from the blackened metals of The Hells, adorned with intricate, menacing designs, Zagan embodies both regality and terror.


  • Mastery Over Fire and Darkness: Zagan commands the infernal elements of fire and darkness, capable of conjuring hellfire and manipulating shadows to his will.
  • Telepathic Command: He possesses a formidable telepathic ability, using it to communicate and control his infernal legions, and to invade the minds of others.
  • Shape-Shifting: Like many of his kind, Zagan can alter his form, adopting various guises to deceive, intimidate, or interact with beings from different planes.
  • Binding Contracts: A master of infernal pacts, Zagan can bind souls with unbreakable contracts, securing loyalty and servitude through dark agreements.

Ruling Style

  • Iron-fisted Governance: Zagan rules Tyrannus with an iron fist, ensuring strict adherence to laws and order. His governance is characterized by ruthless efficiency and merciless punishment for transgression.
  • Strategist and Tactician: Known for his cunning and strategic thinking, Zagan is adept at political maneuvering both within The Hells and in dealings with other planes.
  • Unyielding Authority: His authority is absolute and unchallenged within Tyrannus. Zagan tolerates no dissent, swiftly crushing any potential rebellions or challenges to his rule.

Known Information

  • Feared and Respected: Zagan is both feared and respected in The Hells. His reputation as a powerful ruler and a formidable adversary is well-known across the infernal realms.
  • Architect of Tyrannus' Order: He is credited with shaping much of the oppressive order and systematic punishment that defines Tyrannus.
  • Alliances and Enemies: Zagan maintains a complex network of alliances and rivalries with other infernal lords. His interactions with them are a careful balance of power and diplomacy.

Zagan embodies the essence of Tyrannus: order, power, and control. His presence reinforces the layer's role as the gateway to The Hells, a realm where law is enforced with ruthless precision and where Zagan's word is the ultimate decree.

Locations in Tyrannus

The Gate of Descent

The Gate of Descent in Tyrannus is a monumental structure that stands as the primary entry point from this layer to the deeper circles of The Hells. It is an imposing edifice, designed to inspire awe and fear in equal measure.

Description and Architecture
  • Daunting Appearance: The Gate of Descent is a towering fortress, its walls forged from blackened iron and lined with spikes and demonic reliefs. It exudes an aura of foreboding and unyielding strength.
  • Fortified Defenses: The Gate is heavily fortified, equipped with battlements, watchtowers, and armed with infernal devices. It is guarded by legions of fiends and infernal soldiers, handpicked for their cruelty and loyalty.
Function and Operation
  • Controlled Passage: The Gate regulates the flow of souls and beings descending into the lower Hells. Each entity passing through is meticulously recorded, scrutinized, and often subjected to torment as a prelude to deeper damnation.
  • Interrogation Chambers: Within its walls are numerous chambers where souls are interrogated and judged, determining their fate in the lower layers of The Hells.
  • Manifestation of Authority: The Gate of Descent symbolizes the absolute control and authority of Tyrannus over the descent into greater damnation. It is a reminder of the inescapable nature of infernal law.

The Ascension Bastion

The Ascension Bastion, in stark contrast to the Gate of Descent, guards the passage from The Hells to the soul realms. It is equally imposing but serves a different purpose.

Description and Architecture
  • Majestic yet Menacing: The Bastion is a grand structure of dark stone and hellfire, its spires reaching skyward as if in challenge to the heavens. Its design is more elaborate than the Gate of Descent, with an air of cruel majesty.
  • Defensive Stronghold: The Bastion is designed to prevent escape from The Hells. Its defenses are formidable, with layers of magical wards, traps, and elite infernal guards.
Function and Operation
  • Final Checkpoint: The Bastion is the last checkpoint for any being attempting to leave The Hells. Here, souls and demons alike are subjected to a final, harrowing evaluation before they can exit.
  • Negotiation Point: The Bastion also serves as a place where deals and pacts with external entities are brokered and finalized, under the watchful eyes of the infernal bureaucracy.
  • Barrier to Redemption: The Ascension Bastion represents the near-insurmountable barrier between damnation and redemption, a grim reminder of the consequences of falling into The Hells' clutches.

Imperia Regalis: The Command City of Tyrannus

Imperia Regalis stands as the administrative heart and the command center of Tyrannus, the first layer of The Hells. This city is a manifestation of oppressive order and absolute authority, functioning as the bureaucratic and governance hub of this infernal realm.

Description and Architecture
  • Opulent yet Intimidating Design: The city is designed to exude power and control, with towering structures, grandiose buildings, and expansive plazas, all reflecting the might of infernal rulership.
  • Center of Administration: The city is lined with government buildings, courts, and administrative offices, all operating with ruthless efficiency. The architecture is imposing, with an emphasis on grand scales and intimidating facades.
Function and Operation
  • Seat of Power: Imperia Regalis houses the rulers and administrators who oversee not just Tyrannus but influence the lower layers of The Hells. It is where laws are decreed and the fates of souls are determined.
  • Hub of Control: The city is a nexus of surveillance and control, with every movement within its walls being monitored. It serves as the model of order and discipline that Tyrannus embodies.
The Atmosphere
  • An Air of Supremacy: The atmosphere in Imperia Regalis is heavy with the sense of absolute power and unchallenged authority. It is a city where every action serves the purpose of maintaining control and enforcing the infernal hierarchy.

The Iron Fields: Landscapes of Labor and Punishment

The Iron Fields of Tyrannus are vast, barren expanses where the damned are subjected to endless toil and labor. These fields serve as a grim reminder of the oppressive and punitive nature of this layer of The Hells.

Description and Nature
  • Bleak and Barren Landscapes: The Iron Fields are characterized by their stark, desolate appearance. The ground is hard and iron-like, with smoldering fissures and no sign of natural life.
  • Fields of Toil: Endless rows of laboring souls can be seen, engaged in back-breaking tasks. The work is often pointless and grueling, designed to break spirits and reinforce the futility of resistance.
Function and Operation
  • Punishment and Suffering: The Fields are where souls are punished through labor. This punishment is both physical and psychological, stripping away hope and reinforcing the inevitability of infernal rule.
  • Surveillance and Control: Taskmasters and infernal overseers patrol the Fields, ensuring that no soul shirks its burden. The Fields are a place of relentless supervision and control.
The Atmosphere
  • Despair and Hopelessness: The air in the Iron Fields is thick with the stench of brimstone and the cries of the damned. It is a place devoid of hope, where the only certainty is endless suffering and toil.

The Watchtowers of Order

The Watchtowers of Order are a series of imposing structures strategically positioned throughout Tyrannus. They serve as the eyes and enforcers of the layer's stringent laws and oppressive order.

Description and Architecture
  • Towering and Formidable Structures: Each Watchtower is a tall, intimidating edifice, constructed of dark, heat-resistant materials that withstand the infernal environment. Their design is both functional and menacing, with sharp angles and fortified defenses.
  • Panoptic Design: The towers are designed for surveillance, equipped with magical and infernal technologies that allow watchers to monitor vast areas of Tyrannus, leaving no corner unchecked.
Function and Operation
  • Centers of Surveillance: The primary function of these towers is to maintain vigilance over Tyrannus. They ensure that all laws are obeyed and any signs of dissent or rebellion are quickly identified and quashed.
  • Enforcement Garrisons: Each Watchtower also serves as a garrison for enforcers and punishers who are dispatched to deal with any infractions. The presence of these towers reminds inhabitants and visitors alike that they are constantly being watched and judged.
The Atmosphere
  • Aura of Intimidation: The Watchtowers exude an aura of dread and control, a constant reminder of the oppressive nature of Tyrannus. They symbolize the inescapable gaze of infernal law.

The Archive of Laws

The Archive of Laws is a vast repository located in the heart of Imperia Regalis. It is the most comprehensive collection of decrees, laws, and judgments that govern Tyrannus and, by extension, The Hells.

Description and Nature
  • Immense and Labyrinthine: The Archive is an extensive complex of halls and chambers, filled with endless rows of scrolls, tomes, and infernal tablets. The architecture is grandiose, with high vaulted ceilings and an air of solemnity.
  • Guarded Knowledge: The Archive is heavily guarded, both physically and magically. Access is restricted to a select few, and the knowledge within is considered sacred and powerful.
Function and Operation
  • Record Keeping: The Archive holds the records of every law and decree ever passed in Tyrannus. It also documents judgments and pacts made throughout The Hells, making it an invaluable resource for administrators and rulers.
  • Center of Legal Scholarship: The Archive is not just a storage facility but also a center where infernal scholars study and interpret the laws. They advise the rulers of Tyrannus and help craft new decrees.
The Atmosphere
  • A Place of Awe and Power: The atmosphere inside the Archive is one of awe and reverence. It is a place where the power of law is tangible, and the weight of history is felt in every scroll and tome.

The Arena of Judgment

The Arena of Judgment in Tyrannus is a colossal structure where justice is meted out through combat and spectacle. It stands as a symbol of the brutal and unforgiving nature of law in this infernal layer.

Description and Architecture
  • Imposing Coliseum: The Arena is a vast, circular coliseum, with towering walls and a central battleground. Its design is both grand and menacing, with statues of infernal figures adorning its facade.
  • Spectator Galleries: Surrounding the central fighting area are expansive galleries for spectators, including designated areas for high-ranking infernal officials. These galleries are often filled with the roars and cheers of the crowd, baying for blood and spectacle.
Function and Operation
  • Trials by Combat: The Arena serves as a place for trials by combat, where the accused are pitted against fearsome opponents. Victory can mean acquittal or a lesser punishment, while defeat almost always results in death or eternal torment.
  • Public Spectacles: Apart from judicial combats, the Arena also hosts public spectacles, including battles between demonic entities, contests of strength, and other gruesome displays that reinforce the might of Tyrannus’ rulers.
The Atmosphere
  • Air of Dread and Excitement: The Arena is charged with an atmosphere of dread for those who face judgment and excitement for the onlookers. It is a place where the cruelty and harshness of Tyrannus' justice system are on full display.

The Market of Bonds

The Market of Bonds is a bustling marketplace in Tyrannus where deals are struck, and pacts are made, often involving the trading of souls and infernal contracts.

Description and Nature
  • Intricate Bazaar: The Market is a labyrinthine bazaar with countless stalls and shops. Each vendor offers a variety of goods, but the most coveted items are contracts, souls, and infernal pacts.
  • Atmosphere of Bargaining: The air is filled with the sounds of haggling and negotiation. The market operates under strict regulations, and every transaction is carefully recorded by infernal scribes.
Function and Operation
  • Trading of Souls and Pacts: Souls and contracts are the primary commodities. Here, demons, devils, and other malevolent beings trade souls like currency, and powerful contracts are negotiated.
  • Enforcement of Deals: The Market is heavily regulated, with infernal laws governing every transaction. Breaking a deal made in the Market of Bonds carries severe consequences.
The Atmosphere
  • A Place of Greed and Opportunity: The Market of Bonds is a place where greed and opportunity collide. It’s a hub of activity where the cunning thrive, and the unwary can easily fall prey to infernal trickery.

The Halls of Torment

The Halls of Torment in Tyrannus are dreaded institutions where souls are subjected to various forms of punishment and 're-education'. These halls are designed to break the will of the damned and reinforce the relentless nature of infernal law.

Description and Architecture
  • Maze of Suffering: The Halls are a vast network of corridors and chambers, each designed for a specific form of torment. The architecture is oppressive, with narrow passageways and suffocating spaces.
  • Chambers of Punishment: Each chamber within the Halls is equipped to inflict a particular kind of torment, ranging from physical pain to psychological torture. The walls echo with the cries of the damned, serving as a constant reminder of the consequences of defiance.
Function and Operation
  • Punishment and 'Re-Education': The primary purpose of the Halls is to punish those who have defied the laws of Tyrannus. This punishment is often tailored to the nature of the transgression, designed to be as effective and cruel as possible.
  • Rehabilitation through Suffering: Beyond mere punishment, the Halls also serve to 'rehabilitate' souls through suffering, attempting to mold them into obedient entities that adhere to the infernal order.
The Atmosphere
  • Air of Despair and Agony: The Halls of Torment are steeped in an atmosphere of despair and relentless suffering. It is a place where hope is systematically dismantled, and agony is the order of the day.

The Labyrinthine Prison

The Labyrinthine Prison is an extensive network of underground prisons in Tyrannus, designed to be inescapable. It holds those who have committed serious transgressions against the infernal hierarchy.

Description and Nature
  • Endless Maze of Confinement: The prison is a seemingly endless maze of cells and corridors, buried deep beneath the surface of Tyrannus. Its layout is bewildering, constantly changing to disorient and prevent escape.
  • Secure and Isolating Cells: The cells are heavily fortified and isolated, designed to prevent any communication between prisoners. They are magically reinforced to negate escape attempts and to dampen the powers of the inmates.
Function and Operation
  • Confinement of Rebels and Traitors: The Prison is reserved for the most rebellious souls and entities, particularly those who have threatened the infernal order. It serves as a deterrent, showcasing the futility of opposing the rulers of Tyrannus.
  • Management by Infernal Wardens: The prison is managed by infernal wardens, beings who are adept at psychological manipulation and torture. They ensure that the prisoners' spirits are broken and that their will to resist is extinguished.
The Atmosphere
  • Sense of Hopelessness and Confusion: The Labyrinthine Prison exudes a sense of utter hopelessness. The confusing layout and oppressive environment serve to break down the prisoners' sense of self and reality.