The Hells

Welcome to The Hells

Passage to The Hells: Rules and Regulations for Mortals

Accessing The Hells as a mortal is a complex and dangerous endeavor, governed by stringent rules and insurmountable barriers. The infernal realms, structured in layers with Tyrannus as the gateway, are nearly impregnable for the living. However, those determined or desperate enough can find ways to navigate these treacherous paths.

The Bridge from Sheol to The Hells

The most direct route to The Hells for a mortal is via the bridge that connects Sheol to Tyrannus. This bridge, however, is heavily guarded by a formidable legion of devils. These guards are unyielding in their duty, allowing no living mortal to pass through. Their mandate is clear: only the souls meant for damnation may cross into The Hells.

The Keeper of the Bridge

Despite the strict guard, there exists a sliver of hope for mortals wishing to cross – the Keeper of the Bridge. This devil, known for its cunning and love for bargains, holds the authority to grant passage to living mortals. However, securing the Keeper's favor comes at a steep price. Mortals must engage in perilous negotiations, often involving soul-binding contracts or tasks that border on the impossible. The Keeper's agreements are notoriously twisted, with clauses and conditions that favor the infernal party.

Mandatory Entry Through Tyrannus

For those seeking alternative routes into The Hells, a fundamental rule exists: all entry points lead to Tyrannus, the first layer. Regardless of the intended destination within The Hells, any form of portal, teleportation, or plane-shifting used by mortals will invariably deposit them in Tyrannus. This layer acts as a funnel, ensuring that all traffic, both inbound and outbound, is strictly controlled and monitored.

Known Locations in Tyrannus

Experienced travelers are aware of this rule and often choose known locations within Tyrannus as their entry points. Randomly appearing in Tyrannus can be fatal, as parts of this layer are exceedingly hostile or heavily guarded. Choosing a specific, known location provides a modicum of control and planning for the journey ahead.

Exceptions to the Rules

There are exceptions to these stringent regulations. Certain artifacts imbued with infernal power, envoys dispatched directly from The Hells, and the Lords of the infernal layers themselves possess the ability to travel directly to their designated layer or any layer of their choosing. Deities, too, with their immense power, can bypass the standard entry protocols, moving freely between the layers of The Hells.

In conclusion, accessing The Hells as a mortal is a feat fraught with danger and bound by rules that favor the infernal. The guarded bridge from Sheol, the mandatory entry through Tyrannus, and the few exceptions to these rules form a complex system designed to control access to this realm of eternal damnation. Mortals venturing into these depths must be prepared for treachery, harsh negotiations, and the ever-present risk of losing more than they bargained for.

Doctrine of Infernal Currency: The Souls as Coins System

In the infernal hierarchy of The Hells, souls are not just spiritual entities; they are the very currency that fuels the dark economy. This system, intricate and ruthlessly efficient, operates on the premise of souls being represented by coins, embodying both the value and the fate of the souls they represent.

The Soul Coins

  • Physical Representation: Each soul coin is a tangible representation of a mortal soul. The front of the coin bears the name and face of the individual whose soul it represents, a haunting reminder of the human element in these transactions.
  • Contract Condition Symbol: The reverse side of the coin displays the primary condition of the contract that binds the soul. This is usually represented by a universally recognized symbol indicating the triggering event for the soul's claim.
  • Edge Ridges - The Countdown: The ridges along the edge of the coin indicate the proximity of the soul to being claimed. A smooth edge suggests a distant claim, while a ridged edge signifies an imminent claim.

The Triggering Events and Symbols

  • Common Triggers: The most common triggering event symbol is that of death, but other symbols represent different conditions, such as survival from illness, return from war, or fulfillment of a promise.
  • Unique Symbolism: Each triggering event has a unique symbol, allowing for quick identification by those versed in infernal transactions.

Claiming and Redemption of Souls

  • Immediate Claim: Upon fulfillment of the contract condition, the coin can be used to claim the soul from the Prime Material Plane, resulting in the mortal's immediate death and their soul being taken to Sheol.
  • Updated Symbol: Once claimed, the contract symbol on the coin transforms into one of the symbols representing the nine layers of The Hells, indicating the destined layer for the soul.

Value and Weight of Souls

  • Value Spectrum: The value of a soul varies, with the most wicked and the most innocent being the most valuable. Those who fall in between these extremes are deemed less valuable.
  • Weight as an Indicator: The weight of a soul coin correlates with the value of the soul it represents. The more morally extreme the soul, the heavier the coin.

Circulation and Use

  • Infernal Economy: These soul coins circulate throughout The Hells, used in dealings, trades, and transactions among demons, devils, and other infernal beings.
  • Power and Influence: Possession of soul coins grants power and influence in the infernal hierarchy. High-ranking infernals often have vast collections of these coins.

Ethical Implications

  • Morality in Question: The system raises profound ethical questions about the commodification of souls and the moral implications of such a currency.
  • Resonance with Mortal Realm: The concept of soul coins finds eerie parallels in the mortal realm's attitudes towards wealth, power, and the value of life.

This doctrine of infernal currency forms a crucial part of the cosmology of The Hells. It is a system that chillingly quantifies the value of souls and weaves them into the very fabric of infernal society, reflecting a dark mirror of mortal world economies where wealth and morality are often in complex interplay.

The Nine Tempters of Each Infernal Layer

In the intricate hierarchy of the infernal realms, a unique and enigmatic group exists - the Nine Tempters. Each layer of the hells and demonic planes is home to nine such beings, chosen and empowered by the ruling entity of their respective realms. These Tempters are not just any fiends; they are the elite, handpicked for their exceptional abilities in manipulation, seduction, and persuasion.

Selection and Empowerment

The selection of these Tempters is a process shrouded in mystery and dark rituals. Each ruler, be it a Devil Lord or a Demon Lord, personally selects these nine from countless aspirants. The chosen are not only the most proficient in their specific form of temptation but also exhibit an unwavering loyalty to their master and their realm’s ethos.

The rulers bestow upon these chosen ones enhanced powers and abilities, making them far superior to their peers. This empowerment ceremony is often a grand spectacle in the infernal courts, with other fiends watching in a mixture of awe and envy. The newly anointed Tempters are then given their mandates – to venture forth into the mortal plane and ensnare souls.

Role and Purpose

The primary role of these Tempters is to infiltrate the mortal realm and seduce humans into bargains that cost them their souls. Each Tempter embodies the core sin or vice of their layer, making them the perfect instrument to exploit those specific human weaknesses. They are the bridge between the mortal desires and infernal machinations.

The Tempters operate with a degree of autonomy rarely seen in other fiends. They can traverse the planes at will, often appearing in the mortal world in disguise. Their true forms are usually concealed, revealing themselves only to those they deem worthy or necessary to ensnare.

Lore and Legends

In mortal folklore, the Nine Tempters are often subjects of terrifying tales and cautionary stories. They are the shadowy figures in myths that bargain for souls at crossroads, the seductive voices that lead the mighty to ruin, and the whisperers who turn brother against brother. Their infamy is spread wide across cultures and histories.

Mortals, however, rarely know of the precise hierarchy and structure behind these beings. To them, these are the agents of evil, the unseen puppeteers, and the ultimate personification of their fears and desires.

The Infernal Game

Among the denizens of the hells, the Nine Tempters are both revered and feared. They are the chosen instruments of their rulers' will, walking both the mortal and infernal planes with a purpose. Their successes and failures are often seen as a reflection of their ruler's power and influence.

The selection of a new Tempter is a significant event, often leading to fierce competition and intrigue in the infernal courts. Being chosen as one of the Nine is not only a great honor but also a path to immense power and influence in the infernal hierarchy.

In conclusion, the Nine Tempters of each layer form a crucial part of the infernal machinery, weaving their rulers' will into the tapestry of mortal destinies. They are the heralds of temptation, the elite agents of seduction and corruption, playing an eternal game for mortal souls.


Layer Theme Ruler Tempters Notes
Tyrannus Oppression and Tyranny Zagan Legisfer Gateway to The Hells, marked by strict order and control.
Avaricia Greed and Material Exploitation Pyxata Aurigrex A realm where insatiable desire for wealth leads to downfall.
Mendacium Deceit and Manipulation Cozen Falspeak Every truth is twisted, and every promise is a lie.
Malicor Brutality and Violence Ustura Cruorbrute Endless conflict and suffering, a test of strength and endurance.
Invidia Envy and Jealousy The Arbiter Enviaras Desire turned venomous, where wanting more means losing all.
Loftile Pride and Arrogance Kian Superbrix A fall awaits those who deem themselves above others.
Erosmire Lust and Obsession Buuna Moc Luxuriae Unbridled desire leads to ruin, in a realm of twisted pleasures.
Gula Gluttony and Excess Edaxius Gluttorex Where indulgence never satisfies, and hunger is eternal.
Anarchos Chaos and Cowardice Ta’amah Chaorix The deepest layer, where fear rules and order dies.

Tyrannus, First Layer

Oppression under Law and Order

Tyrannus, in its essence, is a realm where law and order are not just principles but weapons of control. It is a layer that embodies the perversion of justice and the triumph of tyranny, setting the stage for the diverse and complex nature of the infernal layers that lie beneath it.

The Atmosphere of Tyrannus

In Tyrannus, the air is thick with the weight of authority and the chill of fear. The oppressive might of the law is palpable, and the relentless enforcement of rules is evident in every corner of this layer. It's a realm where hope is scarce, and submission is the only path to survival.

Role in The Hells

As the gateway to The Hells, Tyrannus plays a crucial role in maintaining the structure of the infernal hierarchy. It's the first taste of damnation for descending souls and the last hurdle for those seeking to leave the deeper layers of The Hells.

Locations of Tyrannus

Tyrannus, being the gateway to the rest of The Hells and a bastion of oppressive order, would have several significant locations and features:

The Gate of Descent
  • Fortified Gateway: The Gate of Descent is a massive, heavily fortified structure, serving as the primary entry point to the lower layers of The Hells. It symbolizes the strict control exerted over the descent into greater damnation.
  • Guardian of Passage: This gate is guarded by formidable entities, ensuring meticulous scrutiny and control over all souls and beings passing through, reflecting Tyrannus' authoritative nature.
The Ascension Bastion
  • Last Line of Defense: The Ascension Bastion is a formidable fortress guarding the passage to the soul realms. It represents the final barrier for beings attempting to leave The Hells.
  • Checkpoint of Authority: Serving as a crucial checkpoint, it is here that souls are subjected to a final, rigorous evaluation before they can exit, epitomizing Tyrannus' controlling and restrictive essence.
Imperia Regalis - Command City
  • Hub of Power: Imperia Regalis stands as the central city in Tyrannus, where rulers and administrators orchestrate their reign. It is a symbol of the bureaucratic and judicial power of the layer.
  • Center of Governance: This city is laden with sprawling government buildings and courts, where laws are decreed and judgments passed, reflecting the layer's obsession with order and control.
The Iron Fields
  • Lands of Labor: The Iron Fields are vast, barren expanses where damned souls toil endlessly. They symbolize the punitive nature of Tyrannus, where hard labor is a form of relentless punishment.
  • Visible Oppression: These fields are a stark reminder of the layer's unforgiving and oppressive character, where every soul is subjected to the harsh reality of infernal law.
The Watchtowers of Order
  • Sentinels of Control: The Watchtowers of Order are strategically placed throughout Tyrannus, serving as vigilant overseers of the realm. They symbolize the layer's unceasing surveillance and enforcement of its strict laws.
  • Pillars of Authority: Manned by loyal watchers, these towers ensure that the oppressive order of Tyrannus is upheld across the layer, leaving no deed unnoticed or unpunished.
The Archive of Laws
  • Repository of Decrees: The Archive of Laws houses the extensive records of every law and judgment of Tyrannus. It stands as a testament to the layer's complex and rigorous legal system.
  • Guarded Knowledge: Accessible only to the elite, this heavily guarded archive symbolizes the power held in the knowledge and interpretation of the law, a cornerstone of Tyrannus' authority.
The Arena of Judgment
  • Coliseum of Justice: The Arena of Judgment is a colossal structure where trials and disputes are resolved through combat. It represents Tyrannus' brutal and merciless approach to justice.
  • Stage of Punishment: In this arena, judgments are spectacles, with outcomes often ending in death or severe punishment, showcasing the layer's harsh and unforgiving judicial system.
The Market of Bonds
  • Marketplace of Deals: The Market of Bonds is where souls and contracts are traded under the guise of commerce. It reflects the transactional nature of relationships in Tyrannus.
  • Regulated Transactions: Every deal and pact made here is meticulously recorded, highlighting the layer's emphasis on order and the binding nature of agreements in the infernal hierarchy.
The Halls of Torment
  • Institutions of Punishment: The Halls of Torment are where souls endure various forms of punishment aimed at breaking their resistance. They embody the oppressive and repressive nature of Tyrannus.
  • Centers of 'Re-Education': These halls serve to forcibly align souls to the layer's authoritarian principles, demonstrating the extent of control and domination exercised in Tyrannus.
The Labyrinthine Prison
  • Escape-proof Confinement: This extensive network of prisons is a maze designed to be inescapable, symbolizing the absolute control and authority Tyrannus holds over its inhabitants.
  • Prison for the Rebellious: Housing rebellious souls and entities, the labyrinth represents the inevitable fate of those who defy the layer's strict regime, reinforcing the unyielding nature of Tyrannus' rule.

These locations and features emphasize the nature of Tyrannus as a layer steeped in law, order, and oppression, serving as the controlled and controlling gateway to the deeper layers of The Hells.


  • Specialty: Legisfers specialize in tempting those who seek power through control and authority. They offer mortals the ability to impose their will on others, in exchange for their souls.
  • Appearance: Legisfers appear as imposing figures, often clad in armor that resembles judicial robes, blending the aspects of a judge and a warrior.

Avaricia, Second Layer

Exploitation and Greed

Avaricia, a realm steeped in greed and material exploitation, exemplifies the sin of avarice in its most extreme form. In this layer, the pursuit of wealth and luxury knows no bounds, and everything has a price.

The Atmosphere of Avaricia

In Avaricia, the air is saturated with the intoxicating allure of wealth and the sharp sting of envy. The pervasive sense of greed permeates every aspect of existence, fueling a relentless drive for more. It's a place where opulence and squalor coexist in stark contrast, and the constant pursuit of riches overshadows any remnants of compassion or empathy. The incessant sound of coins clinking, deals being struck, and the despairing sighs of the exploited form the symphony of this layer, a testament to the all-consuming nature of avarice.

Role in The Hells

Avaricia serves as the beating heart of commerce and exploitation in The Hells, embodying the extreme consequences of unchecked greed. It acts as a critical junction where the currency of souls is traded and amassed, influencing the dynamics of power across the infernal realms. As a hub of economic activity and a center of material excess, Avaricia plays a pivotal role in driving the infernal machine, its influence extending far beyond its gilded borders. For those descending through The Hells, it represents the corrupting power of greed, while for those climbing from deeper layers, it offers a bitter lesson in the futility of material obsession.

Locations in Avaricia

The Grand Market of Avaricia
  • Centerpiece of Trade: The Grand Market is a sprawling bazaar where literally anything can be bought or sold. It is a labyrinth of stalls, shops, and auction houses, filled with exotic goods, rare artifacts, and even souls.
  • Culture of Haggling: Bargaining is an art form here, and the unwary or unskilled are quickly taken advantage of. The market is a place of ruthless negotiation, where fortunes are made and lost in moments.
Palace of Opulence
  • Symbol of Excess: The Palace of Opulence is a testament to the layer's obsession with wealth. It is an architectural marvel, adorned with gold, precious gems, and the finest materials from across the planes.
  • Residence of the Ruler: The ruler of Avaricia resides here, surrounded by unimaginable luxury. The palace is not just a home but a display of wealth and power.
The Auction House of Souls
  • Trading in Spirits: This infamous location is where souls are auctioned to the highest bidder. It's a place of sorrow and despair, where the value of a life is measured in coins.
  • Spectacle of Suffering: The auctions are grand events, attended by the wealthy and powerful. Souls are displayed and sold like commodities, highlighting the layer's merciless nature.
The Vaults of Avaricia
  • Storehouses of Wealth: The Vaults are heavily guarded storehouses where the riches of Avaricia are kept. They contain unimaginable wealth, amassed through exploitation and greed.
  • Target of Thieves: The Vaults are a constant target for ambitious thieves and adventurers, though few have ever breached their defenses.
The District of the Downtrodden
  • Contrast to Opulence: This district is home to the exploited and oppressed souls of Avaricia. It starkly contrasts the opulence elsewhere, with squalid living conditions and rampant poverty.
  • Labor and Suffering: The inhabitants are forced into labor, working tirelessly to feed the greed of Avaricia's elite.
The Court of Greed
  • Legal Facade: The Court of Greed is where the pretense of legal proceedings takes place. Here, laws are twisted to favor the wealthy, and justice is bought and sold.
  • Punishment for Debtors: Those who fall into debt in Avaricia face harsh punishments here, often sentenced to eternal labor or sold into bondage.
The Gardens of False Delight
  • Illusory Paradise: These gardens are an illusionary paradise, created to entice and trap souls. They appear as a place of beauty and respite but are in fact a lure for the greedy.
  • Reflection of Desire: The Gardens morph to reflect the desires of those who enter, ensnaring them in their own avarice.
The Infernal Bank of Avaricia
  • Center of Financial Power: The Infernal Bank of Avaricia is the financial epicenter of the layer, managing vast wealth and engaging in all forms of monetary transactions. It symbolizes the immense power and influence of wealth in Avaricia.
  • Ruthless Lending and Debt: Known for its oppressive lending practices, the bank ensnares souls in crippling debts. Those unable to repay find themselves trapped in a cycle of eternal indebtedness, often leading to indentured servitude or worse fates.


  • Specialty: Aurigrexes are experts in tempting the greedy, offering immense wealth, luxury, and material possessions. They target those whose desire for wealth overrides their moral compass.
  • Appearance: These devils often appear opulent, with gold-tinted skin and eyes that glint like gems, embodying the very essence of wealth they promise.

Mendacium, Third Layer

Deceit and Manipulation

Mendacium, the realm of deceit and manipulation, is a treacherous plane where illusions and falsehoods reign supreme. This layer thrives on the art of deception, with every corner designed to mislead and betray.

The Atmosphere of Mendacium

Mendacium is enveloped in an atmosphere of perpetual intrigue and hidden agendas. Every corner of this layer is shrouded in a veil of secrecy and ambiguity. The air is thick with whispered lies and half-truths, creating an environment where certainty is elusive, and trust is a rare luxury. The constant undercurrent of deception makes Mendacium a place of paranoia and suspicion, where even the most straightforward interaction can have layers of hidden meaning. The tension is palpable, as inhabitants are always on guard, trying to unravel the intentions of others while concealing their own.

Role in The Hells

Mendacium plays a vital role in the infernal hierarchy as the embodiment of deceit and manipulation. Its influence extends across The Hells, shaping the complex web of politics and power plays that define the infernal realms. Mendacium serves as a training ground for devils and demons specializing in the arts of treachery and cunning, making its inhabitants adept at navigating the intricate schemes that pervade The Hells.

As a realm that specializes in deceit, Mendacium also functions as a center for espionage and intelligence within The Hells. Its master, Cozen, and his minions are often involved in gathering information, sowing discord, and manipulating events across the various layers and even in the mortal realms. The layer's intrinsic nature makes it a crucial player in the eternal machinations of infernal politics, where information is power and manipulation is an art form.

In Mendacium, the very concept of truth is malleable, and reality is subject to the whims of those skilled enough to shape it. Its role in The Hells is as complex as its nature, making it a layer where nothing is ever as it seems, and every truth hides a lie waiting to be uncovered.

Locations in Mendacium

The Palace of Mirrors
  • Hall of Distorted Reflections: The ruling palace, known as the Palace of Mirrors, is a labyrinthine structure filled with mirrors that never reflect the true self. These mirrors are enchanted to show exaggerated flaws, insecurities, or grandiose illusions of oneself, playing on the fears and egos of those who gaze into them.
  • Throne of Deception: The heart of the palace is where the ruler of Mendacium sits on a throne surrounded by the most deceptive mirrors, symbolizing the ultimate seat of treachery and manipulation in this layer.
The Market of False Promises
  • Bazaar of Lies: This market is a bustling hub of trade where nothing is as it seems. Merchants sell illusions, false promises, and betrayals. The items and services offered here often have hidden curses or unexpected consequences.
  • Center of Swindles: The market is infamous for its swindlers and tricksters who prey on the gullible, weaving elaborate schemes to deceive their victims.
The Labyrinth of Lies
  • Maze of Deception: The Labyrinth of Lies is a vast, ever-changing maze that entraps souls within its winding paths. The walls of the labyrinth constantly shift, creating an environment of confusion and disorientation.
  • Echoes of Falsehood: Whispering voices fill the air, offering guidance that often leads to further entrapment or dead ends, symbolizing the endless cycle of deceit in Mendacium.
The Theater of Treachery
  • Stage of Illusion: This grand theater hosts performances that are elaborate illusions, depicting twisted versions of reality. The plays often involve themes of betrayal and manipulation, with actors who are souls condemned to relive their deceptions.
  • Audience of the Duped: The audience is made up of souls who are drawn into the narratives, experiencing a blend of fiction and their own treacherous pasts, blurring the lines between reality and illusion.
The Garden of Twisted Truths
  • Bewildering Flora: A garden where every plant and flower is capable of distorting reality. The plants may whisper half-truths or bloom into illusions, creating an environment where nothing can be trusted.
  • Reflection of Mendacium: The garden serves as a metaphor for the layer itself – beautiful yet inherently deceptive, luring souls into a false sense of security before revealing its true nature.


  • Specialty: Falspeaks prey on those who engage in deceit and manipulation. They offer the power to deceive at a masterful level, ensuring that their targets' lies will never be uncovered.
  • Appearance: Falspeaks are chameleon-like, frequently changing their appearance. They often take on the most appealing form to whoever they are trying to deceive.

Malicor, Fourth Layer

Violence and Cruelty

Malicor, a realm defined by its sheer brutality and unrelenting violence, is the domain where souls who reveled in causing pain and suffering are condemned. This layer is a nightmarish landscape of torment and anguish, where cruelty is not just a practice but a celebrated part of existence.

The Atmosphere of Malicor

In Malicor, the atmosphere is oppressive and charged with violence. The constant sound of battle, the cries of the tormented, and the clash of weapons create a symphony of suffering. The air is heavy with the heat of flames and the cold malice of its inhabitants. In Malicor, every moment is a testament to the brutal nature of The Hells, a relentless reminder of the pain that pervades this infernal realm.

Role in The Hells

Malicor plays a crucial role in The Hells as the embodiment of brutality and violence. It serves as a brutal proving ground for devils, where strength is tested and weakness is punished mercilessly. The layer acts as a deterrent, a horrifying example of the fate that awaits those who delight in causing suffering. As a realm of punishment and training, Malicor contributes to the relentless, warlike nature of The Hells, perpetuating the cycle of violence and torment that defines the infernal realms.


The Dungeons of Despair
  • Labyrinths of Suffering: These extensive underground dungeons are filled with endless chambers of torture and despair. Each cell and chamber is designed for maximal psychological and physical torment.
  • Echoes of Agony: The air is thick with the cries of the damned, as the dungeons serve both as a place of punishment and a stark reminder of the merciless nature of Malicor.
The Sulfur Lakes of Fire
  • Seas of Agony: Vast lakes of burning sulfur cover parts of Malicor, their fiery waves a punishment for those who delighted in burning and scalding others. The air around these lakes is suffocating, filled with toxic fumes.
  • Eternal Torment: Souls condemned here are immersed in the fiery lakes, subjected to ceaseless burning as a retribution for their cruelty.
The Towering Fortresses of Cruelty
  • Bastions of Brutality: Across Malicor stand numerous imposing fortresses, each a center of horrific acts of violence. The screams echoing from within their walls tell tales of unspeakable brutality.
  • Strongholds of Sadism: These fortresses are where the most heinous souls are held and where the cruelest of punishments are devised and executed by the devils of Malicor.
The Fields of Slaughter
  • Landscapes of Carnage: Vast fields where endless battles and acts of violence are reenacted. Souls are forced to engage in brutal combat, reliving the violence they inflicted upon others.
  • Cycle of Bloodshed: These fields are soaked with the blood of the damned, a perpetual battlefield where pain and death are endless, yet provide no escape from suffering.
The Citadel of Malicor
  • Seat of the Brutal Ruler: The Citadel is the ruling palace of Malicor, an architectural embodiment of the layer's essence. It is a fortress of dread and power, its walls adorned with trophies of war and conquest.
  • Heart of Violence: The Citadel is not only the residence of the layer's ruler but also the epicenter of Malicor's culture of violence. It is here that the most brutal of strategies and punishments are devised.

Each of these locations within Malicor – The Dungeons of Despair, The Sulfur Lakes of Fire, The Towering Fortresses of Cruelty, The Fields of Slaughter, and The Citadel of Malicor – plays a pivotal role in the perpetuation of violence and torment that defines this layer. Malicor is a realm where brutality is the norm, and mercy is a concept utterly alien.


  • Specialty: Cruorbrutes seek out individuals prone to violence and cruelty. They offer them enhanced strength and the means to exact revenge or assert dominance, in return for their soul.
  • Appearance: They appear as hulking brutes, often scarred and battle-worn, with an intimidating presence that exudes violence and power.

Invidia, Fifth Layer

Envy and Jealousy

Invidia is the unique dividing layer between the realms of Devils and Demons in The Hells, a realm defined by envy and jealousy. Ruled by the mysterious and absolute authority known as the Arbiter, Invidia is a realm where the green-eyed monsters of spite and resentment are not just feelings but tangible forces.

Atmosphere of Invidia

The atmosphere in Invidia is laden with a sense of unending want and pervasive spite. The air is thick with the whispers of covetous thoughts and the echoes of envious desires. It's a place where the success of others is a source of endless torment, and every achievement seen is a reminder of what the souls here can never attain.

Role in The Hells

Invidia serves a unique role in The Hells as a layer of transition and division between the realms of Devils and Demons. Ruled by the enigmatic Arbiter, its position grants it a peculiar independence from the usual infernal politics. The Arbiter's absolute control within Invidia makes it a layer respected and feared by other infernal entities. The layer itself, embodying envy and jealousy, is a stark reminder of the destructive power of these emotions, serving as both a prison and a mirror to the souls damned by their own green-eyed demons.


The Court of the Arbiter
  • Seat of Absolute Power: The Court is the central location of authority in Invidia, from where the Arbiter exercises unquestionable control. The architecture of the Court is enigmatic and imposing, reflecting the unfathomable nature of its ruler.
  • Realm of Judgement: It is here that souls consumed by envy are judged and sentenced, with the Arbiter's decisions being final and indisputable.
The Fields of Spite
  • Lands of Resentment: Vast fields where souls relive their envious acts. Here, they are compelled to witness the successes and joys of those they envied in life, intensifying their torment.
  • Eternal Unrest: These fields are a landscape of constant unrest, where the souls are forever reminded of their jealousy, unable to escape the cycle of their own spiteful desires.
The Mirrors of Reflection
  • Hall of Self-Realization: A series of chambers filled with mirrors that do not reflect physical appearances but the innermost feelings of envy and jealousy.
  • Torment of Self-Truth: Souls are confronted with their true selves, forced to face the ugliness of their envy in a never-ending loop of realization and denial.
The Labyrinth of Lost Desires
  • Maze of Longing: A sprawling labyrinth where souls wander in search of the things they coveted in life, only to find illusions and unattainable shadows of their desires.
  • Path of Frustration: The labyrinth is designed to be disorienting and endless, a physical manifestation of the unfulfilled yearnings and aspirations that consumed these souls.
The Caverns of Covetous Whispers
  • Echoes of Envy: Deep caverns where every whisper and echo carries the sentiments of envy and jealousy. The caverns amplify these feelings, immersing the souls in a chorus of their own resentful thoughts.
  • Prison of Obsession: The caverns act as a prison for those particularly consumed by their envy, trapping them in an echo chamber of their own spiteful obsessions.

Invidia, as a layer of The Hells, serves as a poignant reminder of the destructive nature of envy and jealousy. It is a realm where these emotions are not just internalized feelings but are given a physical and torturous form, creating a landscape of perpetual dissatisfaction and longing. The mysterious Arbiter's absolute control over this layer makes it unique, a place of enigmatic judgment and inescapable truth for the souls damned by their own green-eyed demons.


  • Specialty in Temptation: Enviaras specialize in exploiting envy and jealousy, manipulating mortals with the promise of becoming like them or possessing them, subtly tricking their victims into surrendering their souls.
  • Physical Appearance: Enviaras embody an otherworldly allure, appearing as the ultimate manifestation of beauty, fame, and riches, with a form that shifts to mirror the deepest desires and envies of their targets.

Loftile, Sixth Layer

Pride and Arrogance

Loftile, the domain of excessive pride and arrogance in The Hells, is the first layer ruled by demons. It's a realm where facades of grandeur hide the crumbling truth of moral decay and where souls who believed themselves superior suffer under the yoke of demonic oppression.

Atmosphere of Loftile

The atmosphere in Loftile is one of false splendor and underlying decay. The air is filled with the echoes of fallen grandeur and the whispers of broken pride. It's a place where the illusion of superiority is constantly undermined by the reality of degradation and ridicule, creating a space of introspection and despair for the souls ensnared by their own arrogance.

Role in The Hells

Loftile serves a key role in the hierarchy of The Hells as a realm that exemplifies the dangers of excessive pride and self-aggrandizement. It acts as a cautionary tale for both mortals and infernal beings, showcasing the destructive nature of hubris. As the first layer governed by demons, it marks the transition from the realms of calculated cruelty overseen by devils to the more chaotic and instinct-driven domains of demonic rulers. The layer's focus on the punishment of pride contributes to the overall structure of The Hells, where each sin is met with a fitting and ironic form of eternal retribution.


The Throne of Hubris
  • Center of False Majesty: The Throne of Hubris serves as the primary seat of power in Loftile. This grand palace is an ostentatious display of splendor, but its magnificence is a mere illusion masking its actual decay.
  • Seat of the Demon Lord: Here resides the ruler of Loftile, a demon lord who personifies pride and arrogance, ruling over the layer with a pretentious display of power and authority.
The Crumbling Coliseums
  • Arenas of Pretense: These coliseums, once symbols of glory, now stand as deteriorating structures where souls are forced to engage in endless, humiliating battles, a punishment for their prideful and overbearing lives.
  • Spectacles of Degradation: In these arenas, the proud are brought low, their arrogance stripped away as they are subjected to the jeers and scorn of demonic spectators.
The Gardens of False Splendor
  • Illusory Beauty: These gardens appear as places of breathtaking beauty, but upon closer inspection, their flowers are revealed to be wilting, and their structures crumbling - a metaphor for the hollow nature of pride.
  • Reflection of Vanity: Souls are drawn to the beauty of the gardens, only to find themselves lost in a maze of their own inflated self-importance and shallow vanity.
The Towers of Overreach
  • Skyward Monuments: Towering high, these structures symbolize the overreaching nature of pride. From the outside, they appear majestic, but inside, they are unstable and collapsing.
  • Prisons of Arrogance: Souls are confined within these towers, forced to confront the instability and unsustainability of their prideful ambitions and desires.
The Echoing Halls of Mockery
  • Chambers of Ridicule: These halls are filled with the echoes of laughter and mockery, where the proud are subjected to relentless scorn and derision, breaking down their sense of superiority.
  • Mirrors of Truth: Mirrors line these halls, but rather than reflecting physical forms, they reflect the true, flawed nature of the souls' pride, exposing their arrogance and hubris.

Loftile, as a layer of The Hells ruled by demons, is a realm that uniquely punishes the sin of pride. Each location within this layer – The Throne of Hubris, The Crumbling Coliseums, The Gardens of False Splendor, The Towers of Overreach, and The Echoing Halls of Mockery – serves to deconstruct the facade of superiority and expose the inherent emptiness of arrogance. This layer teaches a harsh lesson about the dangers of pride, making it a fitting realm for the punishment of the haughty and the conceited.


  • Specialty in Temptation: Pride and Arrogance, Superbrix are masters at exploiting human pride and arrogance. They seduce mortals by inflating their egos, offering them illusions of grandeur and superiority, and tempting them with the promise of recognition and fame that far exceeds their merits.
  • Physical Appearance: Majestic and Intimidating, Superbrix appear as magnificent and imposing figures, often resembling exaggerated, idealized versions of royalty or legendary heroes. Their form exudes an aura of false nobility and grandiosity, designed to appeal to the vanity and pride of their targets.

Erosmire, Seventh Layer

Lust and Obsession

Erosmire is a layer in The Hells that embodies the punishment for souls who were consumed by excessive lust and obsessive desires in their mortal lives. It is a realm where indulgence is twisted into torment, and desire turns into endless despair.

Atmosphere of Erosmire

The atmosphere in Erosmire is charged with a seductive yet unsettling energy. The air is thick with the scent of temptation, yet beneath the surface lies an undercurrent of despair and disillusionment. It's a realm where the pursuit of pleasure leads to a never-ending cycle of longing and regret, and where every indulgence is a step further into a maze of obsession and despair.

Role in The Hells

Erosmire plays a crucial role in The Hells as the embodiment of the sin of lust. It serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of giving in to unchecked desires and the destructive nature of obsessive carnal pursuits. As a layer governed by demons, Erosmire marks the transition into realms where chaos and instinct overshadow calculated cruelty. The layer contributes to the diverse tapestry of infernal punishment, where each sin is met with a uniquely tailored form of eternal torment.

In Erosmire, the alluring veneer of desire masks a core of torment and regret. The layer's function as a realm of punishment for the sin of lust is evident in every aspect of its design, from the tantalizing illusions of The Palace of Perverse Pleasure to the despairing depths of The Pits of Depravity. Ruled by Buuna Moc , Erosmire endures as a grim embodiment of the perils that arise from excessive indulgence in carnal desires. Its existence serves as a sobering cautionary tale, a dire warning for denizens of The Hells as well as any mortals who might feel temptation towards such destructive passions.


The Palace of Perverse Pleasure
  • Center of Excess: This palace is a sprawling complex of lavish rooms and halls, each designed to cater to every imaginable desire, but in a way that perverts and distorts its true nature.
  • Facade of Fulfillment: While appearing as a place of luxury and indulgence, the palace is a trap that ensnares souls, forcing them to confront the destructive nature of their unchecked desires.
The Labyrinth of Longing
  • Maze of Desire: A vast labyrinth where souls are lost in an endless search for fulfillment. The paths are lined with illusions and temptations, leading souls deeper into obsession and frustration.
  • Eternal Quest: The labyrinth is designed to be inescapable, symbolizing the endless and unfulfillable nature of obsessive desire.
The Pits of Depravity
  • Depths of Desolation: Deep pits where the darker aspects of lust and desire are laid bare. These are places of despair, where the pursuit of pleasure leads to pain and degradation.
  • Reflection of Excess: The pits serve as a stark reminder of where uncontrolled indulgence can lead, showcasing the destructive end of unrestrained desire.
The Rivers of Regret
  • Streams of Sorrow: Rivers that flow throughout Erosmire, their waters a metaphor for the tears and regret of the souls trapped within. The rivers reflect the sadness and emptiness that follow the pursuit of hollow pleasures.
  • Waters of Reflection: As souls drink or touch the waters, they are forced to confront the consequences of their actions, experiencing waves of remorse and understanding of their misdeeds.
The Chambers of Twisted Fantasies
  • Rooms of Illusion: Chambers where fantasies and desires are made real but are twisted into grotesque parodies of themselves. These illusions force souls to confront the distorted nature of their obsessions.
  • Cycle of Disillusionment: The chambers reveal the truth behind the fantasies, stripping away the allure and exposing the underlying harm and emptiness.

Erosmire, under the rule of Buuna Moc , is a hellish representation of the dangers of unbridled lust and desire. Each location within the layer – The Palace of Perverse Pleasure, The Labyrinth of Longing, The Pits of Depravity, The Rivers of Regret, and The Chambers of Twisted Fantasies – serves to punish and teach the souls about the consequences of their excessive indulgence, turning their deepest desires into sources of eternal torment.


  • Appearance: Luxuriae are the epitome of demonic sensuality, with appearances that are both alluring and disturbingly extravagant. Their forms are designed to be excessively voluptuous and enticing, pushing the boundaries of mortal fantasies.
  • Specialty: Manipulators of Passion: These demons are adept at inflaming the most intense passions and desires, driving mortals to acts of extreme obsession and lust, often causing them to lose sight of all reason and morality in pursuit of carnal fulfillment.

Gula, Eight Layer

Gluttony and Excess

In Gula, the temptations of excess and the allure of self-indulgence are transformed into perpetual punishments. The layer's function as a realm of retribution for the sin of gluttony is evident in every aspect of its design, from the deceptive opulence of The Palace of Edaxius to the insidious traps of The Den of Addictions.

Atmosphere of Gula

The atmosphere in Gula is one of perpetual longing and unfulfilled desire. The air is heavy with the scents of lavish feasts and the tantalizing allure of forbidden pleasures, yet beneath this veneer of abundance lies an undercurrent of despair and insatiable hunger. It's a realm where the pursuit of indulgence leads to an endless cycle of craving and regret.

Role in The Hells

Gula serves a crucial role in the hierarchy of The Hells as the embodiment of the sin of gluttony. It acts as a stark reminder of the consequences of succumbing to excessive consumption and the futility of seeking fulfillment in material indulgence. As a layer governed by a demon, Gula represents the chaotic and instinct-driven nature of demonic realms, contributing to the diverse tapestry of infernal punishment where each sin is met with its uniquely tailored form of eternal torment.


In Gula, under the rule of Edaxius, the layer's design punishes the various facets of gluttony and excessive indulgence. Here are some location ideas that reflect the sins associated with this realm:

The Palace of Edaxius
  • Epicenter of Excess: A grand palace where Edaxius resides, embodying the pinnacle of overindulgence. The palace is extravagantly adorned, overflowing with every imaginable luxury and excess.
  • Visual Deprivation: While the palace is filled with opulence, those punished here can only observe but never partake, intensifying their longing and frustration.
The Halls of Eternal Hunger
  • Punishment for Gluttony: These halls are filled with an endless array of food and drink, always just out of reach for the souls tormented by their unending hunger and thirst.
  • Constant Temptation: The design of the halls cruelly teases the souls with the sights and smells of sumptuous feasts, perpetuating a cycle of desire and deprivation.
The Den of Addictions
  • Lure of Forbidden Pleasures: A labyrinth of chambers where illusions of various substances and addictive pleasures are presented, tantalizing those who were ensnared by such vices in life.
  • Cruel Withdrawal: The souls experience an unceasing craving for these substances, yet are forever denied the satisfaction of their addictions.
The Casino of Lost Fortunes
  • Gamble of Damnation: A casino where the souls are compelled to gamble endlessly, but the stakes are their moments of respite from torment, and the odds are always against them.
  • Eternal Loss: The design of the casino ensures that souls are trapped in a loop of hope and despair, mirroring the addictive cycle of gambling in life.
The Forest of Exploitation
  • Abused Nature's Revenge: A twisted forest where the souls who exploited the natural world are pursued by malevolent spirits of nature, reflecting the consequences of their environmental selfishness.
  • Haunting Echoes: The forest is alive with the anguished cries of nature, a haunting reminder to the souls of the harm they inflicted upon the earth.
The Mirror Maze of Narcissism
  • Reflections of Vanity: A maze filled with mirrors that reflect distorted and mocking images of the souls, challenging their self-obsession and narcissism.
  • Path of Self-Realization: The maze forces souls to confront the hollowness of their vanity, as their reflections reveal the ugliness of their narcissistic traits.
The Amphitheater of Hypocrisy
  • Stage of Contradiction: An amphitheater where souls who practiced hypocritical morality are forced to reenact their public speeches, only to be contradicted by their own actions displayed for all to see.
  • Audience of Judgment: The souls are subjected to the ridicule and scorn of demonic spectators, highlighting the discrepancy between their words and deeds.


  • Specialty in Temptation:Gluttorex demons excel in luring mortals into the depths of gluttony and overindulgence. They tempt with endless feasts, addictive substances, and the lure of never-ending pleasure, leading their victims into a cycle of constant consumption.
  • Appearance: Corpulent and Decadent Forms: Gluttorex demons are characterized by their excessively corpulent and lavish appearances. They often resemble grotesquely overweight beings, symbolizing the excess and overconsumption of Gula.

Anarchos, Ninth Layer

Chaos and Cowardice

In Anarchos, chaos reigns supreme, and the concept of order is but a distant memory. Under Ta’amah's enigmatic rule, the layer stands as a testament to the unpredictability and capriciousness of infernal punishment. It's a realm that both terrifies and fascinates, serving as the ultimate destination for souls lost to the madness of their own actions.

Atmosphere of Anarchos

The atmosphere in Anarchos is one of perpetual turmoil and unpredictability. It's a realm where anything can happen, and the unexpected is the norm. The air is filled with the sounds of chaos, from the shifting landscapes to the erratic behavior of its inhabitants. It's a place that disorients and overwhelms, perfectly reflecting the anarchic nature of Ta’amah's rule.

Role in The Hells

Anarchos serves as the final layer of The Hells, a realm where the boundaries of chaos and order blur. It is the catch-all for souls not specifically aligned with the sins of the other layers, making it a diverse and tumultuous place. As the boundary between the structured tyranny of the upper layers and the utter chaos of the lower depths, Anarchos plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of terror and punishment within The Hells.


The Gate of Despair
  • Mockery of Order: A chaotic version of the Gate of Descent in Tyrannus, this gate is a crumbling, ever-shifting structure, symbolizing the entrance into the deepest chaos of The Hells.
The Bastion of Anarchy
  • Distorted Defense: Contrasting the Ascension Bastion of Tyrannus, this location is a disorganized and haphazardly guarded fort, representing the lack of structure and order in Anarchos.
Command City - Pandemonium Regale
  • Center of Chaos: A chaotic twist on Imperia Regalis, this city is a sprawling, disorderly metropolis where structures and streets constantly change, reflecting the unpredictable nature of Anarchos.
The Wastelands of Turmoil
  • Unyielding Chaos: Instead of the Iron Fields, these are vast, unpredictable lands where the landscape is ever-changing, and chaos reigns supreme.
The Towers of Discord
  • Surveillance in Chaos: These towers are irregular and unstable, a far cry from the Watchtowers of Order in Tyrannus. They serve as chaotic outposts, monitoring the disorder of Anarchos.
The Archive of Anarchy
  • Confusion of Laws: A disordered repository where laws and decrees are in constant flux, opposing the structured Archive of Laws in Tyrannus.
The Arena of Madness
  • Chaotic Contests: Unlike the orderly Arena of Judgment, this is a place of erratic and wild battles, where rules constantly change and madness prevails.
The Bazaar of Bedlam
  • Unruly Trade: In place of the Market of Bonds, this bazaar is a tumultuous marketplace where trade and deals are erratic, unreliable, and often nonsensical.
The Chambers of Pandemonium
  • Torture in Chaos: As opposed to the Halls of Torment, these chambers are unpredictable, with the nature of punishment changing constantly, reflecting the bedlam of Anarchos.

These locations in Anarchos are designed to be antithetical to those in Tyrannus, emphasizing the layer’s embrace of chaos and disorder. Each site serves as a chaotic reflection of its counterpart in Tyrannus, embodying Ta’amah’s rule of unpredictable and unrestrained chaos.


  • Specialty: Exploiters of Fear and Cowardice: These demons prey on individuals who are driven by fear and cowardice, offering them ways to escape their responsibilities and consequences through chaotic and reckless actions.
  • Appearance: Manifestations of Anarchy: Chaorix demons have a wild and unpredictable appearance, often shifting and changing in form. They might appear as a whirlwind of chaotic features, each aspect more unsettling and erratic than the last.