Welcome to the Soul Planes


Welcome to the Soul Planes, a complex and multifaceted cosmos where the essence of existence is distilled into distinct realms, each embodying a fundamental aspect of reality and the human condition. These planes, ranging from realms of moral judgment to manifestations of elemental forces, form the tapestry of the afterlife and existence beyond the material world.

  1. The Hells: A layered realm of nine circles, each representing different aspects of evil and suffering. Here, souls face the consequences of their malevolent actions, with each layer tailored to specific sins and transgressions.

  2. Paradiso: In contrast, Paradiso is a celestial realm of nine layers, each a beacon of goodness and virtue. Souls who led lives of righteousness and benevolence find solace and reward in these harmonious planes, reflecting the diverse facets of goodness.

  3. Sheol: The place of judgment, where souls are assessed and directed to their final destinations. Sheol is a realm of introspection and revelation, encapsulating the journey of the soul through various stages of evaluation and reflection.

  4. Limbo: A plane of unblemished chaos, where nothing is constant. This realm is a whirlwind of change and unpredictability, embodying the essence of chaos in its purest form.

  5. Logos: The plane of unblemished order, where everything is methodical, purposeful, and intentional. In stark contrast to Limbo, Logos is a realm of predictability and structure.

  6. Bellum: A realm of unceasing war, where conflict and struggle are endless. Here, the only satisfaction comes from victory, but peace is an unknown concept.

  7. Paxia: The plane of unceasing peace, devoid of conflict and opposition. While tranquil, it's a realm where change and progression are often stifled by the very nature of its unchallenged peace.

  8. Kinesis: A dynamic plane of perpetual motion, where everything is constantly on the move. This plane is a symphony of movement, from the orderly to the chaotic.

  9. Petrina: The antithesis of Kinesis, Petrina is a realm where nothing moves. It's a plane of stillness and permanence, where change is an alien concept.

  10. Illiria: A plane of utter silence, where no sound ever intrudes. This realm is a sanctuary of quietude, a world where silence speaks volumes.

  11. Brioza: In contrast, Brioza is a plane of constant sound, from the faintest whispers to the most chaotic noise. It's a realm where silence is unknown, and sound fills every corner.

These Soul Planes represent the extremes of existence and morality, serving as final destinations for souls and realms of unimaginable experiences. Each plane is unique in its character and essence, offering a glimpse into the myriad possibilities of existence beyond the mortal realm.

Mortal Influence in the Soul Planes

  1. Limbo (Wisdom and Charisma):

    • Mortals can attempt to impose order or create specific changes within this chaotic realm. The Wisdom check reflects their understanding of the chaos, while Charisma represents their force of will to enact change.
    • DC: Self (12-14), Area (15-20), Widespread (21+)
  2. Logos (Intelligence and Constitution):

    • Altering this plane of order requires understanding its laws (Intelligence) and the endurance to withstand the strain of imposing change (Constitution).
    • DC: Self (12-14), Area (15-19), Widespread (20+)
  3. Bellum (Strength and Charisma):

    • Influencing this war-torn plane involves physical prowess (Strength) and the leadership or compelling presence (Charisma) to rally or subdue forces.
    • DC: Self (13-15), Area (16-20), Battlefield (21+)
  4. Paxia (Intelligence and Wisdom):

    • To bring change to Paxia, one needs insight into the nature of peace (Wisdom) and the intellectual ability (Intelligence) to understand how to carefully disrupt or adjust this equilibrium.
    • DC: Self (12-14), Area (15-18), Widespread (19+)
  5. Kinesis (Dexterity and Wisdom):

    • Navigating and altering this constantly moving plane requires physical agility (Dexterity) and the wisdom to comprehend the patterns of motion (Wisdom).
    • DC: Self (12-15), Area (16-19), Widespread (20+)
  6. Petrina (Dexterity and Constitution):

    • To impact this static plane, one needs physical precision (Dexterity) and the physical resilience (Constitution) to exert change on an unyielding environment.
    • DC: Self (13-15), Area (16-20), Widespread (21+)
  7. Illiria (Charisma and Intelligence):

    • Influencing this silent realm requires the force of personality (Charisma) to 'speak' into the silence and the intelligence to understand its nature.
    • DC: Self (12-14), Area (15-18), Widespread (19+)
  8. Brioza (Constitution and Charisma):

    • Altering this plane of constant sound requires the stamina (Constitution) to endure overwhelming noise and the charisma to assert one's presence audibly.
    • DC: Self (13-15), Area (16-19), Widespread (20+)

In these realms, the ability to influence the environment reflects a mortal's capacity to understand and assert their will upon the fundamental nature of the plane. The difficulty of the task increases with the scope of the intended change, from affecting oneself to impacting a wider area or even the entire plane.

Duration and Continuation of Changes in the Soul Planes

In the Soul Planes, mortals have the unique ability to alter their surroundings, though the extent and duration of these changes vary based on the scale of the alteration. The following outlines the duration for each scale of change and the rules for subsequent checks:

  1. Self-Alteration:

    • Changes affecting only the individual can last up to 8 hours. This allows for significant personal adaptation or protection within the plane.
    • If the individual desires to maintain the change beyond 8 hours, they must succeed on a new ability check after the initial duration expires.
  2. Area-Alteration:

    • Alterations impacting a larger area around the individual can last up to 4 hours. These changes can affect the environment in a radius around the character, influencing conditions or elements in a broader scope.
    • To extend the change for another 4 hours, the individual must perform a successful ability check at the end of the first duration.
  3. Widespread Alteration:

    • The most substantial changes, affecting a vast area or the entire plane, have a duration of 1 hour. These sweeping alterations can dramatically reshape or redefine large sections of the plane.
    • A new ability check is required after 1 hour to continue the effect, reflecting the difficulty in sustaining such significant changes.

Rules for Subsequent Checks

  • After Effect Ends: If a character wishes to reimplement the change after it has naturally expired, they are required to take a short rest to gather their strength and focus before attempting a new ability check.
  • On Failed Checks: If the initial ability check fails, the character can take a short rest to reflect, strategize, or adjust their approach before attempting another check. This represents the character's adaptation to the unique challenges of influencing the plane.

These guidelines ensure that while characters have significant power to influence the Soul Planes, there are limitations and challenges to these abilities, requiring both skill and strategy to navigate and control these extraordinary realms.