
Amador is the god of love, the child of Oshala and Jusannia. A charming trickster with a roguish smile, he delights in impulsive trysts and steamy affairs. Bards recount his origins with zeal, for no mortal truly knows how he came to be. None can fathom Jusannia, champion of women, consorting with Oshala, who sees himself as the only true and real god and places men above women. Yet their union begat this rebellious deity, who mingles their essences in harmony. Amador simply desires both sexes to revel in each other, without judgment.

Followers across all walks beseech Amador's blessings. Hopeful lovers pray he bring them a destined mate. The forbidden appeal to him for clandestine meetings, away from scornful eyes. Nobles' daughters call to him to sanctify their love across class divides. And many more simply see what they covet, find their passions returned, and indulge with abandon. So long as trysts spark freely, without malice, Amador smiles upon them.

Holy Symbol of Amador:

The "Entwined Hearts": Two intricately designed hearts, one slightly larger than the other, intertwined in an eternal dance, with a delicate rose vine wrapping around them. The vine has thorns, symbolizing the challenges and pains of love, but also bears a single blooming rose at the point where the hearts meet, representing the beauty and passion that arises from those challenges. The design emphasizes the harmony of two souls coming together, their differences and similarities, and the journey they undertake together in the name of love.


Amador's grand temples house many shadowed alcoves and bedchambers apart from the main sanctum, catering discreetly to passionate encounters. While his clergy celebrate beauty and desire, public excess offends them. Intimacy is for lovers to cherish privately. Thus trysting chambers abound, where forbidden paramours escape prying eyes, finding refuge in Amador's allowance.

Call to Indulgence

Amador never lacks for new worshippers. In every generation, across every land, mortal hearts stir with illicit longing. So it has been since the First Days, when gods and men alike felt Cupid's arrow and heeded Amador's seductive call. All know desire's power exceeds law and code. None can resist Amador's gifts, beautifully subverting constraints of class and creed. His blessing ripples through realms, urging souls to embrace love's joys fully.


Love with Malice

Engaging in relationships with the intent to harm or manipulate is considered a grave offense. Amador values love that is genuine and free from malice.

Breaking Confidences

Betraying the secrets or trust of a lover is frowned upon. Amador expects his followers to maintain the sanctity of the relationships they enter into.

Love as a Commodity

Using love or relationships as a means to gain material wealth or social standing is a taboo. Love, in the eyes of Amador, should never be transactional.


Celebrate Love

Followers are obligated to celebrate love in all its forms, whether it's a new relationship or an enduring marriage. This can be done through public or private affirmations.

Honor the Forbidden

Amador expects his followers to provide safe spaces for those whose love is considered forbidden by society. This includes offering sanctuary and support.

Spread the Doctrine of Love

Devotees are encouraged to share tales of love and passion, attributing their romantic successes to Amador's blessings. This serves as a form of organic evangelism.

Ceremonial Attire

Robes of Passion

During special ceremonies or festivals, devotees wear robes dyed in deep reds and purples, symbolizing love and passion.

The Entwined Hearts Amulet

An amulet featuring Amador's holy symbol, usually made of gold or silver, is often worn by followers. It serves as a constant reminder of their devotion and the god's teachings.

Crown of Roses

During the Festival of First Desires and other significant holy days, a crown made of roses is worn. The crown symbolizes the beauty and challenges of love, echoing Amador's holy symbol.

Historic Figures

Lysandra the Enchanted

  • Background: Lysandra was a noblewoman, the eldest daughter of a powerful king. Known for her ethereal beauty and grace, she was destined to marry a prince from a neighboring kingdom to strengthen political ties. However, her heart yearned for a common bard named Elion, who sang tales of love and passion beneath her balcony every night.
  • Legacy: Lysandra and Elion's love story became legendary. With Amador's blessing, they defied societal norms and eloped, choosing love over duty. Their tale inspired countless ballads and plays, emphasizing the power of love to transcend societal boundaries. Lysandra's emblem, a silver harp intertwined with a rose, became a symbol for lovers who dared to challenge the status quo.

Dante the Passionate

  • Background: Dante was a charismatic poet from a humble background. His verses, filled with raw emotion and sensuality, captivated the hearts of many, including Amador himself. Dante's most famous work was a collection of poems dedicated to a mysterious lover, referred to only as "The Moonlit Muse."
  • Legacy: Dante's passionate verses shows the depth of human emotion and the complexities of love. His writings were considered scandalous by some, but they resonated with those who had experienced the tumultuous highs and lows of love. Dante's inkwell, from which he penned his passionate verses, is now a revered relic, symbolizing the power of words to evoke deep emotions.

Seraphine the Forbidden

  • Background: Seraphine was a priestess in one of Amador's grand temples. She was known for her ability to counsel and guide lovers, helping them navigate the complexities of their relationships. However, her own heart was torn between her devotion to Amador and her love for a fellow priest, Flansan.
  • Legacy: Seraphine and Flansan's love was considered taboo being from different incompatible races, but with Amador's blessing, they found solace in each other's arms within the temple's shadowed alcoves. Their love story became a beacon of hope for those facing societal judgment for their choice of partner. The twin pendants they wore, each half of a heart, became a symbol for lovers who faced adversity but remained steadfast in their love.

Sect of the Obsessed Heart

The Sect of the Obsessed Heart is a fringe group of Amador's worshippers who take the concept of love and passion to an extreme, often dangerous level. While Amador encourages love in all its forms, this sect believes in the overwhelming, all-consuming nature of love, to the point of obsession.


  1. Love should be pursued at all costs, even if it means sacrificing one's well-being, sanity, or life.
  2. True love is intense, obsessive, and all-consuming. Anything less is not genuine.
  3. Love's obstacles, whether societal norms or individual refusals, are challenges to be overcome, even if it means resorting to dark magic or manipulation.
  4. The pain of unrequited love is a divine test, and those who endure it are the truest followers of Amador.


  1. Love Elixirs: Members often brew and consume potions that intensify feelings of love and obsession. These elixirs are sometimes used on unsuspecting targets to make them fall madly in love with the potion giver.
  2. Love Binding Rituals: The sect conducts rituals to bind two souls together, regardless of the individuals' consent. These bindings are believed to be eternal and unbreakable.
  3. Sacred Tattoos: Members tattoo the emblem of a heart pierced with thorns on their bodies, symbolizing the pain and intensity of their love.
  4. Love Trials: Members undergo trials to prove the depth of their love, which can range from enduring physical pain to performing dangerous tasks to win the affection of their beloved.

Hidden away from the main temples of Amador, the sect's places of worship are often in secluded areas, like deep forests or underground caverns. These temples are adorned with symbols of intense passion, such as chains, roses dripping with blood, and images of lovers in fervent embraces.

The sect is led by the "High Obsessor," an individual who claims to have experienced the most profound and intense love imaginable. This leader is often charismatic, persuasive, and not above using manipulation or dark magic to achieve their desires.

The mainstream followers of Amador view the Sect of the Obsessed Heart with a mix of fear and disdain. They believe that the sect's practices distort and corrupt the true essence of love. However, the sect continues to attract those who feel that mainstream worship doesn't capture the true intensity and madness of love.

Relics of Amador

Amador's Enchanted Locket

  • Description: A heart-shaped golden locket with intricate designs of intertwined roses and vines. Inside, there's a small mirror that reflects the viewer's deepest romantic desires.
  • Origin: Legend says that Amador himself crafted this locket for a mortal lover, imbuing it with a fragment of his divine essence. The locket was lost after their tragic separation, only to be discovered centuries later.
  • Powers: The bearer of the locket can invoke its power to see the true feelings of anyone they gaze upon. It also has the ability to enhance the wearer's charisma, making them irresistibly charming for a short period.

Amador's Silvered Arrow

  • Description: A delicate arrow with a silvered shaft and feathers that shimmer in hues of pink and red. The arrowhead is shaped like a heart and is said to glow when near true love.
  • Origin: Crafted by Amador in his early days, this arrow was given to his most trusted priest to spread love across the realms. Over time, it became a symbol of Amador's influence and power.
  • Powers: The arrow has the ability to ignite feelings of love and passion in those it touches. However, its effects are temporary, serving as a catalyst for potential relationships rather than forcing unnatural bonds.

Chalice of Endless Passion

  • Description: A beautifully crafted chalice made of rose-tinted crystal, adorned with gemstones that represent different forms of love. When empty, the chalice seems to have a soft heartbeat.
  • Origin: It is believed that Amador poured his first confession of love into this chalice, capturing the essence of pure, undying passion. Since then, it has been passed down through generations of his high priests and priestesses.
  • Powers: Drinking from the chalice can rekindle lost feelings or strengthen existing bonds. It also has the power to heal emotional wounds and dispel feelings of loneliness or heartbreak. However, its effects are potent, and it is advised to use the chalice sparingly to avoid overwhelming emotions.

Holy Days of Amador

Festival of First Desires

  • Date: Spring Equinox
  • Description: Celebrating the blossoming of new love and the rekindling of old flames, this festival is marked by the exchange of flowers and love notes. Couples and hopeful lovers take walks under blooming trees, and it's customary to share a first kiss under the first full moon of spring.
  • Traditions: Public declarations of love, moonlit dances, and the crafting of flower crowns.

Day of Secret Whispers

  • Date: Midsummer Night
  • Description: A night dedicated to the forbidden and clandestine lovers blessed by Amador. It's a time for secret rendezvous and passionate encounters away from prying eyes.
  • Traditions: Exchanging secret tokens of affection, lighting lanterns and setting them afloat on water, and whispered confessions in the veil of night.

Feast of Endless Devotion

  • Date: Winter Solstice
  • Description: As the days grow shorter and nights longer, this feast celebrates the enduring power of love that warms even the coldest hearts. It's a time for couples to reaffirm their commitment and for singles to pray to Amador for guidance in love.
  • Traditions: Renewal of vows, lighting of heart-shaped candles, and communal feasts where stories of legendary lovers are shared.

Twilight of Lost Loves

  • Date: Autumn's first full moon
  • Description: A somber day to remember and honor past loves, whether they ended in heartbreak, death, or simply drifted apart. It's a time for reflection, healing, and seeking Amador's comfort.
  • Traditions: Lighting incense in memory of lost loves, writing and burning letters to release lingering feelings, and seeking solace in communal gatherings where tales of love's trials and tribulations are shared.


The Doctrine of Eternal Love

This heretical group takes Amador's teachings about love being eternal to an extreme. They believe that once you fall in love, it should be forever, regardless of any changes in feelings or circumstances. This often leads to unhealthy relationships and stalking behaviors, as they see any form of breakup or moving on as a betrayal of Amador's principles.

The Sect of Love's Chains

This heresy interprets Amador's teachings about love crossing class and societal boundaries as a call to actively disrupt established social orders. They believe that love should be used as a tool to dismantle societal norms, even if it leads to chaos and the breakdown of communities. They often engage in scandalous affairs to provoke outrage and challenge the status quo.


The Circle of Aphros

Founder: Aphros, a charismatic individual who claims to have been visited by Amador in a dream.
This cult denies Amador's teaching that love should never be transactional. They believe that love can and should be used to gain material wealth and social standing. Aphros teaches that Amador actually blesses those who use love as a form of social climbing, directly contradicting mainstream beliefs.

The Order of the Lonely Heart

Founder: Seren, a former priestess who claims that Amador spoke to her through a series of visions.
Seren teaches that Amador's true desire is for people to find love within themselves first and foremost, negating the need for external relationships. This contradicts Amador's teachings about the joy and beauty of romantic and passionate love between individuals. Followers are encouraged to withdraw from romantic pursuits to focus on self-love, often leading to isolation.

The Guild of the Thornless Rose

Founder: Thalos, a rogue who claims to have stolen Amador's own heart.
Thalos and his followers reject the idea that love comes with challenges and pains, symbolized by the thorns in Amador's holy symbol of the Entwined Hearts and rose vine. They preach that love should be entirely free of hardship or challenge, and they seek to remove all obstacles to this end, often through deceitful and manipulative means.