
Emerging from the very essence of Solis, the sun god, Amaterasu was birthed from a desire for distance and differentiation. As the worshippers of Solis burgeoned, the sun god, in his magnanimity and perhaps a touch of exasperation, chose to cleave a part of himself. This act of divine division gave form to Amaterasu, a deity radiant in her own right, destined to be the beacon for those Solis no longer wished to guide. Unlike her progenitor, Amaterasu was designed to crave the devotion of her followers, a trait she shared with many deities born from the shattering of Ix.

Portrayed with a luminous ring of light cradled in her hands, Amaterasu is the epitome of grace and serenity. Draped in a pristine white robe adorned with golden motifs, she stands as a symbol of purity, life, and rejuvenation. When Solis distanced himself from a segment of his worshippers, they naturally gravitated towards Amaterasu, finding solace in her radiant embrace. As she evolved, Amaterasu's gaze expanded beyond mere worship. Influenced by Echo's endeavors, she developed a profound empathy for the mortals of Dort, understanding their hopes, fears, and aspirations.

Her followers, bathed in her radiant glow, venerate the sun and the endless cycle of life it nurtures. From the first cry of a newborn to the steady growth of flora, Amaterasu's domains of light and life are celebrated with fervor.


The sanctuaries dedicated to Amaterasu are architectural marvels that capture the essence of her radiant being. These open-air temples, often referred to as "Luminous Pavilions," are designed to celebrate the sun in all its glory. At the heart of each pavilion lies a grand fire pit, its flames dancing merrily during colder days, symbolizing the warmth Amaterasu brings to her followers. The roofs, ingeniously crafted, employ transparent glass or other clear materials, ensuring that the interiors are bathed in sunlight. Worshippers often indulge in sun-soaked meditations, lying supine, their faces turned towards the heavens, absorbing the sun's warmth and energy. Symbolizing the domain of life, each supporting pillar of the pavilion is encircled by a potted plant. These plants, nurtured for a year within the temple's confines, are later gifted to devotees during an annual ceremony, symbolizing Amaterasu's blessings of growth and prosperity.


The allure of Amaterasu's faith lies in its tranquility and the promise of warmth, both literal and metaphorical. Those weary of life's tumultuous journey often find solace in her luminous embrace. The gentle rays of the sun, the promise of a new dawn, and the rejuvenating warmth attract not just the weary, but also those who revel in summer's embrace. The faith's serene rituals, combined with the tangible benefits of basking in the sun's glow, draw in a diverse range of followers, all united in their adoration for Amaterasu, the Radiant Empath.


Eclipsing the Light

Followers of Amaterasu are forbidden from intentionally blocking out sunlight in any form, whether by constructing barriers or using magical means to create darkness during daytime. To do so is to reject the goddess's most sacred gift.

Negligence of the Dawn

The dawn is a sacred time for Amaterasu's followers, symbolizing new beginnings and the goddess's daily rebirth. Sleeping through or ignoring the dawn is considered a minor sin, requiring a small act of penance.

False Illumination

The use of artificial light, especially in the temples, is frowned upon. The only acceptable sources of light are sunlight and the sacred fire pits within the Luminous Pavilions.


Daily Sun Salutations

Each morning, as the sun rises, followers are expected to perform a series of ritualistic movements and prayers known as the "Salutations to the Sun." This act of devotion is believed to draw Amaterasu's favor and blessings for the day ahead.

Tending the Sacred Flames

The fire pits within the Luminous Pavilions must never be allowed to extinguish. It is the duty of each follower to contribute to the maintenance of these flames, either by offering fuel or participating in the rituals that keep them alight.

Sunflower Solstice

Held on the summer solstice, this festival is the most important religious event for Amaterasu's followers. Participation is not just encouraged; it's considered an obligation. The day is marked by communal prayers, artistic performances, and the sharing of a communal meal prepared from freshly harvested produce.

Acts of Empathy

Inspired by Amaterasu's own empathic nature, followers are encouraged to perform acts of kindness and understanding. Whether it's lending a listening ear or offering a helping hand, these acts are considered sacred duties that honor the goddess.

Historic Figures

Hana, the Dawn's First Light

In the early days following Amaterasu's emergence, a young maiden named Hana became the first to truly understand and embrace the goddess's teachings. Born blind, Hana had never witnessed the sun's brilliance, but she felt its warmth and energy. One fateful morning, while praying to the newfound deity, Hana felt a gentle touch on her eyelids. As she opened them, she was granted the gift of sight and beheld the sunrise for the first time. Overwhelmed by its beauty, Hana dedicated her life to Amaterasu, spreading her teachings and becoming a beacon of hope for many. She is often remembered as the one who saw the dawn's first light through the goddess's grace.

Ryo, the Solar Sage

Ryo was a philosopher and scholar who traveled extensively across Shoing, seeking knowledge and wisdom. During his travels, he encountered the teachings of Amaterasu and was captivated by the goddess's empathy and the symbolism of light and life. Ryo began to integrate these teachings into his philosophical writings, drawing parallels between the sun's journey across the sky and the human experience. His works became foundational texts for Amaterasu's followers, and he is revered as the Solar Sage, a thinker who illuminated minds with the goddess's radiant wisdom.

Mei, the Sunflower Priestess

Mei was a botanist with a deep love for sunflowers. She believed that these flowers, which turned their faces to follow the sun, were a manifestation of Amaterasu's blessings. Establishing a vast sunflower garden near one of Amaterasu's Luminous Pavilions, Mei began to teach that nurturing and tending to these flowers was a form of worship. Under her guidance, sunflower gardens became common around Amaterasu's temples, symbolizing devotion and the desire to seek the goddess's light. Mei's legacy as the Sunflower Priestess continues, with many followers planting sunflowers as a tribute to both Mei and Amaterasu.

Sacred Artifacts

Hana's Luminous Veil

This delicate veil, woven from threads that shimmer like the first light of dawn, is said to have been worn by Hana, the Dawn's First Light. Legend has it that after Amaterasu granted Hana her sight, the veil was imbued with the goddess's radiant energy. Those who wear or touch the veil are said to gain clarity of vision, both literally and metaphorically, helping them see the truth and make wise decisions. The veil is often used in rituals to bless newborns, ensuring they lead enlightened lives.

Ryo's Solar Tome

A meticulously crafted book containing the philosophical writings of Ryo, the Solar Sage. The tome is not just a repository of knowledge but is believed to be enchanted by Amaterasu herself. Its pages are said to glow softly in the dark, and those who read from it often report a warming sensation, as if the sun's rays are gently caressing them. The Solar Tome is a treasured artifact, often consulted by the highest priests and priestesses of Amaterasu for guidance and wisdom.

Mei's Sunflower Diadem

A beautiful diadem crafted from gold and adorned with sunflower motifs, this artifact once belonged to Mei, the Sunflower Priestess. The center of the diadem holds a radiant gem that is said to have captured a fragment of Amaterasu's light. Wearers of the diadem are believed to be blessed with vitality and a strong connection to nature. It is often worn by the head priestess during significant ceremonies and is considered a symbol of leadership and divine favor within Amaterasu's clergy.

Sacred Observances

Dawn's Embrace

Held on the first day of spring, Dawn's Embrace is a ceremony that celebrates the rebirth of the world after the cold winter. Followers gather before sunrise at Amaterasu's Luminous Pavilions, holding candles or lanterns. As the first rays of the sun touch the horizon, the gathered extinguish their artificial lights, allowing the natural light to envelop them. Prayers of gratitude, renewal, and hope are recited, and followers often make personal vows or resolutions for the coming year.

Solar Reflection

Inspired by Ryo's philosophical teachings, the Solar Reflection is a monthly observance where followers gather to meditate and reflect upon their actions, seeking guidance from Amaterasu's wisdom. Held during the full moon, the night's brightness symbolizes the goddess's ever-present light, even in darkness. After meditation, followers share their insights and experiences, fostering a sense of community and mutual growth.

Sunflower Solstice

In honor of Mei, the Sunflower Priestess, this ceremony is held during the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. Followers create intricate patterns and designs using sunflowers in open fields or temple grounds. These sunflower mosaics are believed to attract Amaterasu's blessings for a bountiful harvest and personal growth. As the sun sets, a communal feast is held, with sunflower seeds and oil featuring prominently in the dishes.

Lanterns of Remembrance

On the anniversary of the day when Amaterasu first emerged from Solis, followers gather at dusk to release lanterns into the sky. Each lantern represents a prayer or a memory, and the sight of hundreds of lanterns rising symbolizes the collective faith and devotion of Amaterasu's followers. It's a serene and poignant ceremony, reminding everyone of the goddess's enduring light and presence in their lives.
Certainly! Here are the heresies and cults associated with Amaterasu, the Goddess of the Sun, based on your clarified guidelines.


The Cult of Eternal Day

This heretical group takes Amaterasu's domain of light to an extreme, advocating for the elimination of all darkness, both literal and metaphorical. They believe that nightfall is a curse that should be eradicated, and they often use magical means to create perpetual daylight in their communities. This disrupts natural cycles and is considered a perversion of Amaterasu's teachings about the balance of light and life.

The Doctrine of Solar Supremacy

This heresy interprets Amaterasu's teachings about the sun nurturing life as a call to worship the sun as the ultimate deity, dismissing all other gods and goddesses. They believe that Amaterasu is the supreme goddess, and all other forms of divine worship are heretical. This directly contradicts Amaterasu's own empathic nature and her respect for the diverse pantheon of gods and goddesses.


The Fellowship of the Hidden Sun

Founder: Lysos, a former high priest who claims to have received a revelation during a solar eclipse.
Lysos teaches that Amaterasu hides her true self during solar eclipses to impart secret wisdom only to the worthy. This contradicts the mainstream belief that eclipses are natural phenomena and not laden with hidden meanings. Followers often engage in secretive rituals during solar eclipses, claiming to receive special blessings or insights from Amaterasu.

The Order of the Dawnless Day

Founder: Selira, a mystic who claims to have been born during the dawn but never saw it due to a rare celestial event.
Selira and her followers reject the importance of the dawn, one of Amaterasu's sacred times. They believe that true enlightenment comes from observing the sun at its zenith and that the dawn is a distraction. This directly contradicts the mainstream teachings that consider the dawn as a time of new beginnings and Amaterasu's daily rebirth.

The Society of the Artificial Sun

Founder: Orion, an inventor who claims that Amaterasu blessed his creation of a magical artificial sun.
Orion and his followers believe that artificial sources of light are equally sacred to natural sunlight, directly contradicting the taboo against artificial light in Amaterasu's temples. They use magical and technological means to create artificial suns and claim that these are blessed by Amaterasu herself.