
Echo is a unique deity, born not from divine lineage or creation, but from the desperate cries of mortals. As the world was ravaged by war, pestilence, famine, and strife, the people yearned for relief from their suffering. Their collective plea for a savior gave birth to Echo, who wept at the sight of their plight.

Echo was the first deity to visit the mortal plane in his true form, and the first to alter the world to alleviate the suffering of its inhabitants. He softened the harsh realities of life, creating pockets of peace and prosperity. However, his actions drew the ire of the other gods, who saw his influence as an interference with their creations. They sought to imprison him, but Echo proposed a century-long trial period to prove the benefits of his influence. After a century of peace, prosperity, and growth, the gods could not deny the positive impact of Echo's presence, and his freedom was secured.

Echo is the patron deity of rest, peace, stability, and fairness. His domain encompasses unity and knowledge, and his holy symbol is a crowd of people looking upward, as if beseeching the heavens for a savior.

Places of Worship

Echo's followers do not build temples in his honor. Instead, his clergy are deeply embedded in their communities, balancing their religious duties with their professional roles.

However, shrines dedicated to Echo can be found in areas of stability and peace. These shrines often feature statues or iconography of mortals looking skyward, with small spaces for prayer and reflection.


Echo encourages his followers to spread his teachings organically, through their actions rather than their words. His clergy are expected to contribute to their communities, fostering growth and improvement. Echo hopes that these actions will inspire others to join his faith and contribute to the betterment of their own communities.


Disrupting Community Harmony

Actions that disrupt the peace and stability of a community are considered taboo. Echo's followers are expected to maintain unity and fairness, and any actions that undermine these principles are frowned upon.

Neglecting Community Duties

Failure to participate in community projects, especially those organized on Purgato Sursum, is considered a violation of Echo's teachings. Followers are expected to contribute to the betterment of their communities.

Misusing Knowledge

Echo values the domain of knowledge, and misusing or withholding information for personal gain or to harm others is considered a grave offense.

Ignoring Echoing Day

Failure to acknowledge and celebrate Echoing Day, the day of Echo's creation, is considered disrespectful to the deity and the community.


Community Service

Followers are obligated to engage in acts that contribute to the stability and growth of their communities. This is seen as a direct extension of Echo's divine will.

Participation in Purgato Sursum

Every other year, followers are expected to participate in a community project on Purgato Sursum. This is considered a sacred duty and a testament to one's devotion to Echo.

Attendance on Echoing Day

Followers are expected to gather at shrines or in homes on Echoing Day to celebrate the deity's creation and share stories that inspire unity and peace.

Marriage Contributions

In line with the community-centric view of marriage, each guest at a wedding is obligated to bring a personal gift for the couple. This is seen as a collective effort to support the newlyweds in their new life together.

Ceremonial Attire

The Robe of Unity

A simple, flowing robe made of soft, breathable fabric, dyed in calming colors like sky blue or soft white. The robe would feature embroidered patterns of interconnected hands or people looking skyward, symbolizing unity and collective hope.

The Crown of Peace

A circlet made of woven flowers, leaves, or soft fabric, representing Echo's focus on peace and stability. The crown would be worn during special ceremonies and rituals to invoke Echo's blessings.

The Sandals of the Earth

Simple, comfortable sandals made of natural materials like leather or woven grass, symbolizing Echo's grounding influence on the mortal world.

The Amulet of Beseeching

A pendant featuring the holy symbol of Echo—a crowd of people looking upward. This amulet serves as a constant reminder of Echo's origin and his commitment to answering the pleas of mortals.

The Staff of Harmony

For high-ranking clergy, a wooden staff topped with a crystal or gem that radiates a soft, calming light. The staff would be used in rituals to invoke Echo's blessings and would be engraved with runes of peace and unity.

The Scroll of Knowledge

A scroll containing prayers, hymns, and teachings dedicated to Echo, carried in a simple case. The scroll would be written on parchment made from sustainable materials, emphasizing Echo's focus on balance and fairness.

The Ring of Community

A simple ring made of wood or a modest metal, worn by all followers to symbolize their commitment to community and togetherness.

This ceremonial attire would be worn by the clergy and devout followers during special ceremonies, rituals, and community service activities. It serves both as a tribute to Echo and as a practical uniform for those who work closely with the elements that this deity governs. The attire would be designed to be inclusive and accessible, embodying the values of unity, peace, and fairness that Echo represents.

Notable Figures

Manni Shalk

Manni Shalk was a young boy who lost his family to the harsh realities of the world. As an orphan, he cared for his younger siblings and joined the collective cry for a savior. His chant of "echo us" resonated with the masses and reached the heavens, giving Echo his name. This mantra is still used in gatherings to this day.

Holy Days


The 7th day of the 7th month marks the day Echo came into existence. On this day, followers gather at shrines or in homes to celebrate Echo's creation and share stories about Manni Shalk.

Purgato Sursum

This day, set once every other year, is a time for the local clergy to undertake a community project. Whether it's cleaning a polluted lake, establishing a fair court system, or improving public infrastructure, the clergy work together to better their community.



Echo's followers view marriage as not just the union of two individuals, but the joining of two families. The community is invited to the wedding, and each guest brings a personal gift for the couple, helping them start their new life together.


When a community project is completed, the clergy bless the results, hoping that it will continue to improve the community for years to come. Whether it's a building, a public service, or a community event, the consecration ceremony marks its official inauguration.


The Echoless

This heretical group believes that Echo's influence has made society weak and complacent. They argue that hardship and struggle are necessary for growth and that Echo's focus on peace and stability stifles progress. They actively disrupt community projects and are considered outcasts by mainstream followers.

The Self-Echoers

This sect believes that Echo's teachings should be applied to individual growth rather than community betterment. They focus on self-improvement and personal peace, often neglecting their community duties. This is considered heretical, as it goes against Echo's core principles of unity and community service.


The Harmonizers

This cult takes Echo's teachings to an extreme, seeking to create a utopian society where everyone is in perfect harmony. They often employ mind-altering substances or rituals to achieve a state of collective consciousness, which is considered extreme by mainstream followers.

The Echoing Voices

Members of this cult believe that Echo is not just a deity but the collective will of the people made manifest. They engage in mass prayers and chants, thinking their collective voice can bring about significant changes in the world, much like how Echo was born from collective pleas.