
Born from a shard of Ix, Fujin embodies the raw, untamed power of nature and the unpredictable fury of battle. His essence resonates with the roaring thunder, the relentless tempest, and the unbridled chaos of war. In the lands of Shoing, his name is whispered with reverence and awe, while in Antaea, a dedicated few recognize his might. Commoners, mercenaries, and storm chasers alike find solace in his tempestuous embrace, while wild mages and chaotic clerics draw upon his unpredictable energy. Fujin's essence exemplifies the power of impulse, a reminder that there is strength in embracing one's true nature, no matter how wild or untamed.

Fujin stands as the patron god of storms, tempests, and chaotic warfare. His dominion stretches across both nature and the battlefield, and his holy symbol—a backdrop of dark storm clouds pierced by fierce lightning—serves as a beacon for those who seek to harness the raw power of chaos. His clergy, ever restless and seeking the thrill of the next challenge, are drawn to the unpredictable and the extreme. They find glory not in structured battles or honorable duels, but in the heart of the storm, amidst the chaos of unbridled combat, and at the precipice of wild, untamed magic.


To Fujin, permanence is but an illusion. Instead of grand temples or lasting monuments, his followers erect towering monolithic stone pillars at sites of great chaos—be it a battlefield where the odds were defied, the epicenter of a devastating storm, or a place of magical upheaval. These pillars, etched with the symbol of lightning, stand as testament to Fujin's presence and power. Over time, these sites become places of pilgrimage for those wishing to pay homage to the god of storms, drawing warriors, mages, and thrill-seekers who wish to tap into the raw energy of the site.


The call of Fujin is not for the faint of heart. It is a siren song for those who feel the constraints of societal norms and yearn to break free. Through acts of wild abandon—be it a fearless charge into the heart of a storm, a reckless dive into the depths of volatile magic, or a frenzied dance in the midst of battle—individuals prove their worthiness to Fujin. Such acts of brash courage and unbridled passion are seen as rites of passage, marking the individual's transition from a mere observer to a true follower of Fujin. Once initiated, these followers are embraced by a community that values strength, courage, and the ability to harness the unpredictable.


Seeking Order in Chaos

Fujin's essence is rooted in chaos and unpredictability. Followers who seek to impose order or predictability in realms that should remain chaotic are considered to be violating the deity's core principles.


Fujin values courage and the willingness to face challenges head-on. Acts of cowardice, especially in the face of storms or battles, are considered a grave offense against the deity.

Suppressing One's True Nature

Fujin encourages his followers to embrace their true, untamed selves. Suppressing one's natural impulses or conforming to societal norms at the expense of one's true nature is frowned upon.


Embrace Chaos

Followers are obligated to embrace the chaotic aspects of life, whether it's in the heat of battle, the middle of a storm, or the unpredictability of magic.

Erect Monoliths

Devotees are expected to contribute to the erection of monolithic stone pillars at sites of great chaos, serving as a testament to Fujin's influence and power.

Participate in Holy Days

Attendance and active participation in the various holy days are considered obligatory. Each holy day serves as a form of spiritual renewal and a reaffirmation of one's commitment to Fujin's principles.

Fujin's followers find themselves at the intersection of nature's fury and the chaos of battle. They see in their deity a reflection of their own untamed spirits, and in his teachings, they find the freedom to be their truest selves. Through rituals that celebrate the raw, unpredictable forces of the world, and a community that values courage and strength, the followers of Fujin continue to honor their tempestuous god.

Historical Figures

Kurotai the Fearless

In the midst of the Battle of Raging Winds, where two great armies clashed with neither side gaining an advantage, a lone warrior named Kurotai stood out. With his comrades falling around him and the odds stacked against his faction, Kurotai felt a surge of raw energy coursing through him. Abandoning his shield and wielding his blade with both hands, he charged headlong into the enemy ranks, his battle cries echoing like thunder. As he fought, a sudden tempest enveloped the battlefield, turning the tide in his favor. By the battle's end, Kurotai stood victorious amidst a sea of defeated foes, the storm subsiding as quickly as it had begun. Recognizing the intervention of a divine power, Kurotai dedicated himself to Fujin, becoming the god's first convert and spreading his teachings across the land.

Suyin, Whisperer of Storms

Suyin was a humble fisherwoman from the coastal village of Sho-Kai. One fateful day, while out at sea, her boat was caught in a monstrous typhoon. As monstrous waves threatened to engulf her, Suyin found herself praying not for salvation, but for the strength to face the storm head-on. To the astonishment of her fellow villagers, Suyin emerged from the tempest unscathed, her boat intact, and her spirit unbroken. She spoke of Fujin's presence in the heart of the storm and how she felt a deep connection with the god's raw power. Suyin became a revered figure, known as the "Whisperer of Storms," guiding her village through many more tempests and spreading the tales of Fujin's might.

Jiro, the Arcane Tempest

Jiro was a mage with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and power. However, his experiments with magic were often deemed too volatile and dangerous by his peers. Undeterred, Jiro delved into forbidden arcane arts, seeking to harness the raw, chaotic energy of magic. During one such experiment, he inadvertently opened a rift to a realm of pure magical energy. Instead of being consumed by this overwhelming force, Jiro embraced it, allowing the raw magic to fuse with his being. The result was a mage of unparalleled power, his spells manifesting with the fury and unpredictability of a storm. Recognizing Fujin's influence in this newfound power, Jiro dedicated himself to the god, becoming known as the "Arcane Tempest" and teaching others the ways of wild, untamed magic.


Kurotai's Thundering Legion

Founded by the followers of Kurotai the Fearless, this sect emphasizes the warrior spirit and the raw power of combat. Members of the Thundering Legion are often soldiers, mercenaries, and martial artists who seek to harness the chaotic energy of Fujin in battle. They believe that true honor and glory are found not in structured warfare but in the heart of the storm, where chaos reigns supreme. Training sessions often mimic the conditions of the Battle of Raging Winds, pushing members to their limits and teaching them to find strength in adversity.

The primary symbol of Kurotai's Thundering Legion is a blade enveloped in a gust of wind, representing the fearless charge of Kurotai during the pivotal battle. Members often wear this symbol as a pendant or have it emblazoned on their armor or shields.

Suyin's Stormcallers

Inspired by Suyin, the Whisperer of Storms, this sect is composed mainly of sailors, fishermen, and coastal dwellers. The Stormcallers revere the tempestuous nature of the sea and seek to find harmony with its unpredictable moods. They believe that by understanding and respecting the storm, they can harness its power and protect their communities. Rituals often involve venturing out into the sea during storms, where members dance and chant, calling upon Fujin's blessings and protection.

The emblem of Suyin's Stormcallers is a stylized wave with a single eye at its crest, symbolizing the watchful gaze of Suyin during her encounter with the typhoon. This symbol is often painted on boats, carved into coastal shrines, or worn as talismans by members of the sect.

Jiro's Arcane Vortex

Jiro, the Arcane Tempest, gave birth to a sect that delves deep into the chaotic realms of magic. The Arcane Vortex is a gathering of mages, sorcerers, and magical researchers who seek to push the boundaries of arcane knowledge. They believe that true power lies in embracing the wild, untamed aspects of magic, much like Fujin's stormy nature. Rituals often involve group spellcasting, where members pool their energies to create spectacular displays of raw magical power, mimicking the event when Jiro opened the rift to the realm of pure magical energy.

The primary symbol of Jiro's Arcane Vortex is a swirling vortex with lightning bolts radiating outward, representing the raw magical energy that Jiro harnessed. Members of the sect often inscribe this symbol in their spellbooks, wear it as a brooch, or use it as a focal point during their rituals.

Sacred Artifacts

Kurotai's Tempest Blade

A sword said to have been forged from the heart of a thunderstorm, this blade crackles with electric energy. Legend has it that Kurotai wielded this very weapon during the Battle of Raging Winds. When swung, it is said to unleash gusts of wind so powerful that they can knock enemies off their feet. The blade itself is etched with intricate patterns of lightning bolts and storm clouds, and it hums with a barely contained energy, waiting to be unleashed.

Suyin's Storm-Eye Amulet

This amulet, crafted from a deep blue gemstone, is believed to have been worn by Suyin during her fateful encounter with the typhoon. The gemstone, resembling the turbulent depths of the ocean, is said to grant its wearer protection against the fiercest of storms and the ability to calm turbulent waters. Many sailors and fishermen consider it a talisman of good luck and protection, and it is highly sought after by those who venture into the treacherous seas.

Jiro's Arcane Prism

A multifaceted crystal of ever-shifting colors, this prism is said to contain a fragment of the rift Jiro opened to the realm of pure magical energy. Mages who harness its power can amplify their spells, drawing upon the raw, chaotic magic contained within. However, using the prism is not without risk, as its unpredictable nature can sometimes lead to unintended magical consequences. The prism constantly pulsates with energy, and when held, one can feel the raw power of the arcane tempest that Jiro once harnessed.

Holy Days

Tempest's Dawn

Date: First storm of the spring season
Description: Celebrated to mark the beginning of the storm season, Tempest's Dawn is a day when Fujin's followers gather to pay homage to the god's raw power. Rituals involve dancing in the rain, chanting hymns that echo the sound of thunder, and making offerings to Fujin to ensure protection during the upcoming storms. It's a day of reverence but also of celebration, as the rains bring life and renewal to the land.

Battle's Crescendo

Date: Midsummer's eve
Description: On this day, followers of Fujin commemorate the legendary Battle of Raging Winds where Kurotai first felt Fujin's intervention. Warriors and soldiers engage in mock battles, showcasing their skills and prowess. By nightfall, bonfires are lit, and tales of Fujin's might in warfare are shared, with special emphasis on embracing the chaos and unpredictability of battle.

Arcane Gale Festival

Date: The night of the autumn equinox
Description: A celebration of the wild and unpredictable nature of magic, the Arcane Gale Festival is especially significant for mages and sorcerers. Magical duels and displays light up the night, with practitioners harnessing the raw energy of Fujin to showcase their abilities. The festival culminates in a ritual where a collective spell is cast, invoking Fujin's blessing for greater magical prowess in the coming year.

Whispering Winds Day

Date: The last full moon of the year
Description: Inspired by Suyin's encounter with the typhoon, this day is dedicated to introspection and finding harmony with nature's chaotic side. Followers venture to the coast or high vantage points to listen to the wind, believing that Fujin's whispers can be heard in the gusts. It's a day of reflection, gratitude, and seeking guidance for the year ahead.


The Stormbinders

This heretical group believes that the chaotic energy of Fujin can and should be harnessed and controlled. They engage in rituals and magical practices aimed at binding storms and chaotic magical energies, directly opposing Fujin's principle of embracing chaos. Mainstream followers view them as blasphemers who seek to chain the very essence of their god.

The Pacified Gale

Members of this heresy argue that Fujin's chaotic nature is a test for mortals to find peace and tranquility amidst chaos, rather than embracing it. They focus on meditation and inner calm, often avoiding battles and storms, which is considered a grave misunderstanding of Fujin's teachings.


The Stormchasers

This cult is composed of extreme thrill-seekers who take Fujin's teachings to dangerous levels. They actively seek out the most violent storms and battles, believing that surviving such events is the ultimate form of worship. While their courage is admired, their recklessness is often frowned upon by more traditional followers.

The Chaosweavers

A secretive cult that delves into the most volatile and unpredictable forms of magic. They believe that by mastering the chaotic aspects of magic, they can become living embodiments of Fujin's power. Their practices are considered highly dangerous and are often shunned by mainstream magical communities.