
Mamaxa (Ma-max-a), often whispered as "The Mistress," is the dark goddess of deliberate excess, taking pleasure in the meticulous application of physically and physiologically pain. Born from an original shard of Ix, some ancient texts suggest she might have been the very voice that echoed Ix's curse upon the ancients, manifesting as the embodiment of that very torment.

Her doctrine is not one of random cruelty but of artful suffering. Mamaxa revels in pain that is delivered with precision, intention, and under the strict confines of established rules or laws. To her, chaotic infliction of agony is crude; true mastery is in the control and deliberate application of pain. Her followers, a diverse congregation ranging from disciplined dominatrixes to lawful slavers and methodical psychopaths, all adhere to a strict code. They operate within the boundaries of their society's laws, using them as both a shield and a weapon. To act out of unchecked emotion or to break their self-imposed rules is to invite Mamaxa's wrath upon oneself.


Mamaxa's places of worship, while rare, are intricate chambers of controlled excess, often resembling elaborate dungeons. Every element within these temples is designed for the artful application of pain, from intricate devices to ritualistic chambers. While the nature of their practices might be abhorrent to many, everything within these walls adheres strictly to the local laws. Consent is paramount; while free individuals willingly partake in the rituals, slaves, considered property in certain regions, experience the will of their owners. The very existence of these temples, hidden in plain sight, exemplifies Mamaxa's doctrine of operating within the boundaries.


The path to Mamaxa is often one of personal revelation rather than active recruitment. Many of her followers have experienced pain at the hands of her devotees and have come to find power or solace in it. Others seek her out, driven by a desire to master their internal torments by channeling them outward. Each follower's journey demonstrates Mamaxa's allure: the promise of power through controlled pain, both given and received.


Uncontrolled Cruelty

Random or chaotic infliction of pain is considered a grave offense. Mamaxa values precision and intention in the application of suffering.

Breaking of Laws or Rules

Operating outside the boundaries of societal laws or self-imposed rules is strictly forbidden. Mamaxa's doctrine emphasizes using laws as both a shield and a weapon.

Non-consensual acts are a severe taboo. Consent is paramount in all rituals and practices, aligning with Mamaxa's principles of controlled cruelty.


Mastery of Pain

Followers are obligated to master the art of delivering pain with precision and intention, continually honing their skills to meet Mamaxa's standards.

Upholding the Law

Adherents must be well-versed in the laws of the land, using them to protect their practices and to exploit loopholes for their benefit.

Ritual Participation

Regular participation in rituals like the "Ritual of the Bound Will" and the "Dance of the Silken Lash" is mandatory to demonstrate one's devotion and mastery.

Spreading the Doctrine

Followers are expected to share Mamaxa's teachings with those who seek power through controlled pain, guiding them on the path of mastery and devotion.

Ceremonial Attire

Chains of Obedience

During rituals, followers often wear intricately designed chains as a symbol of their submission to Mamaxa's will.

Robes of the Dark Mistress

High priests and priestesses don dark, form-fitting robes embroidered with Mamaxa's holy emblem, usually worn during high ceremonies.

Mask of Duality

A half-mask is often worn, symbolizing the duality of pleasure and pain. The mask is usually made of leather and may be adorned with intricate patterns or symbols.

Historical Figures

Lysandra the Broken

Lysandra was a once-proud warrior who fell victim to a rival kingdom's brutal tactics. Captured and subjected to unimaginable torment, she found herself crying out to any deity that would listen. It was in her darkest moment, amidst her screams and pleas, that Mamaxa whispered to her. Lysandra's pain became her strength, and she turned it against her captors, becoming the first to spread the word of Mamaxa. Her tale is one of transformation, from a broken spirit to a beacon of Mamaxa's power.

Mistress Elara of the Silken Chains

Elara was a dominatrix of unparalleled skill, known throughout the lands for her ability to weave pleasure and pain into an art form. Her sessions were legendary, drawing nobles and commoners alike to experience her touch. It was said that she could make a person experience their deepest fears and utmost pleasures simultaneously. Recognizing the essence of Mamaxa in her work, Elara dedicated her craft to the goddess, establishing the first temple and setting the standards for all dominatrixes in Mamaxa's name.

Torqun the Methodical

Torqun was a royal torturer, renowned not for his brutality, but for his precision. He viewed his work as a craft, applying pain with the precision of a surgeon. Every scream, every plea was a note in his symphony of suffering. Mamaxa took notice of his meticulous methods, and Torqun became her instrument, spreading her doctrine among the kingdoms. His tales are whispered among torturers, showing the art of controlled agony.

Naelen the Shadowed Mind

Naelen was neither a sociopath nor a psychopath in the traditional sense but exhibited traits of both. He was a master manipulator, able to inflict emotional and psychological pain with just a few whispered words. His victims often found themselves trapped in a web of their own fears and insecurities, driven to the brink of madness. Naelen operated within strict self-imposed rules, never physically harming his victims but leaving them mentally scarred. His methods showcasing Mamaxa's teachings that pain wasn't just physical but could be a mental art form.


The Silken Binders

The Silken Binders focus on the duality of pleasure and pain, using it as a means of spiritual enlightenment. They believe that by intertwining these sensations, one can achieve a state of heightened awareness and connection to Mamaxa. Members of this sect are often skilled in the arts of seduction and are known for their elaborate rituals involving silken ropes, chains, and other tools of bondage.

A silken rope intertwined with a chain, forming an intricate knot.

Members often engage in ritualistic bondage ceremonies, using the act of binding and being bound as a form of worship. They also host public performances, showcasing their mastery over the duality of pleasure and pain.

The Shadowed Mind Guild

This sect is dedicated to the psychological aspects of Mamaxa's teachings. They delve deep into the minds of individuals, using their fears and insecurities as tools for manipulation. Many members are skilled interrogators, using their knowledge to extract information and exert control.

An obsidian mirror framed with spider webs.

Members of the Shadowed Mind Guild often engage in psychological games, testing the limits of their targets' minds. They also host gatherings where participants are encouraged to confront and harness their deepest fears, turning them into weapons of manipulation.

The Crimson Enforcers

The most militant of Mamaxa's sects, the Crimson Enforcers believe in upholding her tenets with strict discipline. They act as enforcers of her doctrine, ensuring that all followers adhere to her teachings and punishing those who stray. Many members are former soldiers or mercenaries, bringing a martial aspect to their worship.

A blood-red whip crossed over a set of scales, representing justice and punishment.

The Crimson Enforcers are known for their public trials, where those accused of betraying Mamaxa's teachings are judged and, if found guilty, subjected to ritualistic punishment. They also conduct regular training sessions, honing their skills in combat and discipline.

Unholy Relics

Lysandra's Shattered Manacle

This rusted iron manacle is said to be the very one that bound Lysandra during her torment. It is broken in one spot, symbolizing her eventual escape and transformation. Those who possess it are said to draw strength from their pain, turning their suffering into a weapon against their foes.

Elara's Silken Whip

Crafted from the finest silk and interwoven with strands of blackened steel, this whip was Mistress Elara's favored tool. It is said to deliver both pleasure and pain in equal measure. Those who wield it can weave a dance of dominance, ensnaring the minds and bodies of those they target.

Torqun's Precision Blade

A thin, razor-sharp blade designed for the meticulous application of pain. It is said that Torqun could use this blade to inflict agony without ever drawing blood. Possessors of this relic find their ability to inflict precise and controlled harm enhanced, making it a feared tool in the hands of torturers.

Naelen's Obsidian Mirror

This dark, polished mirror is said to trap the reflections of those who gaze into it, revealing their deepest fears and insecurities. Naelen used it to manipulate and torment his victims psychologically. Those who use the mirror can glimpse the hidden torments of others, using their knowledge to inflict emotional and mental anguish.


Ritual of the Bound Will

Purpose: To demonstrate one's submission to Mamaxa and to draw strength from controlled suffering.

The participant is bound with chains in a dimly lit chamber, surrounded by the faithful. As incantations are recited, hot wax from black candles is dripped onto the participant's body. With each drop, the participant must recite a vow of loyalty to Mamaxa, embracing the pain and using it to fortify their will. The ritual ends when the participant has demonstrated their unwavering devotion, turning their pain into a testament of their faith.

Dance of the Silken Lash

Purpose: To celebrate the duality of pleasure and pain, and to showcase one's mastery over both.

In a grand chamber adorned with dark tapestries, participants engage in a dance, wielding silken whips imbued with Mamaxa's essence. As the rhythm of drums intensifies, dancers take turns delivering and receiving lashes, their movements a blend of agony and ecstasy. The dance continues until each participant has both given and received, symbolizing the balance of dominance and submission in Mamaxa's teachings.

The Shadowed Reflection

Purpose: To confront one's fears and insecurities, using them as tools for manipulation and control.

Using Naelen's Obsidian Mirror, participants gaze into its dark depths, allowing their deepest fears to surface. Guided by a high priest or priestess, they then confront these fears, turning them into weapons. Participants learn to harness their insecurities, using them to manipulate and dominate others. The ritual ends with a pledge to Mamaxa, promising to use their newfound knowledge to further her doctrine of controlled pain and suffering.

Tenets of Mamaxa

  1. Controlled Cruelty: Inflict pain with precision and intention. Random acts of cruelty are crude; true mastery lies in the artful application of suffering.

  2. Lawful Malevolence: Operate within the confines of established rules and laws. Use societal structures as both a shield and a weapon to further Mamaxa's doctrine.

  3. Embrace Dualities: Recognize and celebrate the intertwined nature of pleasure and pain. One cannot exist without the other, and both are tools in service to Mamaxa.

  4. Mastery Over Emotion: Never act out of unchecked emotion. Anger, lust, envy, and greed are weaknesses. To serve Mamaxa is to rise above such base impulses.

  5. Consent in Cruelty: Respect the boundaries of consent. While pain is a gift, when used with consent, it must be given and received with mutual understanding.

  6. Preserve the Art: Mamaxa's rituals, practices, and teachings are sacred. Protect and uphold the traditions, ensuring they are passed down with reverence and accuracy.

  7. Seek Power over the Vulnerable: Seek out those who are vulnerable, for they are opportunities inflict maximum suffering and to demonstrate devotion to Mamaxa.

  8. Spread the Doctrine: Share the teachings of Mamaxa with those who seek power through controlled pain. Guide them on the path of mastery and devotion.

  9. Punish the Unfaithful: Those who betray Mamaxa's teachings or act against her tenets must be corrected. Deliver punishment with the same precision and intention as any other act of worship.

  10. Honor the Mistress: Above all, remain loyal to Mamaxa, the Mistress of Excess. Dedicate every act, every moment of pain and pleasure, to her glory.


The Hedonists of Chaos

This heretical sect believes that Mamaxa's teachings are too restrictive. They argue that pain and pleasure should be experienced in their rawest forms, without the constraints of rules or laws. This directly contradicts Mamaxa's emphasis on controlled cruelty and lawful malevolence. The Hedonists of Chaos are often shunned by mainstream followers and may even be subjected to ritualistic punishment for their heretical views.

The Lawbreakers

This group believes that Mamaxa's teachings on operating within the law are a form of self-imposed limitation. They argue that true mastery over pain can only be achieved when one is willing to break societal norms and laws. This heresy is considered particularly dangerous, as it directly undermines one of Mamaxa's core tenets: to use laws as both a shield and a weapon.


The Cult of the Silenced Scream

Led by a mysterious figure known as "The Mute," this cult focuses on the suppression of vocal expressions of pain. They believe that true mastery lies in the ability to inflict or endure pain without any audible expression. Members often undergo rituals that involve sewing their mouths shut as a symbol of their devotion. The cult is considered extreme even by Mamaxa's standards and is often at odds with mainstream followers.

The Order of the Crimson Quill

This cult believes that emotional and psychological pain can be as potent as physical pain. They specialize in the art of written torment, crafting letters, poems, and texts designed to inflict maximum emotional suffering. Members often serve as scribes or advisors, using their skills to manipulate political and social situations. While they operate within the boundaries of the law, their methods are considered controversial.

Both of these heresies and cults diverge significantly from the mainstream teachings of Mamaxa. Whether it's the Hedonists' rejection of controlled cruelty or the Lawbreakers' willingness to operate outside the law, these groups are seen as dangerous deviations that must be corrected or purged.

Unholy Texts

The Codex of Suffering

Attributed to Torqun the Methodical, this text serves as a manual for the precise application of physical pain. It includes detailed diagrams and instructions for various torture devices and techniques.

The Web of Shadows

Written by Naelen the Shadowed Mind, this text focuses on the psychological aspects of Mamaxa's teachings. It includes various methods for manipulating people's fears and insecurities, turning them into weapons of emotional torment.

Authored by Mistress Elara of the Silken Chains, this text serves as a guide for dominatrixes and other practitioners of BDSM in the name of Mamaxa. It emphasizes the importance of consent and outlines various rituals and practices designed to intertwine pleasure and pain.