
Nyxollox, the God of Death, is one of the original deities born from the cataclysmic splintering of the ancient god Ix. Nyxollox views death with ambivalence, considering himself merely the conduit through which all must pass. Often referred to as "Nyx", he is formally addressed within the temple. A common saying among the populace is "Don't get Nyxed", a euphemism for avoiding death. While the majority of this faith's adherents are somewhat eccentric, most people pay passing homage to Nyxollox, as everyone has experienced the loss of a loved one and wishes for their kind treatment in the afterlife.

Nyxollox is the patron deity of death, not as an advocate for premature demise, but as a guide for the dying process and caretaker in the afterlife. His divine domains encompass grave and life. His holy symbol is a pair of clasped hands, one aged and one youthful. The clergy, drawn from all races and walks of life, shave their heads and paint them black upon initiation. The clergy is highly hierarchical, with each rank distinguished by a white line painted from the chin to the back of the head, extending past the first stripe on the left side of the face.


Temples dedicated to Nyxollox are constructed from reclaimed wood, resulting in varied appearances based on the local timber available. This also results in smaller temples, as Nyxollox perceives death as a personal event and prefers intimate spaces. It is common to find an elderly person or several individuals lying in cots in small side rooms, attended by loved ones as they pass. Clergy members ensure a comfortable passing for each individual. The passing of young individuals is particularly sorrowful, often causing the clergy to weep openly. In rural areas, temples typically have an attached graveyard or a separate field for burials. Those who pass under the blessing of the clergy are immune to being raised as undead.


Nyxollox acknowledges that all who are born will inevitably die, thus he sees no need for active recruitment of followers. His primary desire is for the clergy to mentor new initiates into the faith. Those touched by death in a tragic or epic manner are often considered potential candidates. The clergy's numbers grow slowly, as Nyxollox prefers an initiate to step in when an existing clergy member passes. However, worldly events such as wars, famines, and diseases can lead to an increase in initiates.


Defiling the Dead

Disrespecting or defiling a corpse is considered a grave sin in the eyes of Nyxollox. The body is to be treated with the utmost respect as it makes its journey to the afterlife.

Raising the Undead

Raising the dead as undead creatures is strictly forbidden. Those who pass under the blessing of Nyxollox's clergy are considered immune to such dark arts, and attempting to violate this sanctity is a severe taboo.

Interrupting the Dying Process

Interfering with the natural process of dying, especially within the sacred grounds of a temple, is considered a taboo. The clergy are there to ensure a peaceful transition, and any interruption is seen as a violation of Nyxollox's domain.


Guiding the Dying

Clergy members are obligated to guide the dying through their final moments, ensuring a peaceful and respectful transition to the afterlife.

Burial Rites

It is the duty of the faithful to properly bury the dead, following the rituals and customs prescribed by the church. This ensures the deceased's safe passage to the afterlife.


Senior clergy are expected to mentor new initiates, guiding them in the ways of the faith and preparing them to take on their roles when the time comes.

Ceremonial Attire

Black Robes

Clergy wear long, flowing black robes to symbolize the eternal darkness of death. The robes are often embroidered with Nyxollox's holy symbol.

Painted Head

Upon initiation, clergy shave their heads and paint them black. Each rank within the clergy is distinguished by a white line painted from the chin to the back of the head, extending past the first stripe on the left side of the face.

Clasped Hands Pendant

A pendant featuring Nyxollox's holy symbol of clasped hands, one aged and one youthful, is worn by all clergy members.

Staff of Passage

High-ranking clergy carry a staff topped with a representation of Nyxollox's holy symbol. This staff is used in rituals to guide the souls of the deceased to the afterlife.

Shoes of the Final Journey

Footwear made of simple, natural materials, symbolizing the final journey each soul takes to the afterlife.

Sash of Life and Death

A sash worn across the chest, usually in a color that contrasts with the black robes. It is embroidered with symbols representing life and death, emphasizing Nyxollox's role as the guide between the two.

Historical Figures

Bakwan Occal

Bakwan Occal is revered as the founding priest of the Nyxollox order. Overwhelmed by grief at the loss of his young son, Bakwan shaved his head, painted it black, and added a single white stripe in honor of his one-year-old child. He fervently prayed for his son's recovery, and although Nyxollox could not reverse the child's fate, he assured Bakwan of a peaceful transition for his son. This divine interaction brought Bakwan peace and inspired him to dedicate his life to aiding others in navigating the grief and loss of their loved ones.

Daughters of the Kallians

During a forgotten era, a war between the Kallians and their adversaries resulted in significant casualties on both sides. The daughters of the fallen soldiers congregated on the battlefield, weeping for their losses and tending to the dying without discrimination. Despite their inability to save many lives, they did everything in their power to ease the suffering of the dying. Their display of compassion and kindness was so profound that it inspired the soldiers on both sides to lay down their arms. Nyxollox appeared to each of these women in a dream, and upon waking, they shaved their heads, painted them black, and added a white stripe. They continued their work of caring for the dying, effectively ending the war. Afterward, they traveled to other war-torn regions, providing care and building temples along the way.

Mikkaw, the Reviled

Mikkaw, a human nobleman, was plunged into grief when his mistress died unexpectedly. His sorrow turned to rage when his wife confessed to poisoning her. In his fury, he avenged his mistress by taking his wife's life. To escape the consequences of his actions, Mikkaw sought refuge in a temple of Nyxollox. He devoted his time to seeking out those who had lost loved ones to murder, perverting the teachings of Nyxollox to encourage survivors to seek revenge. Mikkaw never directly participated in these acts of vengeance, but he ensured that the demise of the victims was prolonged and painful.

Shanoa, the Alchemist

Shanoa, a halfling woman, was known for her healing potions and remedies. She was frequently called upon to combat a recurring sickness that plagued her village. Despite her best efforts, she was unable to find a cure, and many villagers perished. In her desperation, she pleaded with the gods for help. Nyxollox heard her plea and granted her the knowledge to cure the sickness. Shanoa thus became the first healer in the Nyxollox order. Unlike her fellow clergy, she shaved her head and painted it white, adding a single black stripe.



The Shanoaites are a sect of clergy who focus on healing and recovery from sickness, injury, and disease. They understand that Nyxollox is patient, knowing that all will eventually come to him. They do not interfere with natural deaths due to old age, but otherwise, they strive to provide help when and where they can. They often travel to regions affected by plague outbreaks.

All Shanoaites shave their heads and paint them white with a single black stripe. They do not ascend in the clergy ranks, so they will only ever have one black stripe. However, they do not take orders from other ranked clergy, except for the highest-ranking clergy in the temple.


Hidden within the ranks, the Mikkawians are a clandestine group of clerics seeking to exact revenge on those who murder out of jealousy. The clergy seek out and excommunicate these individuals when discovered, forcing them to remain concealed. They typically operate in larger cities, where the complex dynamics of love and jealousy often lead to tragic outcomes.

Most Mikkawians operate individually, as revealing their allegiance to Mikkaw's path is grounds for excommunication. However, on rare occasions, they find each other and seek to recruit new initiates to their cause.

Holy Relics

Bakwan's Everlasting Paint

This jar, known as Bakwan's Everlasting Paint, is a divine artifact that perpetually replenishes its supply of black paint. Within the jar, there is also a cup of white paint that refills over time. The clergy ensure that the jar is never fully emptied, as doing so would terminate the blessing it provides. This sacred relic resides in the temple of the high priest and accompanies him during the initiation rites of new members, where it is used to paint their heads.

Brooches of the Kallian Daughters

The Brooches of the Kallian Daughters are 18 sacred items bestowed upon the higher-ranking priests in the order, particularly those venturing into war-torn areas to assist the dying. These brooches are believed to provide divine protection, as no priest wearing one has ever perished while serving in a war zone.

Shroud of Nyxollox

The Shroud of Nyxollox is a sacred cloth that was divinely gifted to a high priest upon the consecration of the first temple built in Nyxollox's honor using reclaimed wood. The shroud, which appeared on the altar on the day of the temple's consecration, is used to cover the bodies of deceased clergy members. The initiate replacing the departed clergy member is tasked with performing this holy sacrament. After the elder clergy member passes, the initiate dons the black shroud and walks around the temple, dedicating their life to the service of Nyxollox.

Holy Days

Burial Day

On the first day of each week, known as Burial Day, all individuals who have passed away under the care of Nyxollox are interred. This ritual symbolizes a renewal in the deceased's journey into the afterlife. The phrase "Till next week" is commonly used to signify the commencement of a new phase in one's life.

Revoco Night

On the last new moon of the year, those who have lost a loved one gather in the temple for Revoco Night. They light candles, sing songs of remembrance, and mourn their departed loved ones. While the temple provides a modest amount of food and drink, attendees often bring their own, typically the favorite food of the deceased, to share with fellow mourners.

Bakwan's Day

The third full moon of the year is celebrated as Bakwan's Day, marking the believed meeting between Nyxollox and Bakwan. On this day, the clergy remove their makeup for a ceremony exclusive to the order's members. Outsiders and initiates are not permitted to participate in the temple rites.



Moridies, or the Day of Dying, is a ceremony performed immediately after a person's death. The clergy bless the deceased, entrusting their soul to the arms of Nyxollox, who then guides them to their final resting place in the afterlife.


The Accelerationists

The Accelerationists believe that Nyxollox's role as the guide to the afterlife should be expedited. They argue that by actively causing death, they are fulfilling the deity's ultimate purpose. This heretical belief directly contradicts Nyxollox's stance as a guide for the dying process, not an advocate for premature death.

The Immortalists

This group argues that Nyxollox's domain of "life" should be emphasized over "death." They seek to extend life as much as possible, even if it means using forbidden magics. This is a direct violation of the taboo against interrupting the dying process and raises questions about the sanctity of life and death in Nyxollox's teachings.

The Soul Merchants

This heresy believes that the souls of the deceased can be traded or sold for power. They argue that since Nyxollox is the caretaker of souls in the afterlife, gaining his favor through soul offerings will grant them special privileges. This goes against the faith's teachings on the sanctity of the dead and the journey to the afterlife.


The Order of the Eternal Night

Founder: Lysandra the Dark
This cult believes that Nyxollox is not just the god of death but also the god of eternal darkness. They reject the dual nature of Nyxollox's domains—grave and life—and focus solely on the aspect of eternal darkness. Members often engage in rituals that plunge entire areas into unnatural darkness, believing it to be a sacred state.

The Circle of Rebirth

Founder: Theron the Renewed
Theron claims to have been reborn multiple times, each time guided by Nyxollox through the afterlife and back into the world of the living. The cult denies the finality of death, asserting that true followers will be reborn. This belief directly contradicts the faith's teachings on the irrevocable journey to the afterlife.

The Sect of the White Stripe

Founder: Elara the Pure
Elara, a former clergy member, claims that Nyxollox appeared to her in a vision, instructing her to paint her head with only a white stripe, removing the black. She argues that this symbolizes purity and a life free from the taint of death. Members of this cult paint their heads white and refuse to participate in death rites, which is a direct violation of the clergy's obligations and ceremonial attire.