
Pollaran, the God of War, emerged from the cataclysmic splintering of the ancient deity, Ix. He commands a substantial following among the nobility and war-profiteering merchants. The common folk typically pay homage to Pollaran during times of war. Mercenaries, gladiators, and soldiers pledge their loyalty to him. Pollaran is often referred to by his name, or, when his name is avoided, as the "war god".

Pollaran is the patron deity of war, with his domains being war and order. His holy symbol is a vertical arm and fist surrounded by a burst. The clergy is predominantly composed of nobles who have bought their way into the temples, often strategic-minded offspring rather than actual warriors. In rural areas, commoners occasionally adopt the faith in the absence of an established temple. However, noble clergy tend to look down upon their commoner counterparts. The clergy's primary objective is to glorify war and battles, attributing them to Pollaran.


Temples dedicated to Pollaran resemble miniature fortresses. Each temple begins as a guard tower, expanding with the growth of the faith in the area. As more towers are added and interconnected, a roof is eventually constructed over the central area, transforming it into a "full temple" where relics are housed and initiation ceremonies take place. Lesser temples pledge allegiance to a full temple and contribute a portion of their tithes and offerings. The towers comprise two levels: the first level of the initial tower houses a shrine to Pollaran and living quarters, while the second level is dedicated to martial training and additional living quarters. The third and fourth towers contain a forge and storage facilities. Once the central area is roofed, it becomes the primary worship area, with the original shrine serving as a private temple for the clergy's prayer and meditation.


Pollaran, ever seeking to expand his glory through new battlefields, expects his clergy to promote wars. High-ranking clerics often advise kings and queens, encouraging conflicts when necessary. However, Pollaran also understands that losing a war can undermine trust in the advisor, so he insists on honest assessments of the chances of winning a war. In the lead-up to conflict, the clergy may collaborate with rulers to increase military funding.



Showing cowardice in the face of adversity is considered a grave taboo. Followers of Pollaran are expected to exhibit courage and valor, and failing to do so is seen as a betrayal of the god's teachings.

Refusal to Fight

Refusing to engage in a just and honorable battle is considered a serious offense. Pollaran is the god of war, and his followers are expected to embrace conflict when it is warranted.

Dishonorable Conduct

Acts such as lying, cheating, or betraying one's comrades are considered dishonorable and are strictly forbidden within the faith.


Participation in War

All able-bodied followers are obligated to participate in wars and conflicts, either as warriors or as strategic advisors, to glorify Pollaran.

Honoring the Fallen

It is an obligation to honor those who have fallen in battle. This is typically done through rituals and ceremonies designed to commemorate the deceased.

Tithes to the Temple

Lesser temples are obligated to contribute a portion of their tithes and offerings to their aligned full temple. This is seen as a form of allegiance and unity within the faith.

Ceremonial Attire

Armor of Valor

During significant ceremonies, the clergy and high-ranking followers wear ornate armor that symbolizes the god's domains of war and order.

Fist Emblem

An emblem or pendant featuring Pollaran's holy symbol, a vertical arm and fist surrounded by a burst, is commonly worn by followers.

War Paint

In some traditions, followers may adorn themselves with war paint during ceremonies, especially those that precede going into battle.

Noble Robes

Noble clergy often wear elaborate robes adorned with symbols of Pollaran and possibly their own family crests, emphasizing their high status within the temple.


It is common for followers to carry a weapon, such as a sword or spear, during ceremonies. These weapons are often blessed in a ritual to channel Pollaran's strength.

Historical Figures

Angelleous Crinar

Angelleous was an elven warrior of exceptional skill. Her prowess with the blade was unparalleled, and she had bested swordsmen from all corners of the world. Despite her victories, she yearned for greater glory. Pollaran, the God of War, took notice of her ambition and challenged her to single combat in disguise. Initially, Angelleous was reluctant to accept the challenge, as Pollaran appeared unremarkable and lacked noble markings. However, when Pollaran offered her a magical gem as a prize, she agreed. After an hour of combat, during which she was unable to land a single blow, Angelleous realized she was being toyed with. In a flurry of attacks, she managed to strike Pollaran in the chest. Pollaran revealed his true identity and offered to teach her the art of war in exchange for her glorifying him in battle. Angelleous accepted and became the first priestess of Pollaran's faith.

King Kengo

King Kengo led a formidable mercenary group from the jungle kingdoms in the southern lands. His troops were known for their relentless ferocity in battle, and fighting against them was considered a bad omen. Kengo reveled in the glory of his victories, adorning himself with gems, jewels, and the skulls of defeated generals. However, when Kengo defeated an army led by a high-ranking cleric of Pollaran and added the cleric's skull to his belt, Pollaran was incensed. In the next war, Pollaran joined the opposing side and single-handedly decimated Kengo's army, saving Kengo for last. Recognizing the divine intervention, Kengo bowed before Pollaran and offered his sword in submission. Pollaran demanded Kengo return the skull and pledge loyalty to him. Kengo complied and later joined Pollaran's clergy, leading many armies to victory in Pollaran's name.

Mikello Zoranti

Mikello Zoranti, a dwarven weaponsmith, was renowned for his masterfully crafted weapons. Despite his fame, he had never engaged in battle himself. When the high priest of Pollaran commissioned Mikello to create 128 special weapons for the clergy, Mikello employed powerful magic and the assistance of the clerics to fulfill the request. The Zoranti Weapons he created were so powerful that they became sentient and grew beyond the control of their owners, becoming artifacts of immense power.


Telum Venandi

The Telum Venandi is a sect dedicated to retrieving the 128 weapons created by Zoranti. Aware of the inherent danger of these highly intelligent and powerful weapons, the sect has developed methods to pacify the weapons' intellect long enough to secure them. However, the mortality rate of this sect is high, as a single mistake can lead to the weapons turning on their handlers. The sect is recognized by its modified holy symbol—a horizontal sword over the fist, instead of the traditional burst from the fist.

Pollaran's Militia

Pollaran's Militia is not a clerical sect but a private army of the faith. All warriors who pass the initiation are accepted into the army, which exists to defend the faith and is often directed towards battles where Pollaran wishes the underdog to win. Once a warrior pledges to the militia, it is a lifelong commitment. Abandonment is punishable by single combat with the current leader of the militia—a challenge few have survived.

Sacred Artifacts

Angelleous's Scimitar

This legendary weapon, believed to have been wielded by Angelleous during her fabled duel with Pollaran, is a symbol of her prowess and defiance. The blade's tip and approximately six inches down remain in pristine condition, untouched by time or battle. The rest of the sword, however, bears the marks of countless conflicts. Although still functional, using it as a weapon is considered sacrilegious. The high cleric often employs it in the ceremonial knighting of valiant warriors into the militia.

Kengo's Skull

This relic, contrary to its name, is not the actual skull of Kengo but the one Pollaran claimed from him as a token of submission. Clergy members carry this skull during the finalization of a surrender agreement. As part of the ritual, surrendering generals are required to kiss the skull's crown, symbolizing their submission.

Pollaran's Banner

This banner, a divine omen, appears before the general's tent on the morning of a battle, indicating Pollaran's chosen victor. If the general emerges from their tent and pays homage to the banner, it remains with them throughout the battle, ensuring victory. However, if the general neglects this ritual, their army is doomed to defeat. No army has ever lost when the banner graced the general's tent and was held by the general throughout the battle.

Gauntlets of Glory

These gauntlets, adorned with Pollaran's holy symbol, are a testament to the victories achieved in his name. The original pair, reserved for the high cleric, is accompanied by numerous replicas worn by ranking officers within the order. Wearing these gauntlets in battle is associated with extraordinary phenomena, including earth tremors, heavenly lightning strikes, and forceful knockdowns of opponents.

Breastplate of Pollaran

This breastplate, marked by a sword puncture hole in the chest, is believed to be the one pierced by Angelleous's scimitar. When the scimitar and breastplate are brought together, the blade's immaculate tip aligns perfectly with the puncture hole. Many high-ranking clergy members wear this breastplate into battle, daring their opponents to replicate Angelleous's feat. However, most attempts end in failure, with the attackers' blades shattering upon impact.

Sacred Observances

Initiate Day

This day, occurring four times a year on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th full moons, is a grand spectacle where nobles present their children for potential induction into the order. Marked by thrilling tournaments, it draws large crowds of commoners who enjoy the free entertainment, food, and drink provided by the petitioning nobles. The crowd's reaction and the initiate's performance often determine their acceptance into the order.

Hoc Lugebit

Observed on the first new moon of the year during winter, this night of mourning is marked by large fires at the temples and communal meals reminiscent of battlefield sustenance. Attendees commemorate the lives of fallen soldiers by speaking their names in a solemn remembrance.

Day of Valor

Celebrated on the first day of summer, this day honors the courage and strength of Pollaran's followers. It's a day filled with competitions and challenges, all held to glorify Pollaran.

Warrior's Rest

Observed in the heart of winter, this day symbolizes a pause in life's battles. Followers of Pollaran use this day for rest, reflection, and to honor those who have fallen, while preparing for the battles yet to come.

Festival of the Unbroken Fist

This festival, held on the anniversary of a legendary battle where Pollaran's intervention led to victory, is a day of celebration and storytelling, recounting tales of Pollaran's might and the valor of his followers.


Benedictio Militum

Before marching into battle, a cleric performs this ceremony to bestow Pollaran's blessings upon the troops, fortifying them for the fight ahead.

Ceremony of the First Strike

This rite of passage is performed by young followers of Pollaran upon reaching the age of maturity. They publicly demonstrate their combat skills, symbolizing their readiness to fight for their beliefs and their community.

Ritual of the Unyielding

This personal ritual is performed by followers of Pollaran during times of hardship or challenge. Holding a symbol of Pollaran's fist, they recite prayers seeking his strength and resilience.

Feast of the Victorious

This communal feast is held after a victory or successful endeavor. The community unites to share a meal and express gratitude to Pollaran for his guidance and strength.

Ceremony of Remembrance

This solemn ceremony, held on Warrior's Rest day, allows followers of Pollaran to honor those who have fallen in battle. They light candles for each fallen warrior and recite prayers for their journey to the afterlife.

Tenets of the Faith


Followers of Pollaran are expected to exhibit courage in the face of adversity, believing that Pollaran bestows strength upon those who steadfastly uphold their beliefs.


While physical strength is highly revered, strength of character, will, and spirit are equally important. Followers are encouraged to cultivate resilience and determination alongside physical prowess.


Followers of Pollaran believe in the power of unity. They are encouraged to support each other, fight together, and stand united against adversity. Communal activities and ceremonies are integral to the faith.


Followers of Pollaran are expected to uphold honor in all aspects of life. This includes keeping their word, treating others with respect, and maintaining integrity. Honor is seen as a reflection of inner strength and character.


The faith of Pollaran teaches that life is a battle, and followers must persist, no matter the challenges. Perseverance in the face of adversity is highly valued, with followers believing that Pollaran grants endurance to those who refuse to surrender.


The Pacifist Warlords

This heretical sect believes that Pollaran's domain of "order" should be emphasized over "war." They argue that Pollaran is not just a god of war but also a god of strategy and governance. This sect often finds itself at odds with the mainstream faith, which glorifies war above all else.

The Egalitarian Knights

This group challenges the noble-centric nature of Pollaran's clergy, arguing that valor and skill in battle should be the only criteria for leadership within the faith. They believe that commoners who prove their worth should be allowed to rise through the ranks, a belief that is considered heretical by the noble clergy.

The Dishonored

This sect consists of warriors who have been branded as cowards or have refused to fight in what they considered unjust wars. They believe that Pollaran's teachings have been corrupted by the clergy and seek to reform the faith from within.


The Fist of Pollaran

This cult believes that Pollaran's true form is that of a giant, celestial fist that will one day descend to the world to smite all cowards and non-believers. Members of this cult are known for their fanatical devotion and are often involved in initiating conflicts to hasten the coming of the "Celestial Fist."

The Order of the Eternal Battle

Members of this cult believe that life is a constant battle and that death is merely a transition to another form of combat. They seek to die glorious deaths in battle, believing that this will grant them eternal glory in the afterlife, where they will continue to fight alongside Pollaran.

The Bloodsworn

This cult is focused on the ritualistic shedding of blood, both their own and their enemies', as offerings to Pollaran. They believe that blood is the purest form of tribute to the god of war and engage in bloodletting ceremonies that are considered extreme by mainstream followers.