Friedhof, the guardian of the underworld, was created by the ancient god Ix to oversee the realm of the departed. As the god of the underworld, Friedhof's domain is the grave, symbolized by his holy emblem, a black circle. His followers are few, as his primary duty is the stewardship of the underworld itself. Those seeking to interact with the underworld or its inhabitants often turn to other deities, while those wishing to engage with the underworld itself seek Friedhof's guidance.
Friedhof has no temples in the mortal realm. However, in the underworld, souls form ethereal temples in his honor. These temples are created by souls binding together to form a rapidly spinning circle. Mortals who venture into this realm and dare to enter the circle can interact with the souls, albeit the experience is far from pleasant.
Cael, the goddess of weather, was created by Ix to bring unpredictability to the worlds through wind, water, lightning, heat, cold, snow, floods, and all other weather phenomena.
Cael is the goddess of all things weather. Her domain is nature, symbolized by her holy emblem, a cloud with a single lightning bolt. Cael's followers are deeply connected to nature and revere the weather as a manifestation of Cael herself.
Temples dedicated to Cael are natural formations of rocks that harness the wind to create a swirling vortex. Followers visit these formations during various weather events to offer their praises to Cael. Even in still weather, they worship Cael, as all manifestations of weather are worthy of reverence.
Lunis, the goddess of the night, governs the celestial bodies that illuminate the night sky, including moons, asteroids, and meteorites. Her followers are creatures of the night and mortals who prefer the tranquility of darkness.
Lunis is the goddess of the night. Her domain is nature, symbolized by her holy emblem, a crescent moon. She has a modest following of nocturnal creatures and mortals, including a few thieves who offer tribute to Lunis.
Open fields adorned with stones carved with various phases of the moon serve as shrines to Lunis. Additional shrines exist at locations where celestial objects have fallen to the earth.
Meteorites are considered sacred relics by followers of Lunis. Whenever a celestial object falls to earth and is recovered by Lunis's followers, they regard it as a piece of Lunis herself and hold it in the highest reverence. Unbelievers who refuse to surrender these celestial fragments are deemed enemies of the faith.
Solis, the god of the sun, was created by Ix to maintain and care for the stars. Each world has a following of Solis, as they see him as the god who brings them light, enables their crops to grow, and melts away the snow.
Solis is the god of the sun. His domain is light, symbolized by his holy emblem, a rising sun with rays spreading out. Followers of Solis tend to be farmers who prefer to worship at sunrise.
Solis doesn't have traditional temples. Instead, his followers create sundials or timepieces from monolithic stones to mark the passing of time and seasons.
When Ix created the universe, he decided to introduce the concept of time. Tempus was created to oversee this new dimension. Tempus, the god of time, has the ability to see all aspects of time: past, present, and future. However, the Ancients, foreseeing Tempus's ability to predict Ix's downfall, blinded Tempus's future eye.
Tempus is the god of time. His domain is nature, symbolized by his holy emblem, a triangle of three eyes representing the past, present, and future. Tempus has a sophisticated following, with many seeking divine insight or closure on past events.
Tempus's followers are known for their advanced temples. The clergy bear tattoos of the third eye, placed on various parts of their bodies, symbolizing their devotion.
Many charlatans claim to be followers of Tempus, charging money for fortune-telling or future predictions. True worshippers of Tempus take great offense to these frauds and actively seek to expose them.