
Phonetically: Kuv-al-niks

Emerging from the chaos of the void when the Ancients unleashed their weapon against Ix, Qvalnx slipped unnoticed into the realm of the universe. Neither Ix, preoccupied at the time, nor the Ancients detected Qvalnx's entry into time and space. Although considered a god, Qvalnx differs from other deities. It grants no blessings to its worshippers, neither acknowledging their devotion nor paying attention to the worlds themselves. However, this is a narrative propagated by societal leaders. In truth, Qvalnx does exert influence within the universe. Unable to enter the Soul planes and most of the mystical realms, Qvalnx dwells in the depths of space, communicating with society's outliers - the insane, unstable, gullible, arrogant, prideful, and those consumed by their lust for power. It doesn't bestow powers upon clergy, but it does certainly reward rituals performed in its honor.

Most civilized people avoid speaking of Qvalnx, as the underworld is already filled with enough nightmares to terrify children into obedience. Qvalnx is beyond most people's comprehension. Its followers brand themselves with obscure and ancient symbols, seemingly random, except for the fact that every true follower will bear at least one brand.

Sacred Sites

Due to the perception of Qvalnx's followers as a cult, there are no open temples or places of worship dedicated to Qvalnx. Even evil races, kingdoms, and regions do not permit open worship of Qvalnx. Its worshippers are typically found in underground areas like sewers, dungeons, and caverns. The only known temple dedicated to Qvalnx is rumored to exist in The Second Lands.


Followers of Qvalnx resort to kidnapping children and indoctrinating society's fringes. Those who are insane or mentally unstable are drawn towards the rituals of Qvalnx. They traffic children across continents before initiating them into the ways of Qvalnx.


Speaking of Qvalnx Openly

Discussing Qvalnx in public or in polite society is considered a grave taboo. The deity is considered too terrifying and incomprehensible for casual conversation.

Rejecting the Void

Ignoring or rejecting the messages, dreams, or visions sent by Qvalnx is considered a serious offense among its followers. Those who do so are often ostracized or subjected to rituals meant to "open their minds" to the void.

Using Divine Magic

Since Qvalnx views divine magic as an affront, using conventional divine magic is considered taboo among its followers. They believe that true power should come directly from the void.


Spreading Chaos

Followers are obligated to sow seeds of chaos and insanity wherever they go, whether through subtle manipulation or overt acts.

Ritual Participation

Participation in the various ceremonies and rituals dedicated to Qvalnx is mandatory. These rituals are believed to strengthen the connection between the deity and its followers.


Every true follower must bear at least one brand of obscure and ancient symbols on their body. This is considered both an obligation and a rite of passage within the faith.

Ceremonial Attire

Branded Robes

Followers often wear dark robes that are adorned with the same ancient symbols that they brand onto their flesh. These robes are typically worn during rituals and ceremonies.

Void Amulets

Amulets containing a piece of "voidstone," a rare mineral believed to be imbued with the essence of the void, are commonly worn by followers during ceremonies.

Mask of Silence

During the Day of the Silent Void, followers wear masks that cover their mouths to symbolize their commitment to silence and contemplation.

Chains of Binding

In some rituals, especially those involving the kidnapping and indoctrination of new followers, participants wear chains to symbolize their binding to the will of Qvalnx.

Historical Figures

Unther, the Mad

Unther, one of the first mortals to descend into madness, was driven insane by his tribe's punishment. During a moment of lucidity, he glimpsed Qvalnx's true form and lost all touch with reality. Convinced he'd discovered the ultimate truth of creation, Unther kidnapped several newborn children from his tribe. Of these, only one survived the harsh conditions and grew up under Unther's care, descending into madness herself.

Smolla, the Daughter of Unther

Smolla, the surviving child kidnapped by Unther, was as cunning as she was mad. She would infiltrate villages, playing the victim of unspeakable abuse, and seduce the kindest man she could find. Once pregnant, she would use toxins and Qvalnx-granted rituals to drive her partner into madness. She expanded the number of Qvalnx's followers by bearing children and driving their fathers to insanity. Through rituals Smolla remained young and alluring for centuries.

Silent Sage Quorin

Quorin, a renowned philosopher and monk, was known for his profound understanding of the mysteries of existence and non-existence. Qvalnx led Quorin to deeper secrets of the universe until he went mad with forbidden knowledge. He became a devoted follower of Qvalnx, attributing his wisdom to Qvalnx's guidance. His teachings and meditations are still studied by followers of Qvalnx today.

Void Seer Yllara

Yllara, a mystic and prophetess, had the ability to peer into the void and interpret its mysteries. When Qvalnx peered back at her, she was driven to madness. She became a dedicated follower of Qvalnx, and her prophecies were considered messages from Qvalnx himself. Her most famous prophecy, "The Void's Whisper," is considered a sacred text in the faith of Qvalnx. ## Goals and Missions The true intentions of Qvalnx in the world remain largely unknown. However, the effects of its influence are evident. It sows seeds of insanity among the populace, resulting in unbridled chaos. Sometimes, these outbreaks occur seemingly without reason, while at other times, patterns and goals become apparent much later in history. Some plots take centuries to come to fruition, and historians may take several more centuries to connect the events and discern the pattern.

Qvalnx's objectives seem to involve infiltrating every kingdom, faith group, and region with its influence through bloodlines. Occasionally, a dormant insanity gene is activated centuries down the family tree, leading to a family massacre, court takeover, or other bizarre event. This theory is a recent discovery and is a subject of intense debate among scholars. Beyond the scholarly community, most people simply assume Qvalnx's purpose is to sow chaos and misery.

Qvalnx is engaged in a long-term strategy to bring the universe under its control. It views every creature outside of the prime plane as an intruder in its domain. Magic, whether arcane or divine, is an affront to Qvalnx as it bestows undue power upon mortals. Any boon provided by Qvalnx alters reality for the recipient (changing their perception, form, or ability to impact the world around them) rather than granting spells or the ability to command powers.


Order of the Silent Void

This sect emphasizes meditation and philosophical study, striving to comprehend the mysteries of the void through introspection and contemplation. They adhere to the teachings of Silent Sage Quorin and often reside in secluded monasteries.

Cult of the Void's Whisper

This sect is devoted to prophecy and divination, seeking to decipher Qvalnx's messages through the interpretation of dreams, omens, and celestial movements. They follow the prophecies of Void Seer Yllara and are often perceived as the town's madmen, prophesying impending doom.


Box of Insanity

This vibrant toy box is left in places where young princes or princesses will find it and, intrigued, play with it. Upon doing so, the child's mind is drawn inside the box. Unable to function without the box, the child keeps it with them throughout their life, gradually losing their sanity to the box, until by middle age the transformation is complete. Followers of Qvalnx are then present to fulfill whatever purpose Qvalnx intended for this noble, be it a massacre, a coup, a suicide, or something entirely different.

Quorin's Silence Stone

This smooth, black stone was used by Silent Sage Quorin during his meditations. It is said to connect the meditator to Qvalnx when held, aiding them in connecting with the void and understanding its mysteries.

Yllara's Void Orb

This dark, glass orb was used by Void Seer Yllara in her prophecies. It is believed to contain a fragment of the void itself and is used in ceremonies related to prophecy and divination.

Special Days

Day of the Silent Void

This day is dedicated to meditation and contemplation. Followers of Qvalnx spend the day in silence, seeking to connect with the void and understand its mysteries.

Night of the Void's Whisper

This night is dedicated to prophecy and divination. Followers of Qvalnx gather to share their dreams and visions, seeking to interpret the messages of Qvalnx.

Eclipse of Qvalnx

This day is observed during a solar or lunar eclipse, seen as a physical manifestation of the void. It's a time for major ceremonies and rituals, as the power of Qvalnx is believed to be particularly strong during an eclipse.


Ceremony of the Silent Meditation

This ceremony involves a period of silent meditation, followed by the sharing of insights and revelations. It's often performed on the Day of the Silent Void.

Ritual of the Void's Whisper

This ritual involves the interpretation of dreams and visions. It's often performed on the Night of the Void's Whisper, with followers sharing their dreams and seeking to understand the messages of Qvalnx.

Eclipse Ceremony

This ceremony is performed during an eclipse. It involves a series of rituals designed to connect with the void, including silent meditation, the sharing of prophecies, and the veneration of holy relics.

Tenets of the Faith


Followers of Qvalnx believe that all worldly matters are insignificant compared to the void, promoting a nihilistic view of life.


Followers are encouraged to disrupt the status quo whenever possible, as a way to manifest the chaos of the void in the physical world.


Due to the taboo nature of their faith, followers are taught to operate in secrecy, revealing their true beliefs only to trusted members of their community.


Followers of Qvalnx believe that concepts like good and evil, right and wrong, are meaningless constructs, advocating a form of moral relativism.


The Void's Embrace

This heretical sect believes that Qvalnx is not indifferent but actively seeks to merge the universe into the void. They practice rituals aimed at accelerating this cosmic convergence, which mainstream followers consider a dangerous misunderstanding of Qvalnx's nature.

The Seekers of Clarity

This group claims that Qvalnx is not a deity of madness but of ultimate clarity and understanding. They argue that what is perceived as insanity is actually enlightenment, a perspective that is considered blasphemous by traditional followers.

The Unbranded

This sect rejects the practice of branding, claiming that true connection with Qvalnx requires no physical marks. They are often persecuted by mainstream followers for this belief.


The Whisperers

This cult focuses on interpreting the subtle signs and messages from Qvalnx in everyday life. They believe that Qvalnx communicates through coincidences and seemingly random events.

The Voidwalkers

This cult practices astral projection and other forms of out-of-body experiences to explore the void and seek direct communion with Qvalnx. They are often considered dangerously heretical by mainstream followers.

The Chaosbringers

This violent cult believes in manifesting the chaos of the void in the physical world. They are responsible for various acts of terrorism and are hunted by authorities.