
Raphma, the offspring of the primitive deities Lunis and Solis, is the Goddess of Twilight and Arcana. She harbors a deep fascination for the mortals dwelling on Dort. Often, she would implore her mother to linger longer, providing additional daylight to aid those journeying across the land. Intrigued by the dreams of mortals, she delves into their subconscious to understand their desires and fears. In collaboration with Zopha, she contributed to the creation of arcane magic, providing mortals with an additional tool for their survival. Devotees of arcane magic often venerate her, and those seeking relief from nightmares seek her guidance. She is typically depicted as a full-figured woman, embodying a nurturing, motherly demeanor.


Temples dedicated to Raphma are essentially places of learning. When her followers expressed a desire to construct a place of worship for her, she suggested they refrain from the trouble of creating a specific sanctuary. Instead, she encouraged them to honor her in existing places where they strive for self-improvement. Consequently, it became a common practice among her followers to venerate her within libraries, studies, and laboratories. Many mages tend to maintain a small shrine to her within their labs, inviting her watchful gaze as they work. Those plagued by recurring nightmares often have shrines within their bedrooms. Most of these shrines consist of small statues of her placed near a window, allowing her to look in on them.


Raphma expresses no interest in actively recruiting followers for her faith, but she welcomes those who choose to follow her path. Her Arkinian followers, in line with this philosophy, accept all who come to them without imposing their beliefs on others. The Lupine Followers, on the other hand, believe they have a purpose bestowed upon them and adhere strictly to the tenets set by their original leader. The Path of Nocturnus, similar to the Arkinians, welcomes all who wish to follow their beliefs but are more inclined to engage in discussions about their faith.


Hoarding Knowledge

Raphma values the sharing and dissemination of knowledge. Hoarding knowledge for personal gain is considered a grave sin among her followers.

Suppressing Dreams

As Raphma is intrigued by the dreams of mortals, using magic or substances to suppress or alter one's dreams is frowned upon.

Disrespecting Twilight

The time of twilight is considered sacred, and any actions that desecrate this time, such as initiating conflicts or performing dark rituals, are considered taboo.


Pursuit of Knowledge

Followers are expected to continually strive for self-improvement through the acquisition of knowledge and skills.

Recording Dreams

Devotees are encouraged to keep a dream journal, recording their dreams as offerings to Raphma for her to study and understand.

Respect for Arcane Magic

Given her role in the creation of arcane magic, followers are obligated to treat all forms of this magic with respect and reverence.

Ceremonial Attire

Robes of Twilight

During ceremonies, followers wear robes that shift in color, mimicking the changing hues of the sky during twilight.

Dreamcatcher Amulets

These amulets are worn to capture the essence of one's dreams and are considered a direct offering to Raphma.

Arcane Sigils

Followers often wear jewelry or carry items inscribed with arcane sigils as a sign of their devotion to the goddess of Arcana.

Tenets of the Faith


Raphma encourages her followers to be open to new experiences and ideas, as this aligns with her own curiosity and love for learning.


Given her nurturing, motherly demeanor, followers are expected to show compassion and kindness to others, especially those in need.


Raphma embodies the balance between day and night, and her followers are expected to seek balance in their own lives, whether it's between work and rest, or emotion and logic.


The goddess values introspection and self-awareness. Followers are encouraged to regularly engage in self-reflection to better understand themselves and their place in the world.

Historical Figures

Nikolav Lup

Nikolav was an ordinary man, diligent and well-versed in the medical field. However, his life took a drastic turn when he was brutally attacked by a lycanthrope. Barely surviving the encounter, he slowly recuperated, oblivious to the fact that he would soon transform into the very creature that nearly ended his life. The reality of his curse dawned upon him when he discovered his wife and son lifeless after his first transformation. In his despair, he implored the gods to alleviate his curse, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. All except for Raphma, who, moved by his tragedy, descended from the heavens to aid him. She relieved him of his curse by plunging a blade into his heart. Rather than ending his life, Nikolav felt the curse being absorbed by the blade. Empowered by this extraordinary blade, he dedicated his life to seeking out others who had suffered his fate, striving to save as many as he could.

Reginold Arkin

Reginold, a gnome by birth, was innately curious about the workings of the world. A tinkerer by trade, he was relentless in his pursuit of knowledge in both science and magic. After years of rigorous study, he established the world's largest university, inviting students to learn from his vast knowledge. His students were astounded by the breadth of his teachings and wondered how he had amassed such profound knowledge of the arcane. Reginold recounted the tale of how Raphma had visited him one evening after he had made a significant breakthrough in arcane studies. Impressed by his accomplishment, she gifted him a book containing all her arcane knowledge, some of which was still too complex for him to comprehend. Following his death from a severe illness, he passed on the relic to his most gifted student, thus establishing a tradition.



The Lupines are a sect of followers who have been afflicted with the curse of lycanthropy and seek to eradicate this curse. They strive to remove the curse from those upon whom it was forced and from those who were born with lycanthropy. They either attempt to contain their transformations or remove the curse through wishes if a sufficiently powerful member of the sect is able to do so. If a lycanthrope is beyond redemption and desires to continue their bloodlust, the sect believes it is in the best interest of the people to eliminate the beast. The Lupines offer their services as trackers and survival experts to generate income for the sect.

  • Always strive to preserve the life of the afflicted and those they might harm.
  • Always attempt to remove the curse from the afflicted or contain them during their transformations, enabling them to lead normal lives.
  • If the afflicted wishes to remain cursed, then, and only then, take the necessary action.


The Arkinians are primarily mages who worship Raphma, seeking her guidance in their experiments. They are driven by a relentless curiosity about the arcane, even willing to become test subjects themselves in the pursuit of knowledge. They often offer enchanting and alchemical services to the public to fund their research. Known for their intelligence, Arkinian members often serve as spies, utilizing magic to remain undetected. Their invaluable information has been the deciding factor in many wars.

Path of Nocturnus

The Path of Nocturnus is a sect deeply devoted to the worship of Raphma. Its members feel a profound calling towards her, honoring her for the good she has done for mortals and striving to emulate her kindness. They specialize in healing and aiding in the eradication of distressing nightmares. They are experts in manipulating and controlling dreams for those who seek their help. The Path of Nocturnus is the most church-like sect, having constructed a building dedicated to Raphma that serves multiple purposes. They aim to better themselves while following the Path of Nocturnus, and in doing so, help others improve as well.

Holy Relics

The Book of Arcanus

This book was a gift to Reginold Arkin in recognition of his breakthrough in arcane studies. Passed down from teacher to student over the years, the book contains all arcane discoveries made by Raphma and expands with every new discovery she makes. Most of its contents are too complex for mortals to currently comprehend.

The Staff of Twilight

This staff is said to be bestowed upon those whom Raphma deems her chosen ones on the Path of Nocturnus. It is rumored to have had many wielders throughout the time mortals have inhabited Dort. However, none have been recorded in the annals of the religion's history, leading many to dismiss it as mere rumor.

The Shard of Lunis

This shard was gifted to Nikolav when Raphma lifted his lycanthropy curse. It is said to have the power to remove any curse that has befallen someone. It was passed among the most trusted members of the sect until it was stolen one day and has since been lost to history.

Holy Days


The last and first days of the solar year are celebrated together, serving as a time to reflect on the past year and welcome the possibilities of the new one. The celebration typically involves drinking and storytelling about the past year, followed by a hearty feast on the second day to welcome the new year and contemplate ways to improve oneself.


This day celebrates the occurrence of an eclipse, a special event in the religious following of Raphma as she was conceived during the first ever eclipse. On this day, followers of Raphma attempt to conceive a child themselves, hoping to gain her blessing.


The Sending

This ceremony is performed by those on the Path of Nocturnus. Once a month, they write down their most memorable dream since the last Sending and burn the paper in a holy fire, symbolically sending the dreams to their goddess for her to study.

The Unbinding

Performed by the Lupines Sect, this ceremony involves removing a curse from someone's body and soul. The person is chained up until the curse is removed, after which they are released and a feast is held in celebration.

The Transfer

When the holder of the Book of Arcanus feels their time is near, they hold a ceremony where they invite their most knowledgeable pupils to discuss who should inherit the book. Ultimately, the decision lies with the holder, and the chosen one must accept the responsibility of safeguarding the knowledge of their goddess.


The Duskbringers

This heretical sect believes that Raphma is not just the goddess of twilight but also of the impending darkness that follows. They argue that she is a deity of endings and finality, and they perform rituals aimed at hastening the end of the world.

The Dreamweavers

This group claims that Raphma is not just intrigued by dreams but can actually manipulate and control them. They practice dream manipulation magic, which is considered blasphemous by mainstream followers who believe that dreams should be left untouched for Raphma to study.

The Arcane Purists

This sect believes that arcane magic should only be used for scholarly pursuits and not for practical applications like combat or healing. They are often in conflict with the Arkinians and are considered heretical for their restrictive views on magic.


The Twilight Scholars

This cult focuses on the study of twilight phenomena, such as the colors of the sky and the behavior of animals during this time. They believe that understanding these can lead to deeper insights into Raphma's nature.

The Dreamkeepers

This cult believes that they are the chosen ones to interpret Raphma's messages through dreams. They practice lucid dreaming and other techniques to delve deeper into the dream world.

The Arcane Mystics

This cult combines arcane magic with mystical practices, aiming to achieve a higher state of consciousness. They are often considered dangerously experimental by mainstream followers.