
Emerging from the depths of ancient lore, Ryujin is the embodiment of the vast and mysterious seas that envelop Dort. When the cosmic event shattered Ix, a fragment of its divine essence descended upon an age-old sea dragon, nearing the end of its life. This serendipitous union transformed the creature into Ryujin, a deity with dominion over the boundless oceans he cherished. While the tempestuous weather remains beyond his grasp, the sea's very essence, from its surging waves to its treacherous whirlpools, bows to his will.

Ryujin's essence is intrinsically tied to saltwater, the lifeblood of the oceans. He views freshwater as an alien entity, an unwelcome guest encroaching upon his vast domain. This distinction is vital, as it shapes the nature of his worship and the reverence he commands.

Mariners, who brave the unpredictable seas, revere Ryujin as their guardian and guide. The merfolk, along with a myriad of marine creatures, honor him as the lord of their watery realm. Even on land, coastal settlements that rely on the ocean's bounty pay homage to this mighty dragon god, recognizing his influence on their livelihoods.

Ryujin's emblem, a dragon's visage framed by undulating waves, captures his dual essence: the majesty of the dragon and the ever-changing nature of the sea. As a deity, he embodies the cyclical rhythm of life, ensuring that all creatures of the sea, from the smallest fish to the grandest leviathan, respect the balance of existence.


For those who walk the earth, shrines dedicated to Ryujin grace the shores, standing as testaments to humanity's reverence for the sea's might. These coastal sanctuaries often feature a vessel filled with seawater, symbolizing Ryujin's dominion. In the underwater realm, coral alcoves serve as sacred sites where the merfolk and other marine beings gather to venerate their god. These submerged temples are adorned with a dragon's tooth, etched with Ryujin's emblem, firmly embedded within the coral, signifying the deity's ever-present gaze.


For those on land, the sea's allure often draws them to Ryujin's embrace. Coastal communities, especially those without a patron deity, find solace in the dragon god's protection. Ryujin's clergy, recognizing this innate connection, establish shrines in such settlements, guiding the inhabitants towards the god's teachings. Beneath the waves, the faith is an intrinsic part of life. Born amidst the vast expanse of Ryujin's realm, marine beings naturally revere the dragon god, ensuring his legacy endures through the ages.


Polluting the Sea

Disrespecting the sea by polluting it is considered a grave offense in the eyes of Ryujin and his followers. Those who intentionally harm the ocean's ecosystem are shunned and may face severe penalties.

Freshwater Worship

Given Ryujin's disdain for freshwater, worshipping or offering tributes using freshwater is considered blasphemous.

Disrespecting Marine Life

Killing or harming marine creatures without reason or for sport is considered taboo. All life in the sea is under Ryujin's protection, and unnecessary harm is not tolerated.


Tithes to the Sea

Followers are expected to offer a portion of their catch or harvest to the sea as a form of tribute to Ryujin. This is often done by releasing some fish back into the ocean or offering fruits at sea shrines.

Maritime Aid

Providing aid to those in distress at sea is considered a sacred duty. Followers believe that by helping others, they earn Ryujin's favor.

Ritual Cleansing

Before participating in any holy ceremonies, followers must cleanse themselves with saltwater to purify their bodies and spirits.

Ceremonial Attire

Scales of the Sea

During ceremonies, followers often wear garments adorned with scales, symbolizing their connection to marine life.

Dragon's Eye Amulet

An amulet often worn around the neck, usually made of a blue gemstone, representing Ryujin's watchful eye.

Wave Mantle

A flowing, blue cloak worn during ceremonies, its design mimics the undulating waves of the sea.

Tenets of the Faith

Respect for Nature

Followers are taught to respect the natural world, particularly the sea and its inhabitants. Sustainable fishing and responsible use of marine resources are strongly encouraged.

Courage and Exploration

Ryujin embodies the adventurous spirit of the sea. Followers are encouraged to explore, discover, and face challenges head-on, whether on land or in the depths of the ocean.

Balance and Harmony

Just as Ryujin maintains the balance of life in the sea, followers are expected to live balanced lives, respecting the natural cycles and rhythms of the world.

Community and Unity

The sea is vast, but it is also a community of interconnected beings. Followers are encouraged to foster a sense of community, both among themselves and with the creatures of the sea.

Historic Figures

Captain Hiroshi, the Sea's Chosen

A legendary sailor from a coastal village, Captain Hiroshi was known for his unmatched navigational skills and his deep respect for the sea. On a fateful voyage, his ship was caught in a massive whirlpool. Instead of panicking, Hiroshi and his crew began singing praises to Ryujin. Miraculously, the ship emerged unscathed from the whirlpool's center, with Hiroshi claiming to have seen the dragon god's visage in the water's depths. From that day, he became a fervent devotee, establishing numerous shrines along the coast and spreading tales of Ryujin's benevolence. His legacy is celebrated by sailors who seek Ryujin's favor before embarking on their journeys.

Lirea, the Coral Priestess

Born among the merfolk in a vibrant coral city, Lirea was a visionary who foresaw the importance of strengthening the bond between sea dwellers and Ryujin. She was known to communicate with marine creatures, guiding them to honor the dragon god. Lirea also played a pivotal role in establishing the first underwater temple dedicated to Ryujin, using a dragon tooth she claimed was gifted to her in a vision. Her teachings emphasized the cyclical nature of life in the sea and the need to respect Ryujin's balance. Today, Lirea's hymns are sung in the coral alcoves, and her tales inspire young merfolk to embrace their god's teachings.

Thalor, the Wave Whisperer

Thalor, a coastal mage, was renowned for his ability to communicate with the sea's spirits. Intrigued by the mysteries of the deep, he sought to understand Ryujin's essence. Through years of meditation and study, Thalor developed spells that emulated the sea's rhythms, from the gentle ebb and flow of tides to the fierce surge of tsunamis. His magic was said to be a gift from Ryujin, allowing him to bridge the gap between land and sea. Thalor's legacy is preserved in ancient scrolls, which are studied by mages aspiring to harness the sea's power.

Sacred Artifacts

Hiroshi's Compass

An ornate navigational compass that once belonged to Captain Hiroshi, the Sea's Chosen. The compass is said to always point towards the nearest shrine of Ryujin, guiding sailors safely through treacherous waters. Encased in a shell of mother-of-pearl, the compass's needle is shaped like Ryujin's emblem, the dragon head amidst wavy lines.

Lirea's Conch

A large, iridescent conch shell that was the personal relic of Lirea, the Coral Priestess. When blown, it produces a haunting melody that is believed to summon sea creatures and calm turbulent waters. The conch's surface is etched with intricate patterns depicting Ryujin's tales and the cycle of life in the sea.

Thalor's Aquamarine Grimoire

A spellbook bound in scales and adorned with a large aquamarine gem on its cover. This grimoire contains Thalor's research, spells, and rituals dedicated to Ryujin. The pages, made from seaweed parchment, detail the mage's understanding of the sea's rhythms and his communion with its spirits.

Dragon's Tear Pendant

A teardrop-shaped pendant made from a crystalline substance believed to be a tear shed by Ryujin himself. The pendant glows with a soft blue light in the presence of danger, serving as a protective talisman for those who traverse the seas. It is said that wearing the pendant grants the bearer Ryujin's favor and ensures safe passage across his domain.


The Navigators of Hiroshi

Founded by the disciples of Captain Hiroshi, this sect is primarily composed of sailors, navigators, and explorers. They believe that Ryujin guides them through the treacherous waters, ensuring their safe passage. Members of this sect often carry miniature replicas of Hiroshi's Compass and gather annually at the site where Hiroshi's ship emerged from the whirlpool. They are known to chart unknown waters, always seeking new routes and passages under Ryujin's guidance.

Lirea's Coral Disciples

Primarily consisting of merfolk and other sea-dwelling beings, this sect is dedicated to preserving the underwater temples and coral alcoves dedicated to Ryujin. They believe in the teachings of Lirea, emphasizing the importance of the balance of life in the sea. Members of this sect are skilled in coral crafting, creating intricate structures and statues in honor of Ryujin. They also organize underwater processions during significant lunar phases, celebrating the god's dominion over the seas.

Thalor's Tidebinders

A sect of mages, scholars, and mystics, the Tidebinders delve deep into the arcane arts associated with the sea. Drawing inspiration from Thalor's Aquamarine Grimoire, they seek to harness the sea's power and understand its rhythms. They believe that Ryujin's essence can be channeled through spells and rituals, allowing them to influence tides, communicate with sea spirits, and even glimpse into the sea's mysteries. The sect often gathers at coastal academies, sharing their knowledge and furthering their understanding of Ryujin's magic.

The Dragon's Embrace

A more esoteric sect, members of the Dragon's Embrace focus on the spiritual connection between land and sea dwellers and Ryujin. They practice meditation and rituals that emphasize the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth in the sea's context. They believe that by embracing Ryujin's teachings, one can achieve a state of harmony with the sea and its myriad creatures. The sect is known for its serene ceremonies, often held on secluded beaches during sunrise or sunset, symbolizing the union of the sea and the sky.

Holy Days

The Day of Calm Waters

Celebrated on the first day of summer, this holy day marks the beginning of the sailing season. Followers gather at the shores, offering prayers and gifts to Ryujin, seeking his blessing for safe voyages. Sailors set their boats adrift for a moment of silence, symbolizing their trust in Ryujin's guidance. The day concludes with a grand feast, with seafood being the primary delicacy.

Lirea's Moonlit Dance

Held on the night of the full moon closest to the autumn equinox, this holy day celebrates Lirea's communion with Ryujin. Merfolk and other sea creatures perform intricate dances beneath the moonlit waves, their movements reflecting the ebb and flow of the tides. On the shores, land dwellers light lanterns and set them afloat, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of lights on the water.

Thalor's Tide Ritual

On the winter solstice, when the tides are at their most unpredictable, followers of Ryujin gather to honor Thalor's understanding of the sea's rhythms. Mages and Tidebinders lead ceremonies, channeling the sea's energy and ensuring the balance of its tides. Participants often cast spells and enchantments, seeking to deepen their connection with Ryujin and the vast oceans.

Dragon's Awakening

Celebrated on the spring equinox, this holy day symbolizes the awakening of Ryujin from his winter slumber. It's a day of rejuvenation and new beginnings. Followers release fish and other marine creatures into the sea, symbolizing life's renewal. Temples and shrines are adorned with blue and white decorations, and ceremonies are held to honor Ryujin's eternal watch over the seas.


The Sea's Embrace

A rite of passage for young sailors and sea dwellers, this ceremony marks their formal introduction to the vastness of Ryujin's domain. Participants are taken to the open sea, where they dive deep, immersing themselves fully before emerging, symbolizing their acceptance of the sea's challenges and blessings. Elders then offer prayers to Ryujin, seeking his protection for the new generation.

Coral Communion

Held in the underwater temples, this ceremony is a solemn occasion where merfolk and other sea beings renew their vows to Ryujin. Participants gather around the etched dragon tooth, reciting ancient hymns and sharing tales of the sea's wonders. The ceremony culminates in a collective song, its melody echoing through the ocean depths.

Lanterns of Hope

On nights when the sea is particularly turbulent, followers gather on the shores, lighting lanterns and setting them adrift. Each lantern represents a prayer to Ryujin, seeking calm waters and protection from the sea's fury. The floating lights serve as a beacon of hope, reminding all of Ryujin's ever-present gaze.

The Dragon's Feast

An annual celebration, this ceremony is a grand affair, bringing together land and sea dwellers. A vast spread of seafood is prepared, honoring the bounty of Ryujin's realm. Participants share stories of their encounters with the sea, from thrilling adventures to miraculous survivals, all attributing their fortunes to Ryujin's grace.


The Freshwater Heresy

This heresy argues that Ryujin's disdain for freshwater is a misunderstanding and that freshwater should be incorporated into rituals and offerings. Followers claim that doing so would symbolize the unity of all waters under Ryujin's dominion.

The Sea's Wrath

This heresy takes the tenet of "Respect for Nature" to an extreme, advocating for the complete cessation of all fishing and maritime activities. Followers believe that the sea should be left entirely untouched to preserve its sanctity, directly opposing the sustainable use of marine resources.

The Landbound Faith

This heretical belief posits that one does not need to be near or in the sea to worship Ryujin truly. Followers argue that Ryujin's essence can be honored anywhere, even far inland, which contradicts the deity's close association with saltwater and coastal regions.


The Cult of the Eternal Whirlpool

Founder: Marcellus Stormeye
This cult believes that the key to ultimate wisdom and power lies at the bottom of a mythical eternal whirlpool. They claim that Ryujin himself guards this secret and that only the chosen can access it. The cult often embarks on dangerous sea expeditions, seeking this elusive whirlpool.

The Saltborn

Founder: Elara Saltveil
The Saltborn cult denies the need for maritime aid, one of the core obligations of Ryujin's faith. They argue that those who find themselves in distress at sea are being tested by Ryujin and should not receive help, as it interferes with divine judgment.

The Moonlit Apostates

Founder: Lysandra Moonfin
This cult, primarily among merfolk, believes that Lirea was a false prophet and that her teachings diluted the true essence of Ryujin's wisdom. They claim to have received new revelations from Ryujin through dreams and visions, which often involve altering or outright rejecting established rituals and ceremonies.

The Dragon's Tear Heretics

Founder: Thalos Wavebinder
This cult is obsessed with the Dragon's Tear Pendant, claiming that it is not just a protective talisman but a key to immense magical power. They believe that by collecting these pendants, they can unlock hidden arcane secrets, thereby gaining control over the sea's very essence. This belief directly contradicts the tenet of "Balance and Harmony," as it promotes the idea of dominating the sea rather than living in harmony with it.