
Shen-Li, often referred to as the "Guardian of Ancestral Spirits," emerged from the collective memories and honor bestowed upon ancestors by the people of Shoing. Revered as the embodiment of history and honor, Shen-Li watches over ancestral spirits, ensuring that the deeds, wisdom, and sacrifices of those who came before are not lost in the sands of time but are passed down, cherished, and honored by each successive generation.

As the guardian of ancestral spirits, Shen-Li holds a unique position among deities. He doesn't merely oversee the spirits; he ensures their legacies thrive in the hearts and minds of the living. His emblem, a scroll intertwined with a phoenix, captures the essence of his domain: the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth, and the importance of preserving and honoring history.

Ancestral Shrines

In lieu of towering temples or grand cathedrals, the followers of Shen-Li turn to more intimate and personal spaces for worship: ancestral shrines. Nestled within homes, at the heart of villages, or even in secluded groves, these shrines represent the deep-rooted respect for lineage and legacy. Adorned with carved tablets bearing the names of ancestors, fragrant incense, and offerings symbolizing gratitude, these shrines are more than mere places of worship. They are repositories of memories, tales, and lessons from the past. Families congregate here, not just to offer prayers, but to recount tales, share wisdom, and ensure that the younger generation understands the value of honor and the sacrifices made by their forebears.


The path to Shen-Li is not one paved with grand gestures or fervent evangelism. Instead, it is a quiet, introspective journey, often beginning at the ancestral shrine. Elders play a pivotal role, narrating tales of valor, wisdom, and sacrifice, instilling in the young a deep sense of respect for their lineage. As individuals recognize the weight of their heritage and the importance of honor, they naturally gravitate towards Shen-Li, seeking his guidance in upholding these values. The clergy, often historians or keepers of ancestral records, assist in this journey, ensuring that each story, each legacy, is preserved and passed on. Through this organic, deeply personal process, Shen-Li's following grows, one story, one memory at a time.


Dishonoring Ancestors

One of the gravest sins in the eyes of Shen-Li and his followers is the act of dishonoring one's ancestors. This could range from speaking ill of them to neglecting the ancestral shrine or failing to observe traditional ceremonies.

Falsifying History

Given Shen-Li's role as the guardian of ancestral spirits and history, altering or falsifying historical records or family histories is considered a severe offense.

Neglecting the Ancestral Shrine

Failure to maintain the ancestral shrine, including allowing it to fall into disrepair or neglecting to make regular offerings, is seen as a sign of disrespect not just to one's ancestors but also to Shen-Li himself.



Followers are obligated to keep the stories and histories of their ancestors alive. This is often done through oral storytelling, ensuring that each generation understands and appreciates the deeds and lessons of those who came before them.

Shrine Maintenance

Regular upkeep of the ancestral shrine is a duty for all followers. This includes cleaning, making regular offerings, and updating the shrine with the names of recently deceased family members.

Community Support

In line with the values of honor and respect for one's lineage, followers are also expected to extend these principles to their broader community. This often involves acts of charity, mentorship, and the preservation of communal history.

Ceremonial Attire

Robes of Memory

During ceremonies, followers wear robes embroidered with ancestral symbols and perhaps even the names of key ancestors, serving as a walking testament to their lineage.

The Ancestor's Amulet

A small amulet containing a relic or inscription related to an ancestor, often worn during ceremonies to strengthen the spiritual connection between the living and the dead.

Scroll of Lineage

A scroll detailing the family lineage is often read out during significant ceremonies, serving both as a record and a symbol of the family's history.

Tenets of the Faith


The cornerstone of Shen-Li's teachings is a deep-seated respect for one's ancestors and an understanding of the sacrifices they made.


The act of preserving the stories, wisdom, and traditions of the past is considered a sacred duty.


Living one's life in a way that brings honor to one's ancestors is a key tenet of this faith. This includes not just individual acts of valor but also the everyday upholding of moral and ethical principles.


While the focus is often on individual family lineages, there is also a strong emphasis on the community as a whole. Followers are encouraged to honor not just their own ancestors but also the collective ancestors of their community, recognizing that history and legacy are shared experiences.

Historic Figures

Master Lao Xian, the Chronicler

Master Lao Xian was a revered historian who dedicated his life to documenting the tales, traditions, and wisdom of countless generations. Traveling across the East, he compiled vast volumes of ancestral stories, ensuring that no legacy, no matter how small, was forgotten. His dedication to preserving history made him a beloved figure, and many believe that it was through his writings that Shen-Li's teachings spread far and wide. Today, many historians consider Master Lao Xian as their spiritual predecessor and seek to emulate his dedication.

Lady Hana, the Ancestral Guardian

Lady Hana was a noblewoman known for her unwavering commitment to honoring her ancestors. When her village was razed by invaders, she single-handedly saved the ancestral shrine from destruction, defending it with unmatched valor. Her bravery ensured that the memories and honors of countless generations were preserved. In her later years, she established a sanctuary where people could venerate their ancestors and learn about their legacies. Her tale is often recounted as a testament to the lengths one should go to uphold honor and preserve history.

Sage Jiro, the Spirit Whisperer

Sage Jiro was a mystic who claimed to communicate directly with ancestral spirits. Through his meditations and rituals, he sought guidance from the past, often sharing the wisdom and messages he received with the community. Many sought his counsel, believing that through him, they could connect with their forebears. Jiro played a pivotal role in strengthening the bond between the living and the ancestral spirits, emphasizing the importance of understanding and honoring the past.

Warrior Ling, the Honor-Bound

Warrior Ling was a famed fighter who, despite numerous victories, was best known for his unwavering code of honor. He believed that every action, every decision, should reflect the teachings and sacrifices of one's ancestors. After a significant battle, instead of celebrating his triumph, Ling built a shrine to honor both his ancestors and those of his fallen enemies, believing that in death, all legacies are equal and deserving of respect. His actions inspired many to look beyond immediate victories and consider the weight of honor and history in their deeds.

Sacred Relics

Lao Xian's Quill

Believed to be the very quill used by Master Lao Xian, this relic is revered by historians and scholars alike. The quill, made from the feather of a rare phoenix, is said to possess the ability to transcribe not just words, but the very essence and emotions behind them. Those who use the quill claim to feel a deep connection to the past, as if the spirits of ancestors guide their hand.

Hana's Ancestral Amulet

A beautifully crafted amulet that once belonged to Lady Hana. Made of jade and adorned with intricate carvings of ancestral spirits, the amulet is believed to protect its bearer from harm and ensure their actions honor their lineage. It is said that the amulet glows softly when in the presence of a true act of honor.

Jiro's Spirit Bowl

A simple, yet profound relic, this bowl was used by Sage Jiro in his rituals to communicate with ancestral spirits. Made from ancient driftwood and inlaid with mother-of-pearl, the bowl is filled with water during ceremonies, serving as a conduit between the realms of the living and the departed. Those who peer into the bowl during rituals claim to see fleeting images of their ancestors.

Ling's Blade of Honor

The weapon wielded by Warrior Ling, this blade is a reminder of his honor in battle. Forged from meteorite iron and etched with symbols representing lineage and legacy, the blade is said to be unbreakable when wielded with true honor. It serves as a reminder that even in conflict, one's actions should reflect the teachings and values of their ancestors.


Ancestral Remembrance Day

Held annually, this ceremony is a day of reflection and gratitude towards one's ancestors. Families gather at their ancestral shrines, lighting incense and offering food, drink, and other tokens of appreciation. Elders recount tales of their forebears, ensuring that the younger generation understands the sacrifices and teachings of those who came before them. The day culminates in a communal feast, celebrating the enduring bond between the living and their ancestors.

The Ritual of the First Word

When a child speaks their first word, it is believed that they are echoing the voice of an ancestor. To honor this connection, a ceremony is held where the child's name is inscribed on the family's ancestral tablet. The family then offers prayers to Shen-Li, seeking his blessings and guidance for the child's future.

The Spirit Communion

On special occasions, followers of Shen-Li seek to communicate directly with their ancestors. Guided by a priest or priestess, participants enter a meditative state, using the Spirit Bowl to bridge the gap between realms. Through this ceremony, they seek guidance, wisdom, and blessings from their forebears, strengthening their connection to the past.

The Oath of Honor

When an individual achieves a significant milestone, be it a rite of passage, a notable achievement, or a personal vow, they partake in this ceremony. Standing before the ancestral shrine, they swear an oath to uphold the values and teachings of their lineage. The community bears witness, ensuring that the individual remains true to their word and honors their ancestors in all their actions.


The Forgotten Ones

This heresy argues that not all ancestors deserve to be honored and remembered. Followers of this belief selectively venerate only those ancestors who achieved great deeds, while purposefully neglecting or even erasing the names of those they deem unworthy from their ancestral tablets. This goes against Shen-Li's teachings of honoring all ancestors, regardless of their deeds.

The Eternal Cycle

Adherents to this heresy believe that the cycle of life, death, and rebirth means that ancestors eventually reincarnate into new members of the family. They argue that maintaining ancestral shrines or telling old stories is unnecessary, as the ancestors live on in the flesh. This contradicts Shen-Li's emphasis on the importance of preserving and honoring history.


The Cult of the Living Ancestor

Founder: Zhen Wu
This cult is founded on the belief that Zhen Wu, their charismatic leader, is the living embodiment of all the ancestors combined. Followers are taught to direct their veneration and offerings to him, rather than their ancestral shrines. Zhen Wu claims to have special knowledge that allows him to communicate directly with Shen-Li, thereby altering the traditional practices and focusing more on the living than the past.

The Scrollkeepers

Founder: Mei Lin
Mei Lin, a self-proclaimed historian, argues that Shen-Li is not just the guardian of ancestral spirits but also the god of future legacies. She teaches her followers to focus on writing their own histories and predicting future events, often neglecting the ancestral shrines and stories of the past. Mei Lin claims to have a secret scroll given to her in a vision by Shen-Li, which she says contains the future history of all families.

The Spirit Deniers

Founder: Dao Shen
Dao Shen, a philosopher and theologian, argues that there are no ancestral spirits to honor, only the lessons and consequences of their actions. He teaches that the focus should be on the material world and that the concept of ancestral spirits is a metaphor, not a reality. This cult denies the very existence of the realm that Shen-Li is supposed to guard, thereby undermining the core tenets of the faith.