
Born from the fervent prayers and desperate cries of necromancers, death cultists, and souls who met violent ends, Shinigami is a deity of unique origin. While most gods are ancient entities with defined beginnings, Shinigami was willed into existence by sheer collective belief. This god is not merely about the cessation of life but represents the cyclical nature of death and rebirth. In a world where death is often seen as the final frontier, Shinigami challenges this notion, championing the idea of returning from the abyss with renewed purpose.

Unlike the mindless undead that roam the lands, Shinigami's followers seek a more profound resurrection. They aspire to return with their consciousness intact, driven by a mission or a curse. Liches, powerful undead sorcerers who have achieved a form of immortality, are revered as the pinnacle of Shinigami's blessings. While the god's influence is openly acknowledged in places like Shoing, it lurks in the shadows of other regions, drawing those who dare to defy the natural order of life and death.

Shinigami's emblem, a white rose with withered petals save for one vibrant black one, encapsulates the deity's essence – amidst decay and desolation, there's a spark of defiant life. This god breaks the cycle of death to rebirth, challenging other deities who oversee the realms of the departed.


Shinigami's places of worship are masterclasses in subterfuge. Disguised as familial mausoleums nestled within graveyards, they blend seamlessly with their surroundings. To the untrained eye, these structures appear as mere resting places for the departed. However, the observant might notice the god's emblem subtly etched or displayed. Within these mausoleums lies the true sanctum. Descending staircases lead the faithful into dimly lit chambers, echoing with whispered prayers and resonating with the energy of the god. These underground shrines, though claustrophobic and somber, pulse with an undeniable power, drawing in those who venerate the cycle of death and resurgence.


Shinigami's call is not for the faint of heart. It resonates with those who tread the blurred line between life and death, those who seek forbidden knowledge, and those who yearn for a second chance at existence. The god's allure is potent for necromancers, aspiring liches, and individuals who have experienced resurrection. There's no need for evangelism; the allure of Shinigami's promise draws in the curious, the ambitious, and those disillusioned with the finality of death. In the shadowy corners of the world, they gather, united in their reverence for the Resurgent Dark.


Soul Binding

While Shinigami's domain includes the cycle of death and rebirth, forcibly binding living souls to objects or places is considered a grave offense. This act disrupts the natural cycle and is seen as an affront to the god's teachings.

Desecration of Graves

Given the deity's close association with places of death, desecrating graves or mausoleums is considered highly disrespectful and is strictly forbidden.

Denial of Rebirth

Actively working against the concept of rebirth, such as destroying phylacteries of liches or preventing resurrection rituals, is considered a taboo in this faith.


Preservation of Knowledge

Followers are expected to study and preserve the dark arts and forbidden knowledge associated with death and rebirth. This often involves maintaining libraries or archives of necromantic texts.

Ritual Participation

Active participation in the various unholy days and ceremonies is not just encouraged but considered a duty. These rituals strengthen the bond between the deity and the followers.

Respect for the Dead

Though they may manipulate the forces of life and death, followers are obligated to treat the dead with respect, honoring them through rituals and offerings.

Ceremonial Attire

Robes of the Abyss

Dark, flowing robes adorned with symbols of death and rebirth, often featuring the emblem of Shinigami, are worn during ceremonies.

The Phylactery Amulet

A small amulet designed to resemble a phylactery is often worn by followers, symbolizing their aspiration to transcend death.

Mask of Shadows

During specific ceremonies, masks that obscure the wearer's identity are used to symbolize the anonymity of death and the collective nature of the faith.

Tenets of the Faith

Cycle of Existence

The core belief of Shinigami's followers is in the cyclical nature of life and death. They reject the idea that death is the end, instead embracing the possibility of rebirth with renewed purpose.

Forbidden Knowledge

The pursuit of arcane and forbidden knowledge, particularly related to necromancy and resurrection, is highly valued. Followers believe that such knowledge brings them closer to their god.

Individual Purpose

Each follower is believed to have a unique role or mission in both life and death, often revealed through dreams, visions, or during rituals. Fulfilling this purpose is considered the ultimate act of devotion.

Ethical Necromancy

While the faith involves practices often considered dark or forbidden, there is an ethical code that followers are expected to adhere to, including the respectful treatment of souls and the dead.

Historic Figures

Moros, the Lich King

Moros was once a powerful sorcerer who sought to defy the natural order of life and death. Obsessed with achieving immortality and amassing power, he turned to the teachings of Shinigami. Through dark rituals and countless sacrifices, Moros successfully transformed himself into a lich, becoming an undying entity. As the Lich King, he established a reign of terror, enslaving entire cities and using their inhabitants for his dark experiments. His name became synonymous with dread, and tales of his cruelty spread far and wide. Moros's legacy is one of ruthless ambition and the lengths one might go to achieve eternal life under Shinigami's guidance.

Elara, the Soul Harvester

A high priestess of Shinigami, Elara was infamous for her ability to trap souls, preventing them from moving on to the afterlife. Using a set of dark crystals known as the "Soul Shards," she would roam battlefields, capturing the souls of the fallen. These trapped souls were then offered to Shinigami in elaborate rituals, strengthening the god's influence in the mortal realm. Elara's actions created a wave of restless spirits, leading to hauntings and spectral phenomena across the lands. Her insatiable hunger for souls made her one of the most feared figures in history.

Draken, the Cursed General

Once a proud and honorable warrior, Draken was brought back from the brink of death by a cult of Shinigami after a brutal betrayal by his comrades. Fueled by vengeance and bound to Shinigami's will, Draken became the Cursed General, leading an army of undead soldiers. With his undead horde, he laid waste to cities and kingdoms, exacting revenge on those who had wronged him. Draken's battles were not for conquest but for sheer destruction, leaving a trail of desolation in his wake. His name became a curse, invoked to instill fear in the hearts of enemies.

Sacred Relics

Moros's Phylactery

A dark, obsidian gem encased in a skeletal hand, this phylactery once held the soul of Moros, the Lich King. While its magical properties have long since faded, it remains a potent symbol of the lengths one might go to defy death. The phylactery is often displayed during rituals dedicated to Shinigami, serving as a reminder of the god's promise of rebirth and the price of immortality.

Elara's Soul Shards

A collection of dark crystals, each one said to have trapped a soul by Elara, the Soul Harvester. These shards are revered by Shinigami's followers, representing the god's dominion over the souls of the departed. While they no longer possess the ability to trap souls, they are used in ceremonies, where they are arranged in intricate patterns to honor Shinigami.

Draken's Cursed Helm

A blackened helm with a visor shaped like a skull, this relic once belonged to Draken, the Cursed General. The helm is believed to have been forged in the fires of vengeance and is a testament to Draken's undying rage. Followers of Shinigami view the helm as a symbol of the god's promise to grant purpose to those who return from death. It is often worn by the high priest during significant rituals, symbolizing the god's watchful gaze over his followers.

The Book of Shadows

An ancient tome bound in leather and inscribed with silver runes, the Book of Shadows contains the teachings, rituals, and dark spells dedicated to Shinigami. It is said that the book was penned by the earliest followers of the god, capturing their understanding of death and rebirth. The tome is carefully guarded by the clergy and is consulted during important ceremonies, guiding the faithful in their worship of Shinigami.

Unholy Days

The Eclipse of Despair

Marked on the day of a solar eclipse, this unholy day symbolizes the temporary triumph of death over life. Followers of Shinigami gather in graveyards and other places of death, performing rituals to strengthen the connection between the living and the dead. It's believed that during the eclipse, the veil between the realms is thinnest, allowing for easier communication with restless spirits.

Night of the Wailing Shadows

On this chilling night, it is said that the cries of those who were denied rebirth can be heard. Followers light no fires or candles, embracing the darkness and listening to the lamentations of the lost souls. Rituals are performed to appease these spirits, offering them solace and a promise of eventual rebirth under Shinigami's guidance.

The Day of Broken Chains

Commemorating a historic event when a group of necromancers defied Shinigami's teachings and attempted to bind souls against their will, this day serves as a warning against hubris. Followers reflect on the importance of respecting the balance of life and death, and ceremonies are held to honor those souls that were wrongfully chained.

The Hour of the Black Rose

At midnight on this unholy day, a single black rose is said to bloom in Shinigami's temples. This rose, symbolizing death without rebirth, serves as a reminder of the god's dual nature. Followers gather to witness the rose's bloom, partaking in rituals that emphasize the importance of understanding and accepting both aspects of Shinigami: death and the promise of return.


The Night of Whispered Souls

Held on the darkest night of the year, this ceremony is dedicated to the souls trapped by Elara's Soul Shards. Followers gather at Shinigami's temples, lighting black candles and reciting chants from the Book of Shadows. As the night progresses, it is believed that the whispers of trapped souls can be heard, pleading for release or vengeance. The ceremony serves as a reminder of Shinigami's dominion over the souls of the departed and the thin line between life and death.

Resurgence Ritual

On the anniversary of Draken's resurrection, followers of Shinigami gather to celebrate the god's promise of rebirth with purpose. Participants wear masks resembling the Cursed General's helm and reenact the moment of Draken's return from death. The ritual culminates in a dance of shadows, symbolizing the interplay of life, death, and rebirth. It's a ceremony of hope for those who seek a second chance under Shinigami's guidance.

Lich's Ascension

Dedicated to Moros, the Lich King, this ceremony is held once a decade and is reserved for the most devout followers of Shinigami. Participants undergo a series of trials, testing their loyalty, knowledge, and dedication to the god. Those who succeed are granted the honor of touching Moros's Phylactery, a symbolic gesture representing their aspiration to transcend death. The ceremony is both a test and a celebration of the ultimate goal of many of Shinigami's followers: to defy death and return with purpose.

Shadows' Conclave

A secretive gathering of Shinigami's high priests and priestesses, the Shadows' Conclave is held in the deepest chambers of the god's temples. During this ceremony, the Book of Shadows is consulted, and the clergy seeks guidance from Shinigami on matters of death, rebirth, and the future. The conclave is also an occasion to initiate new members into the inner circle of the faith, ensuring the continuation of Shinigami's dark teachings.


The Eternal Lichdom

This heresy posits that achieving lichdom is not just a pinnacle but the only true form of existence that should be aspired to. Followers of this belief consider all other forms of life, including regular humans and even those who have experienced resurrection, as inferior. This goes against Shinigami's teachings of the cyclical nature of life and death, focusing only on a perpetual undead state.

The Soul Collectors

Adherents to this heresy believe that capturing and binding souls, even against their will, is a form of ultimate devotion to Shinigami. This directly contradicts the taboo of Soul Binding in the faith, as it disrupts the natural cycle that Shinigami oversees.


The Order of the Black Rose

Founder: Seraphina Darkthorn
Seraphina claims to have received a vision from Shinigami, instructing her to cultivate and protect a garden of black roses, each representing a soul that will never experience rebirth. Followers of this cult focus solely on the aspect of eternal death, ignoring Shinigami's teachings about the cycle of rebirth. They believe that some souls are meant to remain in eternal darkness, never to be reborn.

The Revenant's Oath

Founder: Lazarus Grim
Lazarus Grim, a man who claims to have been resurrected multiple times, teaches that each cycle of death and rebirth imbues a person with unique, divine powers. He argues that Shinigami's true gift is not just rebirth but a form of ascension, turning the resurrected into demigods. This cult focuses on dying and resurrecting multiple times to accumulate power, which is a dangerous and twisted interpretation of Shinigami's teachings.

The Nihilist's Creed

Founder: Nox Voidheart
Nox teaches that Shinigami's true message is not the cycle of death and rebirth but the ultimate cessation of existence. According to Nox, the god was willed into existence to end the cycle, not perpetuate it. Followers of this cult seek to annihilate their souls, aiming for a state of non-existence, which directly contradicts Shinigami's teachings about the importance of the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.