
Themela, often referred to as the "Dual Raven," stands as a beacon of unwavering truth and justice in a world filled with shades of gray. Born from the union of Bethsia and Caminus, she embodies the dual aspects of the law: truth and justice. Each raven, ever-present in her depictions, symbolizes these unwavering principles. In Themela's eyes, justice is an unwavering force, blind to prejudice, and rooted in the undeniable truth. She operates in the realm of facts, cosmic constants, and the unyielding nature of the law, untouched by fleeting emotions or situational biases.

While Themela respects laws that allow for compassion and understanding, she demands strict adherence to those that don't. Her influence is felt strongly within the judicial systems of lawful kingdoms, guiding judges, rulers, commanders, and even lawyers, regardless of their moral alignment. They all serve the law, and in doing so, they serve Themela.

Her emblem, the two ravens facing each other, is a testament to her dual nature and her commitment to both truth and justice. While her primary domain is knowledge, her true power lies in overseeing the laws set by rulers and leaders, from grand kingdom edicts to the specific codes of military conduct. Personal contracts and agreements fall outside her purview, for her gaze is fixed upon the larger, binding laws that govern societies.


Themela's places of worship are often found within the very heart of justice: courthouses, judgment halls, and rulers' chambers. Rather than grand temples, she is venerated in modest rooms or alcoves, always adorned with depictions of her twin ravens. These sacred spaces may not resonate with the typical grandeur of divine worship, but within the walls of courtrooms and judgment halls, her presence is profoundly felt. The truest form of worship to Themela is the act of fair adjudication, and every sentence passed in the name of justice is a hymn sung in her honor.


Themela's following is niche but dedicated. Judges, commanders, and those who mete out justice pay their respects, recognizing her authority over their domain. While the common folk might not flock to her en masse, those within the judicial system, from bailiffs to court watchers, find solace and guidance in her teachings. The clergy of Themela often embed themselves within these systems, ensuring that the scales of justice remain balanced under her watchful eyes.


Subverting Justice

Any act that intentionally subverts the course of justice, such as bribery, perjury, or tampering with evidence, is considered a grave sin in the eyes of Themela.

Abuse of Power

Using one's position within the judicial system for personal gain or to unfairly influence the outcome of legal proceedings is strictly forbidden.

Ignorance of the Law

Claiming ignorance as an excuse for breaking the law is not acceptable. Themela expects her followers to be well-versed in the laws they are meant to uphold.


Any form of discrimination based on race, gender, social status, or any other factor is considered an affront to Themela's principles of impartial justice.


Daily Recitation

Followers are expected to recite the Tenets of Themela daily, reinforcing their commitment to upholding justice and truth.

Providing pro bono legal assistance to those who cannot afford it is considered a sacred duty, ensuring fair representation for all.


Experienced judges, lawyers, and other judicial officials are expected to mentor the next generation, passing down the skills and wisdom they've acquired.

Periodic Review

Regularly reviewing and updating one's understanding of the law is mandatory. This includes staying current with new legislation and legal precedents.

Ceremonial Attire

Robes of Justice

A formal robe, often black or deep blue, embroidered with the emblem of Themela's twin ravens, is worn during significant legal proceedings and religious ceremonies.

Scales of Truth

A small set of scales, symbolizing the balance of justice and truth, is often carried or worn as a pendant by followers.

Gavel of Integrity

During ceremonies, a ceremonial gavel made of oak or ash is used to signify the finality and weight of justice being served.

Rituals and Ceremonies

The Oath of Office

When someone takes on a new role within the judicial system, they swear an oath before an altar of Themela, pledging to uphold justice and seek the truth.

The Verdict Ritual

Before delivering a significant verdict, judges often perform a private ritual, asking Themela for the wisdom to make the right decision.

The Day of Reflection

Once a year, followers gather to review and discuss significant legal cases and developments, sharing insights and wisdom.

The Cleansing of the Scales

A bi-annual ceremony where the scales used in legal proceedings are ritually cleansed and blessed, symbolizing the renewal of commitment to impartial justice.

Historical Figures

Eldrin the Just

Eldrin was a judge in a small town, known for his unwavering commitment to fairness and justice. When Themela first emerged as a deity, it was Eldrin who felt her presence the strongest. During a particularly challenging case, where the evidence was muddled and testimonies conflicted, Eldrin found himself praying for clarity. That night, he dreamt of the two ravens, guiding him to the truth. Upon waking, he delivered a verdict that showcased an uncanny understanding of the truth, earning him the title "Eldrin the Just." He became Themela's first devout follower, spreading her teachings and ensuring that justice was always served.

Varik the Silver-Tongued

Varik was a lawyer with unmatched skill in manipulating the intricacies of the law. Known as the "Silver-Tongued," he had an uncanny ability to twist words, exploit loopholes, and use the letter of the law to his advantage, often to the detriment of others. While his methods were questionable, his adherence to the strict interpretation of the law was undeniable. Varik never broke the law; he simply knew how to bend it to its limits. His successes in court, especially in cases where the odds seemed insurmountable, made him infamous. Themela watched Varik with a mix of admiration for his knowledge of the law and disdain for his lack of moral compass.

Liora the Defender

Liora was a beacon of hope in a world where the law often favored the powerful. A lawyer with a heart of gold, she dedicated her life to defending the wrongfully accused. In one of her most notable cases, she represented a young woman accused of a crime she didn't commit. Despite the evidence stacked against her client and the influence of powerful figures wanting a quick conviction, Liora's unwavering belief in justice and her deep understanding of the law led to the young woman's acquittal. Liora's dedication to upholding justice, even in the face of adversity, made her a beloved figure among Themela's followers. She exemplified the spirit of using the law as a tool for good, ensuring that truth and justice always prevailed.

Holy Relics

Scales of Absolute Balance

These scales, made of pure silver with intricate engravings of the two ravens on each side, are said to have been blessed by Themela herself. When any two items are placed on its pans, the scales will always find the true balance between them, regardless of any enchantments or tricks applied to the items. It's a symbol of Themela's unwavering commitment to truth and justice. Judges and arbitrators consider it an honor to use these scales in their courtrooms.

Gavel of Final Verdict

This gavel, carved from ancient oak and embedded with a raven's feather at its handle, is believed to have the power to bring forth the absolute truth. When a verdict is delivered using this gavel, it ensures that the decision is just and fair. It's said that any judge wielding this gavel is granted an enhanced sense of clarity and wisdom in their judgments.

Tome of Immutable Laws

A thick book bound in deep blue leather, the Tome of Immutable Laws contains records of the most ancient and fundamental laws of the land. It's said that the tome updates itself, ensuring that its contents always reflect the true and current laws of the land. Lawyers and scholars who have had the privilege to study this tome claim that its pages offer insights into the very essence of justice and the principles that underpin the law.

Raven's Quill

A quill made from the feather of one of Themela's ravens, it is said to write only the truth. Lawyers and scribes who use the quill find that any statement or testimony written with it that is false or misleading simply fades from the parchment. It serves as a tool to ensure honesty and integrity in written testimonies and contracts.

Tenets of Themela

  1. Unwavering Justice: Always uphold the law, regardless of personal feelings or circumstances. Justice is blind and impartial, and so must its followers be.
  2. Truth Above All: Seek the truth in all matters. Lies and deceit are the antithesis of justice and must be rooted out.
  3. Respect the Law: Every law, whether you agree with it or not, has a purpose. Respect it, understand it, and apply it fairly.
  4. Defend the Innocent: Always stand up for those wrongfully accused or oppressed by misuse of the law. Justice is not just about punishment, but also about protection.
  5. Continuous Learning: The law is ever-evolving, and so must its practitioners be. Always seek to expand your knowledge and understanding of the law.
  6. Integrity in Judgment: When passing judgment or making a decision, do so with complete integrity, free from bias or external influences.
  7. Honor the Ancestors: Respect and venerate the lawmakers and judges of the past. Their wisdom and experiences pave the way for the laws of today.
  8. Promote Fair Representation: Ensure that all individuals, regardless of status or background, have fair representation and access to the judicial system.
  9. Challenge Injustice: When the law is mis-used, it is the duty of Themela's followers to challenge and rectify it, always working within the framework of the law to bring about change.


The Infallible Law

Description: This heresy argues that the law is absolutely perfect and should never be questioned or reformed. Followers of this heresy believe that Themela's wisdom is already fully encapsulated in existing laws, and any attempt to change or question the law is an affront to the goddess. This rigid interpretation goes against Themela's tenet of "Continuous Learning," which encourages an evolving understanding of the law.

The Subjective Truth

Description: This heresy posits that truth is subjective and can be molded to fit one's interpretation of justice. Followers believe that as long as they think they are doing the right thing, it is the truth in the eyes of Themela. This contradicts Themela's unwavering commitment to objective truth and justice.


The Order of the Hidden Law

Founder: Seraphine the Wise
Description: Seraphine claims to have received a divine revelation from Themela, revealing "hidden laws" that supersede existing laws. Members of this cult believe they are above the law of the land and answer only to these so-called higher laws. This directly contradicts Themela's tenet to "Respect the Law" and undermines the judicial system.

The Arbiters of Final Justice

Founder: Lord Valthorn
Description: Lord Valthorn, a former judge, founded this cult based on the belief that Themela grants the power to deliver "Final Justice" — an irrevocable and absolute form of judgment that cannot be appealed or questioned. Followers act as vigilantes, taking the law into their own hands, believing their actions are divinely sanctioned. This goes against Themela's principles of fair representation and due process.

The Seekers of the Gray

Founder: Elara Shadowmind
Description: Elara, a former lawyer, argues that Themela's dual ravens actually represent the gray areas of the law, where truth and justice are not clear-cut. The cult denies the concept of absolute truth and justice, advocating for moral relativism in legal matters. This is in direct opposition to Themela's tenets of "Unwavering Justice" and "Truth Above All."