The City Divided by a River and United by Ambition

Nestled within a fertile valley, the city of Nukwai is a study in contrasts, bisected by the meandering Volta River. The city's heartbeat originates from its northern banks, where the roots of Nukwai's history dig deep into the soil. This is the original town, a bustling hub of agriculture and craftsmanship. Fields of crops stretch out like a patchwork quilt, interspersed with modest homes and workshops. The food here is largely homegrown, with additional supplies coming from the agricultural town of Douhi.

The North Side: The Heart of Tradition

The north side is presided over by a stern but fair chieftain, a woman who blends the cultural richness of Irna with the tribal traditions of Funta. Her tribe, like many in this part of Nukwai, bears intricate skin scarring as a form of identity and pride. She is the unchallenged ruler here, her authority as solid as the ancient stones that form the city's foundations.

The Rise of the South Side: The Seat of Wealth

As the city of Lahale grew in prominence, the south side of the river underwent a transformation. What was once a challenging terrain became prime real estate for the wealthy, who built their grand residences on elevated land, offering panoramic views of the cityscape across the river. The south side considers itself autonomous, a belief not shared by the chieftain, leading to palpable tension between the private guards of the affluent and the chieftain's enforcers.

Bridging the Divide

Two expansive bridges span the Volta, both financed by the chieftain to facilitate the daily commute of workers to the opulent south. These bridges have also paved the way for high-end shops and gourmet restaurants, adding a veneer of sophistication to the south side.

A City of Dualities

Nukwai is a city where the divide between modest living and opulence is as clear as the waters of the Volta. Yet, it's a city that functions in its own unique harmony, bound by the rule of law, which remains stringent and unyielding. The chieftain, while unchallenged in the north, navigates the complexities of a city divided by more than just a river. She is the linchpin holding the two halves together, a symbol of Nukwai's enduring spirit and its ceaseless ambition.

Chieftain Amina: The Iron-Willed Matriarch of Nukwai

The Woman Behind the Title

Chieftain Amina is a formidable figure, a blend of Irna's strategic acumen and Funta's tribal resilience. She is a tall, imposing woman with intricate skin scarring that tells the tale of her lineage and accomplishments. Her eyes are sharp, always assessing, always planning.

Family Ties

Amina comes from a long line of tribal leaders, her family being one of the oldest in Nukwai. She is married to Jengo, a skilled blacksmith who runs one of the most successful workshops in the north side. They have three children: two sons, Tendaji and Zuberi, and a daughter, Nia. Tendaji is showing promise as a warrior, Zuberi has a knack for trade, and Nia, the youngest, is already displaying signs of her mother's leadership qualities.

Rise to Power

Amina's rise to power was anything but easy. She had to prove herself in a series of tribal challenges, ranging from combat to strategy games. Her most significant achievement was negotiating a peace treaty with a rival tribe that had been at odds with her family for generations. This act not only solidified her reputation as a leader but also united two powerful tribes under her rule.

Ruthlessness in Law and Order

Amina has zero tolerance for criminal activities. Her methods are swift and decisive, often involving public trials followed by immediate sentencing. She has been known to personally oversee the most severe punishments, ensuring they serve as a deterrent to others. Under her rule, crime rates have plummeted, but at the cost of being seen as a ruthless leader. Yet, for Amina, the safety and prosperity of Nukwai come above all else.

Vision for Nukwai

Amina's vision for the city is one of unity and growth. She aims to bridge the socio-economic divide between the north and the south sides, not just with physical bridges but through policies that encourage cross-river trade and cultural exchange. She is also investing in education and public services, hoping to elevate the standard of living for her people. Her ultimate goal is to make Nukwai a beacon of prosperity and a model of effective governance.

In a city divided by a river and contrasting lifestyles, Chieftain Amina serves as the unyielding force striving to make Nukwai a city united in its diversity and strength.

The Bridges of Nukwai: Lifelines of a Divided City

The Unity Bridge


The Unity Bridge is the older of the two bridges, a grand stone structure adorned with intricate carvings that depict scenes from Nukwai's history. It's wide enough to accommodate carts, pedestrians, and even small herds of livestock. The bridge is lined with lanterns that are lit every evening, casting a warm glow that reflects off the Volta River below.


The Unity Bridge was commissioned by Amina's grandfather, Chieftain Ekow, as a symbol of the unity he envisioned for the city. It was built using labor from both sides of the river and materials sourced from the surrounding mountains and forests. Over the years, the Unity Bridge has become a symbol of the city's resilience and a popular meeting spot for festivals and celebrations.

The Prosperity Arch


The Prosperity Arch is a more modern construction, made of reinforced steel and wood, designed to bear heavy loads. It's sleek and functional, with a pedestrian walkway on one side and a lane for carts and carriages on the other. Unlike the Unity Bridge, the Prosperity Arch has a series of arches underneath, which have become a favorite spot for local fishermen.


The Prosperity Arch was Amina's brainchild, built to facilitate the growing trade between the north and the south sides of Nukwai. Funded entirely by Amina's own coffers, the bridge was a gamble that paid off. It not only eased the movement of goods and people but also led to an economic boom, particularly benefiting the shops and restaurants on the south side. The bridge gets its name from this surge in prosperity that followed its construction.

Both bridges serve not just as physical connectors between the two halves of Nukwai, but also as monuments to the city's past and its aspirations for the future. While the Unity Bridge stands as a reminder of the city's rich history and cultural heritage, the Prosperity Arch is a nod to Nukwai's ambitions, embodying Chieftain Amina's vision for a united and prosperous city.


Prominent Businesses on the North Side of Nukwai

1. Ekow's Grain and Feed

Owner: Kwame Ekow (Human, Male)

Description: This is one of the oldest businesses in Nukwai, providing quality grains and animal feed. It's a family-run business that has been passed down through generations. Kwame, the current owner, is a distant relative of Chieftain Ekow who commissioned the Unity Bridge.

Specialty: Bulk grains, animal feed, and farming supplies.

2. Nia's Textile Emporium

Owner: Nia Abena (Human, Female)

Description: Nia's Textile Emporium is a vibrant shop filled with colorful fabrics, traditional garments, and intricate tapestries. Nia herself is a master weaver and often holds workshops.

Specialty: Handwoven textiles, traditional Funta garments, and custom tailoring.

3. Volta Fish Market

Owner: Kofi Mensah (Human, Male)

Description: Located close to the Unity Bridge, this bustling market is the go-to place for fresh fish and seafood. Kofi, the charismatic owner, is known for his sustainable fishing practices.

Specialty: Freshwater fish, shellfish, and other seafood.

4. Adom Herbal Remedies

Owner: Adom Afia (Elf, Female)

Description: This quaint shop is filled with the aroma of herbs and spices. Adom, an elf with a deep knowledge of herbal medicine, runs the shop. She's known for her effective remedies and potions.

Specialty: Herbal medicines, healing potions, and magical reagents.

5. Baako's Blacksmithing

Owner: Baako Ebo (Dwarf, Male)

Description: Baako's Blacksmithing is renowned for its high-quality metalwork, from simple tools to intricate weaponry. Baako, a stout dwarf with a fiery beard, is a master blacksmith who takes immense pride in his craft.

Specialty: Custom-made weapons, armor, and metal tools.

Each of these businesses adds a unique flavor to the north side of Nukwai, serving the community while also contributing to the city's rich tapestry of commerce and culture.

Prominent Businesses on the South Side of Nukwai

1. Ama's Elixir Lounge

Owner: Ama Serwaa (Elf, Female)

Description: A high-end establishment where the city's elite come to unwind. Ama, an elegant elf with a mysterious aura, serves exotic elixirs and cocktails infused with magical properties.

Specialty: Magical elixirs, rare wines, and gourmet appetizers.

Owner: Yaw Osei (Human, Male)

Description: This gallery is a cultural hub that showcases art from all over Funta and beyond. Yaw, a well-traveled and sophisticated man, curates the gallery with a keen eye for beauty and significance.

Specialty: Fine art, sculptures, and rare artifacts.

3. Azure Jewelers

Owner: Efia Sapphire (Dwarf, Female)

Description: A luxurious jewelry store that specializes in gemstones and precious metals. Efia, a dwarf with a family lineage in gem cutting, crafts exquisite pieces that are highly sought after.

Specialty: Custom jewelry, gemstones, and precious metals.

4. The Gilded Quill

Owner: Kwabena Inkheart (Tiefling, Male)

Description: A high-end stationery and bookshop that also sells magical scrolls and tomes. Kwabena, a scholarly tiefling, is the city's go-to expert for rare books and magical writings.

Specialty: Fine stationery, rare books, and magical scrolls.

5. Serenity Spa and Wellness

Owner: Zara Moonbeam (Elf, Female)

Description: This luxurious spa offers a range of treatments from massages to magical healing sessions. Zara, an elf with a calming presence, has trained in various healing arts and offers a holistic approach to wellness.

Specialty: Spa treatments, magical healing, and wellness packages.

Each of these businesses reflects the affluence and refined tastes of the south side of Nukwai, catering to a clientele that seeks the finer things in life.