The Order of the Abyssal Octopus often recruits new members from those who feel lost or powerless, promising them purpose and power through service to Zoth-Ommog. Recruitment is often subtle, with potential recruits slowly introduced to the cult's beliefs through seemingly innocent social gatherings and philosophical discussions.
Once a new member joins the Order, they start as an Initiate. As they prove their loyalty and dedication, they can rise through the ranks, becoming an Acolyte, then a Disciple, and finally a High Disciple. Each rank comes with increased responsibilities and deeper involvement in the cult's rituals and activities. Promotion is often based on the individual's dedication to the cult's cause, their contributions to the Order, and their spiritual connection with Zoth-Ommog.
Morwen, a middle-aged sea elf woman, is the enigmatic leader of the Order. She is tall and slender, with skin that shimmers like the ocean's surface and eyes as dark as the deepest abyss. She dresses in flowing robes of deep blues and purples, adorned with intricate patterns of octopuses. In society, she maintains the facade of a wealthy merchant dealing in exotic sea goods. However, her true passion lies in her service to Zoth-Ommog, and she dedicates her resources and influence to further the goals of the Order.
The primary goal of The Order of the Abyssal Octopus is to bring about the awakening of Zoth-Ommog, the powerful demon they worship. They believe that Zoth-Ommog, represented by an octopus, holds the key to unlocking unimaginable power and knowledge. By awakening Zoth-Ommog, they hope to usher in a new age of enlightenment and power for their members.
In addition to this overarching goal, the cult also seeks to deepen their understanding of the mysteries of the ocean depths, which they believe are a reflection of Zoth-Ommog's realm. They study aquatic magic and conduct their rituals near bodies of water to strengthen their connection with their deity.
The cult also aims to increase its influence and power. They actively recruit new members, promising them purpose and power through service to Zoth-Ommog. They also seek to protect their members and their interests, using their rituals and powers to curse those who oppose them.
Finally, the cult is dedicated to the veneration of Zoth-Ommog. Through their rituals, they seek to show their devotion to their deity and receive his blessings in return. They believe that the more they serve Zoth-Ommog, the more power and knowledge they will gain.
One of the most significant rituals performed by The Order of the Abyssal Octopus is known as "The Awakening of the Depths". This ritual is believed to strengthen the connection between the cult members and Zoth-Ommog, their revered demon.
The materials required for this ritual include a large circular rug adorned with the symbol of an octopus, a bowl of seawater, eight candles (representing the eight arms of the octopus), a piece of parchment, and a quill made from a squid's beak.
The ritual begins at midnight, symbolizing the darkest depths of the ocean where Zoth-Ommog is believed to dwell. The members gather around the circular rug, each standing at one of the eight points marked by the candles. The leader, Madam Zorya, stands in the center, holding the bowl of seawater.
Madam Zorya starts the ritual by lighting the candles in a specific sequence, each flame representing a different aspect of Zoth-Ommog's power. As each candle is lit, the members chant a verse in an ancient, forgotten language, their voices rising and falling with the flickering flames.
Once all the candles are lit, Madam Zorya dips the squid-beak quill into the bowl of seawater and begins to write on the parchment. She writes the names of the members present, followed by a plea to Zoth-Ommog for guidance and power. The members continue their chant, their voices growing louder as Madam Zorya writes.
When the writing is complete, Madam Zorya holds the parchment above the candles, allowing the flames to consume it. As the parchment burns, the members believe their plea is carried to Zoth-Ommog in the smoke.
The cult members hope that this ritual will bring them closer to Zoth-Ommog, granting them increased magical power and knowledge. They believe that the more often they perform the ritual, the stronger their connection to Zoth-Ommog becomes.
The chance of success is believed to be high, as long as the ritual is performed correctly and with sincere devotion. However, the actual effects of the ritual are subjective and largely depend on the individual's belief and commitment to the cult's teachings.
The Awakening of the Depths is typically performed on nights of the new moon, symbolizing the darkness of the ocean depths. However, it can also be performed whenever a member feels the need for guidance or power from Zoth-Ommog.
One of the darker rituals performed by The Order of the Abyssal Octopus is known as "The Curse of the Abyssal Chains". This ritual is used to inflict a curse upon someone who has wronged a member of the cult or stands in the way of their goals.
The materials required for this ritual include a small effigy made from clay, a piece of the target's possession (like a strand of hair, a piece of clothing, or a personal item), a black candle, a bowl of seawater, and a parchment inscribed with the symbol of Zoth-Ommog.
The ritual begins at the stroke of midnight, when the world is at its darkest. The members gather in their ritual space, with the leader, Madam Zorya, presiding over the ceremony. The effigy, representing the target of the curse, is placed in the center of the circle formed by the members.
Madam Zorya starts the ritual by lighting the black candle, its flame casting eerie shadows on the participants. She then takes the piece of the target's possession and incorporates it into the clay effigy, symbolically linking the effigy to the target.
Once the effigy is prepared, Madam Zorya dips her finger in the bowl of seawater and traces the symbol of Zoth-Ommog on the effigy. As she does this, the members chant a curse in an ancient language, their voices echoing in the ritual space.
The effigy is then placed in the flame of the black candle. As the effigy burns, the members believe the curse is activated, and the target will start to experience the effects of the curse.
The cult members hope that the target of the curse will suffer misfortune and hardship as a result of this ritual. The specifics of the curse can vary, but it often involves bad luck, ill health, or even a string of unfortunate events.
The chance of success is believed to be high, as long as the ritual is performed correctly and with sincere intent. However, the actual effects of the curse are subjective and largely depend on the individual's belief in the power of the curse.
The Curse of the Abyssal Chains can be performed at any time, but it is most potent during the waning moon, a time associated with banishing and casting out negative influences.