The Order of the Dual Gaze

### The Order of the Dual Gaze The Order of the Dual Gaze is a secretive cult that venerates the concept of duality and the passage of time. Their symbol, two identical, middle-aged human faces looking in opposite directions with a timepiece at the center of their shared head, represents their belief in the cyclical nature of time and the balance between past and future. The timepiece, marked with 14 triangular notches, signifies the two seven-day weeks in their unique lunar calendar. The dial bisecting the two sets of seven marks represents the present, the fulcrum on which the past and future balance. \column ##### Leader: Master of Moments The leader of the Order of the Dual Gaze is known only as the Master of Moments, a title that reflects his role as the keeper of the cult's unique understanding of time. He is a middle-aged human man, his face a mirror image of the faces in the cult's symbol. His eyes, one looking forward and the other looking backward, are said to see both the past and the future. He dresses in robes of deep blue, adorned with the cult's symbol in silver thread. In society, he is a renowned historian, his writings on the cyclical nature of history respected even outside the cult.

Notable Members

  1. Watcher of the Past: A female elf, the Watcher of the Past is responsible for maintaining the cult's records and interpreting the lessons of history. Her role is to ensure that the cult does not forget the lessons of the past.
  2. Seer of the Future: A male gnome, the Seer of the Future is tasked with interpreting the signs and omens that the cult believes foretell future events. His predictions guide the cult's actions.
  3. Keeper of the Present: A female half-orc, the Keeper of the Present is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the cult. She ensures that the cult's activities align with the teachings of the Master of Moments.

Recruitment and Ranking

The Order of the Dual Gaze recruits new members from among scholars, historians, and those with a keen interest in the passage of time. Potential recruits are invited to a series of lectures and discussions, where they are introduced to the cult's unique philosophy. Those who show a deep understanding and commitment to the cult's teachings are invited to join as novices.

Novices can rise through the ranks to become Acolytes, then Scholars, and finally Watchers or Seers, depending on their aptitudes and interests. Promotion is based on the individual's understanding of the cult's teachings, their dedication to the cult's goals, and their ability to interpret the lessons of the past or the signs of the future.


The Order of the Dual Gaze performs a variety of rituals, all centered around the passage of time and the balance between past and future. These rituals often involve the use of the cult's symbol, with the Master of Moments using the timepiece to mark the passage of time. The rituals are believed to grant the participants a deeper understanding of the cyclical nature of time and the interconnectedness of past, present, and future.


The primary goal of The Order of the Dual Gaze is to achieve a profound understanding of the cyclical nature of time and the interconnectedness of past, present, and future. They believe that by studying the patterns of history and predicting future events, they can gain insights that will allow them to navigate the present more effectively.

The cult seeks to maintain a balance between past and future, valuing the lessons of history while also preparing for what is to come. They believe that every moment in time is a reflection of moments that have come before and a precursor to moments that will follow.

Another key objective of the cult is to spread their unique understanding of time. They aim to influence society's perception of time, encouraging others to see beyond the linear progression of moments and recognize the cyclical patterns that they believe govern the universe.

Finally, the cult is dedicated to the veneration of their symbol, the two-faced figure with the timepiece. They believe that this figure is a divine entity that embodies their philosophy of time. Through their rituals and teachings, they seek to deepen their connection with this entity and gain its favor.

The Ritual of Reflection

One of the key rituals performed by The Order of the Dual Gaze is known as "The Ritual of Reflection". This ritual is a meditation on the cyclical nature of time and the interconnectedness of past, present, and future.

Materials Needed

The materials required for this ritual include a mirror, a timepiece (preferably an hourglass), and a candle.

Process of the Ritual

The ritual begins at the stroke of midnight, symbolizing the transition from past to future. The members gather in a circle, with the mirror placed in the center. The mirror represents the present, reflecting the reality of the moment.

The leader, the Master of Moments, lights the candle and places it in front of the mirror. The candle represents the continuity of time, its flame flickering in the present, fueled by the past, and casting light on the future.

The Master of Moments then turns the hourglass, marking the passage of time. As the sand flows from one bulb to the other, the members meditate on the cyclical nature of time, reflecting on their past actions, their present situation, and their future goals.

The ritual ends when the last grain of sand falls, symbolizing the completion of one cycle and the beginning of another.

Hoped for Results

The members hope that this ritual will deepen their understanding of the cyclical nature of time and help them navigate their lives more effectively. They believe that by reflecting on their past, present, and future, they can gain insights that will guide their actions and decisions.

Chance of Success

The chance of success is believed to be high, as long as the ritual is performed with sincere intent and deep concentration. The actual effects of the ritual are subjective and largely depend on the individual's ability to meditate and reflect.


The Ritual of Reflection can be performed at any time, but it is most potent at the stroke of midnight, symbolizing the transition from one day to the next.

The Ritual of Balance

Another important ritual performed by The Order of the Dual Gaze is "The Ritual of Balance". This ritual is designed to maintain the balance between past and future, ensuring that neither aspect of time dominates the other.

Materials Needed

The materials required for this ritual include a set of scales, two stones (one white and one black), and a timepiece.

Process of the Ritual

The ritual begins at noon, when the sun is at its highest point, symbolizing the balance between day and night. The members gather around the set of scales, which are placed in the center of the circle.

The Master of Moments places the white stone on one side of the scales, representing the past, and the black stone on the other side, representing the future. He then adjusts the scales until they are perfectly balanced, symbolizing the equilibrium between past and future.

As the Master of Moments adjusts the scales, the members chant a mantra of balance, their voices rising and falling with the movement of the scales.

Once the scales are balanced, the Master of Moments marks the time on the timepiece, symbolizing the moment of perfect balance. The ritual ends with a moment of silence, as the members reflect on the importance of maintaining balance in their lives.

Hoped for Results

The members hope that this ritual will help them maintain a balance between their past and future, ensuring that they live in the present without being overwhelmed by regrets or fears. They believe that maintaining this balance is key to living a fulfilling and effective life.

Chance of Success

The chance of success is believed to be high, as long as the ritual is performed with sincere intent and a deep understanding of the cult's teachings. The actual effects of the ritual are subjective and largely depend on the individual's ability to maintain balance in their lives.


The Ritual of Balance is typically performed at noon, but it can also be performed whenever a member feels the need for balance in their life.