The Order of the Tri-Eyed Skull

The Order of the Tri-Eyed Skull

The Order of the Tri-Eyed Skull

The Order of the Tri-Eyed Skull is a malevolent cult that worships a demonic entity known only as The Three-Eyed One. Their symbol, a skull with a third eye and a headpiece adorned with a teardrop, represents their devotion to this entity and their belief in its power to grant them dominion over life and death.

Leader: The Eye of Desolation

The leader of the Order of the Tri-Eyed Skull is a figure shrouded in mystery, known only as The Eye of Desolation. He is a drow elf of indeterminate age, his face hidden behind a mask fashioned in the likeness of the cult's symbol. His voice is a chilling whisper that commands obedience and fear. In society, he is a figure of dread, a shadowy puppet master pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

Notable Members

  1. The Hand of Ruin: A male orc, the Hand of Ruin is the enforcer of the Order. He ensures the members' loyalty and deals with those who oppose the cult.
  2. The Voice of Despair: A female tiefling, the Voice of Despair is the cult's main recruiter. She uses her silver tongue to lure the desperate and the power-hungry into the Order's ranks.
  3. The Keeper of Shadows: A male gnome, the Keeper of Shadows is responsible for the cult's dark rituals. His knowledge of forbidden magic is unrivaled within the Order.

Recruitment and Ranking

The Order of the Tri-Eyed Skull preys on the desperate and the power-hungry, promising them power and vengeance against their enemies. They use fear and manipulation to bind their recruits to the Order, ensuring their loyalty through threats and dark magic.

New recruits start as Servants of the Skull. As they prove their loyalty and usefulness, they can rise through the ranks to become Acolytes of Desolation, then Disciples of Ruin, and finally, Eyes of the Skull. Promotion is often based on the individual's willingness to commit heinous acts in the name of The Three-Eyed One.


The primary goal of the Order of the Tri-Eyed Skull is to bring about the reign of The Three-Eyed One in the mortal realm. They believe that by doing so, they will be granted unimaginable power and dominion over life and death.

In addition to this, the cult seeks to spread fear and despair, believing that these emotions strengthen The Three-Eyed One. They often target communities, sowing discord and fear to weaken them and make them easier to control.

Finally, the cult is dedicated to the destruction of those who oppose them. They will stop at nothing to eliminate any threats to their Order and their goals, using their dark magic and influence to bring ruin to their enemies.

The Ritual of the Tri-Eyed Awakening

One of the most significant rituals performed by The Order of the Tri-Eyed Skull is known as "The Ritual of the Tri-Eyed Awakening". This ritual is believed to strengthen the connection between the cult members and The Three-Eyed One.

Materials Needed

The materials required for this ritual include a skull (preferably of the same race as the participant), a black candle, a ceremonial dagger, and a living sacrifice (typically a small animal).

Process of the Ritual

The ritual begins at the stroke of midnight, when the veil between the mortal realm and the demonic realm is believed to be at its thinnest. The members gather in a circle, with the skull placed in the center.

The leader, The Eye of Desolation, starts the ritual by lighting the black candle with the ceremonial dagger. He then uses the dagger to carve a third eye into the skull, symbolizing the opening of the third eye of The Three-Eyed One.

The sacrifice is then brought forward. The Eye of Desolation ends its life with a swift cut of the dagger, collecting the life essence in a chalice. The members then each drink from the chalice, believing that they are partaking in the essence of The Three-Eyed One.

Hoped for Results

The members hope that this ritual will bring them closer to The Three-Eyed One, granting them increased power and a deeper connection to their deity.

Chance of Success

The chance of success is believed to be high, as long as the ritual is performed correctly and with sincere devotion. However, the actual effects of the ritual are subjective and largely depend on the individual's belief and commitment to the cult's teachings.


The Ritual of the Tri-Eyed Awakening is typically performed on nights of the new moon, symbolizing the opening of the third eye. However, it can also be performed whenever a member feels the need for guidance or power from The Three-Eyed One.

The Ritual of Desolation

Another important ritual performed by The Order of the Tri-Eyed Skull is "The Ritual of Desolation". This ritual is used to inflict ruin and despair upon their enemies.

Materials Needed

The materials required for this ritual include a personal item from the intended target, a skull, a black candle, a ceremonial dagger, and a living sacrifice (typically a small animal).

Process of the Ritual

The ritual begins at the stroke of midnight. The members gather in their ritual space, with the skull and the target's personal item placed in the center.

The Eye of Desolation starts the ritual by lighting the black candle with the ceremonial dagger. He then uses the dagger to carve the symbol of The Three-Eyed One into the skull.

The sacrifice is then brought forward. The Eye of Desolation ends its life with a swift cut of the dagger, letting its life essence spill onto the personal item. The members believe that this act binds the curse to the target.

Hoped for Results

The members hope that the target of the curse will suffer misfortune and despair as a result of this ritual. They believe that the more suffering they can inflict, the stronger their connection to The Three-Eyed One becomes.

Chance of Success

The chance of success is believed to be high, as long as the ritual is performed correctly and with sincere intent. However, the actual effects of the curse are subjective and largely depend on the individual's belief in the power of the curse.


The Ritual of Desolation can be performed at any time, but it is most potent during the waning moon, a time associated with banishing and casting out negative influences.