Lunar 5320 ME

Given that the first full moon is on Ixan day 5, and the lunar cycle is approximately 29.5 days (like Earth's moon), we can calculate the dates of the full moons and new moons.

Lunar Cycle

Lunar Phase Month Day
Full Moon Ixan 5
New Moon Ixan 20
Full Moon Ixan 34
New Moon Lunuary 15
Full Moon Lunuary 29
New Moon Pollara 15
Full Moon Brassica 1
New Moon Brassica 16
Full Moon Brassica 30
New Moon Echon 11
Full Moon Echon 25
New Moon Zophantia 12
Full Moon Zophantia 26
New Moon Solina 12
Full Moon Solina 26
New Moon Julus 7
Full Moon Julus 21
New Moon Chamay 7
Full Moon Chamay 21
New Moon Thulgust 8
Full Moon Thulgust 22
New Moon Rafam 3
Full Moon Rafam 17
New Moon Ultember 3
Full Moon Ultember 17
Month Phonetics Days Season Type
Ixan Ichs-an 29 Winter Ally
Lunuary Lune-u-airy 34 Winter Primary
Pollara Poll-air-a 29 Winter Ally
Brassica Brass-e-ka 28 Spring Enemy
Echon Ek-on 34 Spring Primary
Zophantia Zo-fan-tee-a 28 Spring Enemy
Solina Sol-e-na 29 Summer Ally
Julus Jewel-us 34 Summer Primary
Chamay Sham-ay 29 Summer Ally
Thulgust Thul-gust 28 Fall Enemy
Rafam Raf-am 34 Fall Primary
Ultember Ult-em-ber 29 Fall Ally