Clan Kaldersteinn


King Thrain Kaldersteinn

King Thrain is a robust dwarf standing at 4'6" with a broad, muscular build from years of mining work, he is 150 years old. He has a thick, bushy white beard, a bald head, and piercing blue eyes that resemble the cold northern mountains. He is often seen in heavy, fur-lined clothing suitable for the cold climate, adorned with symbols of his clan. His most notable feature is a large, ornate necklace made of the finest cold stones mined from the northern mountains.

As the king of the Kaldersteinn clan, Thrain is responsible for overseeing the mining operations in the northern mountains. He is a skilled miner and a wise leader, known for his fair and just rule.

Thrain was born and raised in the northern mountains, following in the footsteps of his ancestors to become a miner. He became king of the Kaldersteinn clan at a young age and has been leading his people ever since.

Queen Brynja Kaldersteinn

Queen Brynja is a sturdy dwarf standing at 4'4" with a strong build and she's 140 years old. She has long, braided white hair, bright blue eyes, and a warm, welcoming smile. Like her husband, she is often seen in heavy, fur-lined clothing, adorned with symbols of her clan. She wears a crown made of cold stone, a symbol of her status as queen.

As the queen of the Kaldersteinn clan, Brynja is responsible for managing the clan's domestic affairs. She is also a skilled miner and often assists her husband in overseeing the mining operations.

Brynja was also born and raised in the northern mountains. She married Thrain at a young age and has been supporting him in his rule ever since. Despite the harsh conditions of the northern mountains, Brynja is known for her warm and caring nature, often going out of her way to ensure the wellbeing of her people.

Prince Baldur Kaldersteinn

Prince Baldur, 75 years old, is a sturdy dwarf standing at 4'5" with a muscular build, reflecting his years of mining work. He has short, curly white hair, a thick beard, and bright blue eyes like his parents. He is often seen in heavy, fur-lined clothing suitable for the cold climate, adorned with symbols of his clan. He carries a pickaxe made of cold stone, a symbol of his status as the heir to the Kaldersteinn clan.

As the prince of the Kaldersteinn clan, Baldur is being trained to take over the mining operations in the future. He is a skilled miner, having learned from the best - his parents.

Baldur was born and raised in the northern mountains, following in the footsteps of his parents to become a miner. He is known for his strong work ethic and his dedication to his clan.

Princess Freya Kaldersteinn

Princess Freya, 70 years old, is a sturdy dwarf standing at 4'3" with a strong build. She has long, braided white hair, bright blue eyes, and a warm smile. Like her family, she is often seen in heavy, fur-lined clothing, adorned with symbols of her clan. She wears a necklace made of cold stone, a symbol of her status as a princess.

As the princess of the Kaldersteinn clan, Freya is being trained to assist in managing the clan's domestic affairs. She is also a skilled miner and often assists her brother and parents in the mining operations.

Freya was also born and raised in the northern mountains. She is known for her kind and caring nature, often helping her mother in ensuring the wellbeing of their people. Despite her young age, she is respected and loved by her clan.

Brother Fargrim Kaldersteinn

Fargrim, 120 years old stands at 4'6" with a sturdy build. He has a long, white beard that he keeps neatly braided, a symbol of his devotion to Caminus. His eyes are a striking blue, much like his brother's. He is always seen in the simple robes of a cleric, adorned with the symbol of Caminus - a hammer.

Fargrim serves as a cleric of Caminus, the Forged God. He has dedicated his life to the service of this deity, focusing on the creation and crafting aspects of the faith.

Fargrim was born into the Kaldersteinn clan and was expected to follow in the family's mining tradition. However, he felt a different calling. Inspired by the stories of Gamah, a dwarven smith who worked with Caminus in his dreams, and Atiel, an elven sculptor who created statues of Caminus, Fargrim decided to dedicate his life to the service of Caminus. He left his family's mining operations and became a cleric, focusing on the creation and crafting aspects of the faith. He is known for his dedication and his skill in crafting, often creating beautiful pieces of art in honor of Caminus. Despite his departure from the family's traditional profession, he is respected by his family and clan for his devotion and skill.

Cousin Thorkell Kaldersteinn

Thorkell is a towering figure for a dwarf, standing at 4'9" and 150 years old. He has a muscular build, a testament to his years of training and combat. His hair is a fiery red, kept short and out of his face, and his beard is long and braided, adorned with tokens from his victories against the frost giants and other monstrous threats. His eyes are a piercing ice-blue, reflecting his unyielding determination. He bears numerous scars, each a badge of honor from his battles.

Thorkell is the commander of the Fjǫrlag, a commando strike team of Dwarven warriors. He leads his team with precision and strategy, ensuring the safety of the Kaldersteinn mines from various threats.

Thorkell is a cousin to King Thrain Kaldersteinn. Unlike his cousin, Thorkell was always drawn to the thrill of battle and the defense of his people. He trained rigorously from a young age, quickly rising through the ranks due to his skill and strategic mind. When the threat of frost giants and other monsters became too great, Thorkell formed the Fjǫrlag, a team of elite warriors dedicated to defending the mines and the people of the Kaldersteinn clan. Under his leadership, the Fjǫrlag have become a symbol of hope and security for the clan, their victories a testament to the strength and resilience of the Kaldersteinn dwarves. Despite the danger of his profession, Thorkell carries out his duties with unwavering dedication, his love for his people driving him to ensure their safety.

Guardian Haldor Tveirøx

Haldor Tveirøx

Haldor is a formidable dwarf standing at 4'7" with a muscular build from years of training and combat, he is 135 years old. He has short, dark brown hair and a thick, braided beard. His eyes are a deep, thoughtful brown. He carries two axes, a family tradition, and is often seen in his guard's armor, adorned with the symbol of the Kaldersteinn clan. His body bears numerous scars from his years of service, each a testament to his loyalty and dedication to the king.

Haldor serves as King Thrain's personal guard and confidant. He is always at the king's side, ready to defend him from any threat. Despite not having an official role as a counselor, Haldor often provides counsel to the king, his years of service giving him a unique perspective on the kingdom's affairs.

Haldor was born into the Tveirøx family, a family known for their tradition of carrying two axes. From a young age, he was trained in combat and strategy, his family's tradition shaping him into a formidable warrior. He entered the service of the Kaldersteinn clan as a guard and quickly rose to the position of the king's personal guard due to his skill and unwavering loyalty. Haldor has served King Thrain for many years, defending him from numerous attacks and threats. Despite the danger and hardship of his position, Haldor carries out his duties with unwavering dedication and loyalty. He is secretly in love with Princess Freya, a love he keeps hidden due to his station. Despite this, he remains a loyal and dedicated servant of the king, his love for Freya only strengthening his resolve to protect the royal family.

Wizard Eirikur Fjölkunnigr

Eirikur Fjölkunnigr

Eirikur, 180 years old, is a unique dwarf standing at 4'5" with a lean build. He has long, white hair that he keeps tied back, and a thick, braided beard adorned with small rune-engraved stones. His right eye is a bright, intelligent blue, while his left eye is a wandering eye that often unnerves those it rests upon. His body is covered in tattoos of various runes, each a symbol of his magical prowess. He often wears a patch over his wandering eye, especially when he notices it making others uncomfortable.

Eirikur serves as the Kaldersteinn family's wizard. He is skilled in rune magic, using runes engraved on rocks, drawn in the air, or tattooed on his body to cast spells. His magical abilities are highly sought after, making him a valuable asset to the Kaldersteinn family.

Eirikur was born into the Fjölkunnigr family, a family known for their skill in rune magic. From a young age, he showed a natural talent for magic and was trained in the art of rune magic. Over the years, he has become a highly accomplished wizard, his skills in demand by many. Despite his talent, Eirikur is somewhat erratic, his wandering eye often unnerving those around him. Despite his mercenary nature, Eirikur has a fondness for the Kaldersteinn family and is dedicated to his work, as long as there is a paycheck.