House Carna

## House Carna

Charles Carna, the Third


Charles Carna, the Third, is 6' tall, coming in at 180 pounds, imposing figure with a haughty demeanor. He has a sharp, angular face, slicked-back dark hair, and piercing blue eyes that seem to look down on everyone he meets. He dresses in the most extravagant clothes money can buy, favoring bright colors and ostentatious patterns. His outfits are always adorned with an excessive amount of gold and gemstones, a clear display of his family's immense wealth. He carries himself with an air of superiority that is as palpable as it is off-putting.

He is a prince in House Carna, a family known for their immense wealth and control over the largest gold mine in the world. The Carnas are notorious for their bigotry against non-human races and their brash, arrogant attitudes. Charles is unabashedly proud of his human heritage and looks down on all other races. He is well aware of the animosity his family's attitudes stir among the "lower races", as he calls them, but this only seems to fuel his superiority complex.

Charles spends his time managing his family's vast wealth, making decisions about the gold mine, and engaging in political machinations. He is often seen at social events, flaunting his wealth and making disparaging remarks about non-humans. Despite his unpleasant personality, Charles is a shrewd businessman and a cunning politician, making him a formidable opponent for anyone who crosses him.

Lady Victoria Carna, Human


Lady Victoria is a regal woman in her late 50s, with a stern face and a cold, calculating gaze. She stands at 5' 7" and 140 lbs. She dresses in extravagant gowns adorned with precious gemstones and always carries herself with an air of superiority. She has icy blue eyes with silver hair which is always styled in an elegant updo, with a few loose curls framing her face.

Victoria is the matriarch of House Carna. She is known for her harsh, uncompromising demeanor. Despite her harsh personality, Victoria is a shrewd businesswoman and a master of political intrigue.

As the matriarch of House Carna, Victoria oversees the family's vast wealth and political interests. She is a formidable presence in the court and is feared and respected by her peers.

Sir Reginald Carna


Reginald is 6' 2" tall, muscular man in his early 30s weighing 220 lbs. He has a strong jaw, piercing blue eyes, and dark hair that he keeps neatly trimmed. He dresses in fine, tailored clothes that accentuate his physique and status.

Reginald is the eldest son of House Carna and the heir apparent to the family's wealth and power. Like the rest of his family, he looks down on non-human races. He is known for his brash personality and his skill in combat.

Reginald is a knight and a warrior, often leading the family's private army in defense of their assets. He is also being groomed to take over the family's business interests.

Lady Beatrice Carna


Beatrice is a middle-aged woman with a sharp, hawk-like face and a haughty expression. She dresses in the latest fashions, always adorned with an excessive amount of jewelry. She's 5' 6" and weighs 140 lbs. Her eyes are hazel and she has a full long head of auburn hair which she usually styles it in elaborate curls, adorned with jeweled hairpins and accessories.

Beatrice is Victoria's younger sister and a prominent member of House Carna. She shares the family's bigoted views and is known for her sharp tongue and quick temper.

Beatrice doesn't have a specific profession, but she is heavily involved in the social and political machinations of the court. She is a skilled manipulator and uses her influence to further the interests of House Carna.

Lord Malcolm Carna


Malcolm is a portly man in his late 40s, with a round face and a jovial smile that belies his true nature. He dresses in rich, gaudy clothes that reflect his wealth and status. He is 5' 9" and weighs in at 230 lbs. His hair is black with streaks of grey, slightly balding, but he keeps the remaining hair neatly combed back. His eyes are brown.

Malcolm is Victoria's brother-in-law and a member of House Carna by marriage. He fully embraces the family's bigoted views and is known for his boisterous personality and his love of luxury.

Malcolm is involved in the management of the family's gold mine. He is a shrewd businessman and uses his position to increase the family's wealth and influence.

Lady Isabella Carna


Isabella is a young woman in her early 20s, with a pretty face and a mischievous smile. She dresses in fashionable clothes, but less ostentatious than the rest of her family. She is 5' 4" and weigths 120 lbs. Her light brown hair is long and often left loose, with soft waves cascading down her back. Her eyes are emerald green.

Isabella is a cousin of Charles and the daughter of one of Victoria's distant relatives. She shares the family's bigoted views, but she is more subtle about it. Isabella is known for her cunning and her knack for getting what she wants.

Unlike the rest of her family, Isabella has taken a less traditional path. She is a rogue, using her skills in stealth and deception to gather information and manipulate situations to her family's advantage. Despite her young age, Isabella is a valuable asset to House Carna, often working behind the scenes to further their interests.

Lady Anastasia Carna


Anastasia is a beautiful young woman with delicate features and a graceful demeanor. She dresses in the latest fashions, favoring bright colors and extravagant patterns. Her outfits are always adorned with an excessive amount of jewelry, reflecting her family's wealth. She is 5' 5", 130 lbs and has striking blue eyes and blonde hair. She keeps her hair long and usually styled in loose curls, adorned with jeweled hairpins.

Anastasia is the youngest member of House Carna. She shares her family's bigoted views and is known for her spoiled, demanding personality. Despite her flaws, Anastasia is intelligent and has a knack for manipulating people to get what she wants.

As a noblewoman, Anastasia doesn't have a specific profession. She spends her time attending social events, managing her personal wealth, and engaging in the political machinations of the court.

Lord Frederick Carna


Frederick is a middle-aged man in his early 50s with a stern face and a commanding presence. He dresses in fine, tailored clothes that reflect his status as a member of House Carna. He is 5' 10" and weighs 180 lbs. He has plain brown eyes and his hair has greyed. He keeps his hair short and neatly combed.

Frederick is Victoria's younger brother and a member of House Carna. He shares the family's bigoted views and is known for his harsh, uncompromising demeanor.

Frederick is involved in the management of the family's gold mine. He is a shrewd businessman and uses his position to increase the family's wealth and influence.

Lady Clarissa Carna


Clarissa is a charming young woman with a radiant smile and expressive eyes. She dresses in fashionable clothes, favoring pastel colors and floral patterns. Her outfits are always tastefully adorned with a modest amount of jewelry.

Her eyes are a dazzling hazel and she has chestnut brown hair which is long and often styled in soft waves, adorned with delicate hairpins. She is 5' 6" tall and weights 135 lbs.

Clarissa is a cousin of Charles and the daughter of one of Victoria's distant relatives. Unlike the rest of her family, Clarissa does not share their bigoted views and often finds herself at odds with them. She is known for her kindness, her love for music, and her ability to bring joy to those around her. Because she doesn't share their values, she's excluded from a lot of the families business and political work. She isn't exiled, but she is separated from the rest of the family, living on a small estate outside the family's estate.

Clarissa is a bard, using her music and stories to entertain and inspire. She often performs at court and social events, using her influence to subtly challenge her family's bigoted views and promote a more inclusive society. Despite the challenges she faces, Clarissa remains hopeful and continues to believe in the power of music and kindness to bring about change.

Brutus "The Fist" Gravewalker


Brutus is a towering figure at 6'5" and 250 lbs with a muscular build and a menacing aura. He has a scarred face, a result of his many battles, and a pair of cold, black eyes that seem devoid of any emotion piercing out from his bald head. He dresses in dark, practical clothes that allow him to blend into the shadows.

Brutus was born into a life of crime and violence. He was hired by House Carna for his skills in combat and his ruthless efficiency. He carries out the family's dirty work without question, earning him the nickname "The Fist".

As House Carna's enforcer, Brutus is responsible for carrying out the family's dirty work. This includes everything from intimidation and beatings to assassinations. Despite his brutal profession, Brutus is loyal to House Carna and carries out his duties with a grim determination.

Seraphim "The Silver Tongue" Whitlock


Seraphim is a handsome man, 40 yrs old, with a charming smile and a captivating gaze. He dresses in fine clothes that reflect his status as House Carna's spokesperson, favoring silver and white colors that match his hair and eyes. He is 5'10" and 160 lbs.

Seraphim was born into a family of diplomats and learned the art of persuasion from a young age. He was hired by House Carna for his eloquence and his ability to spin any situation to the family's advantage.

As House Carna's spokesperson, Seraphim is responsible for managing the family's public image. He uses his silver tongue to smooth over any controversies and to promote the family's interests. Despite the challenges of his job, Seraphim always manages to maintain his composure and charm, earning him the nickname "The Silver Tongue".

Master Benedict Fairweather


Benedict is an elderly man having just turned 60, with a scholarly air about him. He dresses in simple robes adorned with symbols of arcane power. He always carries a staff and has a pair of spectacles perched on his nose. He is 5' 8" and weighs 150 lbs. He has blue eyes and his hair has gone white. His hair is thinning and kept short, and he sports a well-groomed beard.

Benedict is a learned wizard who was hired by House Carna to serve as their personal advisor on all matters magical. He is a well-respected scholar in the arcane arts and has a vast knowledge of magical lore and artifacts.

As House Carna's magical advisor, Benedict provides counsel on magical threats and opportunities, assists in the identification and acquisition of magical artifacts, and offers his magical abilities when needed. Despite his age, Benedict is a formidable wizard and a valuable asset to House Carna.

Sir Geoffrey Blackwood


Sir Geoffrey is a robust 45yr old man with a stern face and a commanding presence. He is always seen in his armor, polished to a shine, with the emblem of House Carna prominently displayed. His posture is always upright, reflecting his military discipline. He is 6' 1" and 190 lbs.

He has brown eyes and his hair is black which he keeps short and neatly combed, and he maintains a clean-shaven face.

Sir Geoffrey is a seasoned knight who was hired by House Carna to serve as the captain of their guard. He has a long history of military service and is known for his unwavering loyalty and dedication to his duty.

As the captain of House Carna's guard, Sir Geoffrey is responsible for the safety and security of the family and their estate. He oversees the training and deployment of the guards, coordinates security measures, and personally leads the guard in times of crisis. Despite the demands of his job, Sir Geoffrey always carries out his duties with a sense of honor and duty, making him a respected figure in House Carna.

Elias "The Unseen" Carna


Elias, just in his teens, has a lean build and sharp features that closely resemble his father's. He dresses in simple, practical clothes that allow him to blend into the crowd, a stark contrast to the extravagant attire of House Carna. He is 5'10" and 140lbs. He has the family's blue eyes and dark brown hair which he keeps short and messy, often covering it with a hood or a hat.

Elias is the illegitimate son of Charles Carna while he was barely in his teens himself. His existence is a closely guarded secret, and he is not acknowledged by the family. Despite this, Elias has inherited his father's cunning and resourcefulness. He has learned to survive on his own, using his skills to navigate the harsh realities of life outside the noble house.

Elias is a rogue, using his skills in stealth, thievery, and deception to make a living. He often takes on jobs that require a delicate touch, such as pickpocketing or burglary. Despite his circumstances, Elias maintains a code of honor, refusing to harm innocent people and often using his skills to help those in need. Of course, he takes every opportunity to steal from house Carna.

Lord Percival Carna


Lord Percival Carna is a man of average height and build, with a slightly hunched posture that suggests a life spent hunched over books and artifacts. His hair is a dark brown, streaked with gray, and is always neatly combed back. His eyes are a piercing blue, always alert and curious. He has a well-trimmed beard that frames his face, giving him a distinguished look. He is always seen in the finest clothes, favoring dark colors with gold accents, a nod to the wealth and power of House Carna. He is 45 years old.

Percival is a distant relative of the main Carna family, but he has always been more interested in the pursuit of knowledge than in the power games of the nobility. He has a particular interest in ancient artifacts, and has spent much of his life collecting and studying them. He is well-respected in academic circles, and his collection is considered one of the finest in Irna.

Percival's life changed when he discovered an ancient artifact known as the Eye of Ix. This artifact, said to be a fragment of the original shards of Ix, granted him a vision of the past and future, filling him with a sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of the world. This event has made him even more dedicated to his studies and his collection. It also made his family's believe of humans being the best species a joke. He saw the ancients.

Percival is a calm and thoughtful man, always eager to learn more about the world. He is not as arrogant as the rest of his family, but he does have a certain pride in his collection and his knowledge. He is not a man of action, preferring to think things through and approach problems with a strategic mind. He is not particularly sociable, but he is not unfriendly either. He simply prefers the company of his books and artifacts to that of people.

Percival values wisdom and intellectualism, and he reacts with admiration to those who display these traits. He has a deep dislike for violence and degradation, reacting with vigilant distrust to those who resort to such methods.

Percival has a habit of stroking his beard when he is deep in thought, a gesture that has become so associated with him that it is often mimicked by his students and assistants. He also hides, but still carries with him, his family's crest.

Lord Henry Carna


Lord Henry is a celebrated figure within House Carna, renowned for his exceptional prowess in the tournament games. A young man in his prime, he possesses a strikingly handsome visage, with a head of tousled brown hair and a charming smile that has won him many admirers. His eyes, a deep chestnut, sparkle with a youthful zest for life and an unquenchable thirst for victory.

Henry is a formidable competitor, particularly in jousting and small group battles. His skill with the lance is unmatched, and his tactical acumen in group combat situations is highly respected. He has a reputation for rarely losing a battle, a testament to his rigorous training, natural talent, and unwavering determination.

One of the most notable aspects of Lord Henry is his possession of a Zoranti weapon. This deadly tool is a symbol of his status and skill, and it adds an extra layer of intimidation to his already formidable presence on the battlefield.

Despite his youth, Henry carries himself with the confidence and grace of a seasoned warrior. He is well-built, with a muscular physique honed by years of training and combat. His attire is typically the crimson and gold of House Carna, often adorned with the trophies of his victories.

While he shares House Carna's belief in human superiority, Henry is unique in his approach to this ideology. He fights with honor and fairness, especially against non-human opponents. His goal is not to humiliate or belittle, but to prove the superiority of humans through honorable combat. This has earned him a measure of respect, even among those who disagree with his views.

Off the battlefield, Henry is known for his affable nature and genuine decency. He treats those around him with respect, regardless of their status or race. His charm and charisma, combined with his formidable reputation as a warrior, make him a popular figure within House Carna and beyond.

However, beneath his friendly exterior lies a fiercely competitive spirit and a deep-seated pride in his heritage. He is driven by a desire to uphold the honor of House Carna and to prove the superiority of the human race. Despite his youth, Henry is a man of conviction and determination, qualities that make him a formidable ally and a worthy adversary.

Lady Marcella Carna


Lady Marcella is a venerable figure within House Carna, known for her sharp wit, keen intellect, and unyielding pride in her human heritage. She is a woman of advanced years, her once fiery red hair now a dignified silver. Her eyes, a piercing blue, hold an unspoken depth of wisdom and experience, but also a certain coldness, a testament to her firm beliefs and uncompromising nature.

Marcella is a woman of stature, carrying herself with an air of superiority that is both intimidating and awe-inspiring. Her attire is always impeccable, favoring rich velvets and silks in the deep crimson hues of House Carna. She is rarely seen without her signature piece of jewelry, a brooch bearing the Carna crest, a symbol of her unwavering loyalty to her house.

Lady Marcella is a staunch traditionalist, firmly believing in the inherent superiority of humans over other races. She views the other races with a mixture of disdain and indifference, considering them to be lesser beings. This has earned her a reputation for being haughty and arrogant, but also fiercely protective of her people and their interests.

Despite her prejudices, Lady Marcella is not a woman to be underestimated. She is highly intelligent and cunning, with a deep understanding of politics and strategy. Her advice, though often delivered in a condescending manner, is highly valued within House Carna for its insight and foresight.

Her motivations are deeply rooted in her love for her house and her race. She seeks to maintain the dominance of House Carna and the human race, and is willing to go to great lengths to ensure this. Her contracts are known for their strict terms and harsh penalties, reflecting her uncompromising nature.

In her interactions, Lady Marcella is formal and stern, rarely showing any signs of warmth or affection. She is quick to dismiss those she deems unworthy of her time, and is known for her sharp tongue and cutting remarks. However, she also possesses a grudging respect for those who can match her in wit and intellect, even if they are of a different race.

Despite her harsh exterior, Lady Marcella is not without her own sense of honor. She is a woman of her word, and once she makes a promise, she will keep it, no matter the cost. This, combined with her formidable intelligence and unyielding pride, makes her a formidable figure within House Carna and beyond.