House Frost

King Edmund Frost

King Edmund, 50yr old, is a robust man with a stern face and a commanding presence. He is always seen in his royal attire, with the emblem of House Frost prominently displayed. His posture is always upright, reflecting his royal discipline. Edmund is 6'2" and 190 pounds. He has soft blue eyes and silver hair. He keeps his hair short and neatly combed, and he maintains a well-groomed beard.

Edmund is the current king of House Frost and the ruler of Frosthaven. He is known for his fair rule and his dedication to the prosperity of his city. Despite the challenges faced by Frosthaven, including a dragon attack and parts of the city being considered cursed, Edmund has always strived to rebuild and improve his city.

As the king, Edmund oversees all aspects of running Frosthaven, from managing trade routes to ensuring the city's security. He is a respected figure in Irna and is known for his wise and just rule.

Queen Isolde Frost


Queen Isolde, 48 yr old, is a graceful woman with a kind face and a warm smile. She is always seen in her royal attire, with the emblem of House Frost prominently displayed. Her posture is always upright, reflecting her royal discipline. She is 5' 6" and 140 pounds. She has sparkling green eyes and blonde hair which is long and usually styled in an elegant updo.

Isolde is the queen of House Frost and the wife of King Edmund. She is known for her kindness and her dedication to the people of Frosthaven. Despite the challenges faced by the city, Isolde has always strived to support her husband and improve the lives of their people. She was from House Atholl.

As the queen, Isolde assists her husband in running Frosthaven. She often takes on the role of a diplomat, managing relations with other cities and facilitating trade deals. She is a beloved figure in Frosthaven and is known for her compassion and wisdom.

Queen Mother Eleanor Frost


Queen Mother Eleanor is an elderly woman with a dignified air about her. She is always seen in her royal attire, with the emblem of House Frost prominently displayed. Her posture is always upright, reflecting her royal discipline. She is 70 years old and a widow. She is 5' 4" and 130 pounds. She has the family's blue eyes. Her hair has turned white and is short and neatly combed, and she maintains a well-groomed appearance.

Eleanor is the queen mother of House Frost and the mother of King Edmund. She is known for her wisdom and her dedication to the prosperity of Frosthaven. Despite her age, Eleanor remains a respected figure in Frosthaven and continues to advise her son in his rule. She came from House Douvat.

As the queen mother, Eleanor no longer has official duties in running Frosthaven. However, she often provides counsel to her son and supports him in his rule. She is a respected figure in Frosthaven and is known for her wisdom and experience.

Prince Harold Frost


Prince Harold is a robust man with a kind face and a calm demeanor. He is always seen in his cleric robes, with the emblem of Thulgard prominently displayed. He is 6' tall and weighs 180 pounds. He has blue eyes with brown hair, which is short and neatly combed, and he maintains a clean-shaven face.

Harold is the older brother of King Edmund. He swore off his birthright to serve as a cleric.

Despite his decision, Harold remains a respected figure in Frosthaven and is known for his dedication to his faith and his service to the people.

As a Thulgard Hearth Guardian, Harold serves the people of Frosthaven, providing spiritual guidance and healing. He often assists in matters of the city when his brother requires his counsel.

Lady Gemma Frost


Lady Gemma is a beautiful young woman with a graceful demeanor. She is always seen in her royal attire, with the emblem of House Frost prominently displayed.
She is well travelled and attracts attention wherever she goes. Her beauty is renown in Irna and she has had many suiters seek her hand. She is 25 yrs old, 5' 5" and 130 pounds. She has sapphire blue eyes and thick and full blonde hair which she wears long and in loose curls.

Gemma is the eldest daughter of King Edmund and Queen Isolde. She is known for her intelligence and her dedication to the prosperity of Frosthaven. Gemma is being groomed to be married off to a family in Antaea for political and economic reasons.

As a princess, Gemma assists her parents in running Frosthaven. She often takes on the role of a diplomat, managing relations with other cities and facilitating trade deals. She is a beloved figure in Frosthaven and is known for her compassion and wisdom.

Lady Gemma has a secret profession. King Elmund has Gemma and her ladies in waiting trained in interrogation and torture. Gemma and ladies took to it and excel in it. So much so, the king and emperor will send prisoners who resist magical interrogation to Gemma for in depth questioning.

Prince William Frost


Prince William is a robust man with a stern face and a commanding presence. He is always seen in his royal attire, with the emblem of House Frost prominently displayed. His posture is always upright, reflecting his royal discipline. He is 6' tall and 175 pounds. He has the family's blue eyes and brown hair, which is shoulder length and scruffy, he is often seen with a several day stubble which doesn't seem to get much longer or a full beard.

William is the eldest son of King Edmund and Queen Isolde. He is known for his intelligence and his dedication to the prosperity of Frosthaven. William is being groomed to take over the rule of Frosthaven in the future.

As a prince, William assists his parents in running Frosthaven. He often takes on the role of a diplomat, managing relations with other cities and facilitating trade deals. He is a respected figure in Frosthaven and is known for his intelligence and diplomacy.

Princess Matilda Frost


Matilda is a beautiful young woman with a graceful demeanor. She is always seen in her royal attire, with the emblem of House Frost prominently displayed. She is a few years younger than Gemma, at 23, she is 5'5" and 125 pounds. Like Gemma, she has blue eyes and blonde hair which she wears straight.

Matilda is the second daughter of King Edmund and Queen Isolde. She is known for her kindness and her dedication to the people of Frosthaven. Matilda often assists her sister Gemma in her duties.

As a princess, Matilda assists her parents and her sister in running Frosthaven. She often takes on the role dealing with the people of Frosthaven, seen caring for the poor and sick, she always is ready to help out someone in need. She is a beloved figure in Frosthaven and is known for her compassion and wisdom.

Princess Amelia Frost


Amelia is a beautiful young woman with a graceful demeanor. She is always seen in her royal attire, with the emblem of House Frost prominently displayed. She is 15 years old and 5'2" and 110 pounds. She also has the blue eyes and blonde hair which she doesn't keep to one style or another.

Amelia is the youngest daughter of King Edmund and Queen Isolde. She is known for her intelligence and her dedication to the prosperity of Frosthaven. Amelia is still learning the ropes of ruling, often shadowing her older siblings in their duties. She still comes off a little spoiled and hasn't yet learned that she's born to royalty, unlike the people of Frosthaven, and she will flaunt her position and wealth at the wrong times.

As a princess, Amelia is still learning the responsibilities of running Frosthaven. She often accompanies her siblings in their duties, learning the intricacies of diplomacy and trade. She is a beloved figure in Frosthaven and is known for her intelligence and curiosity.

Prince Kael Frost


Kael is a young man with a lean build and sharp features. He is always seen in his royal attire, with the emblem of House Frost prominently displayed. He is 5'8" and 150 pounds. He is 20 years old, black, and has amber eyes with black, short, and neatly kept hair. He wears a diamond shaped goatee. He dresses in a combination of Frosthaven colors and pays respect to his Funta family by wearing their colors in a patch on his outfit.

Kael is the adopted child of King Edmund, brought from Funta as part of a peace/trade deal. Despite his different background, Kael has been accepted as a member of House Frost and is known for his dedication to the prosperity of Frosthaven. He came from the Pokou family from the eastern side of Funta.

As a prince, Kael assists his adoptive parents in running Frosthaven. He often takes on the role of a diplomat, managing relations with other cities and facilitating trade deals. He is a respected figure in Frosthaven and is known for his intelligence and diplomacy.

Lord Frederick Frost


Lord Frederick is a soft man with a sour face and a unkept presence. He is always seen in his noble attire, with the emblem of House Frost prominently displayed. His posture is often slouched, not reflecting his noble discipline. He is 5'8" and 170 pounds. He has light blue eyes and sandy brown hair. His hair is unkept, often like he just rolled out of bed.

Frederick is the younger brother of King Edmund and the uncle of Gemma. He doesn't hide that he's envious of his brother and the fact he got the kingship instead of him because of being born second. Frederick is lazy and drinks too much, but still uses his name and title to gain advantages from the town. Most of the castle workers avoid Fredrick whenever they can.

As a lord, Frederick was given the task of managing the grounds at the castle. Something he does haphazardly and without thought at times. His first in command, Sir Regenal, manages the castle in earnest and keeps the Lord from looking bad.

Lady Beatrice Frost


Beatrice is a stout plump woman with a clumsy demeanor. She is always seen in her noble attire - stretched to its seams, with the emblem of House Frost prominently displayed. She is 5' 2" and 240 pounds and has brown eyes and dull brown hair that she simply pulls back in a ponytail so as to not have to care much for it.

Beatrice is the wife of Lord Frederick and the aunt of Gemma. She is known for her love of eating and for avoiding her husband. She frequently is seen leaving the bakers, taverns, or the market with something in her hand she's eating. She's rumored to be unfaithful, but that is likely just gossip.

As a lady, Beatrice will help out her husband when he manages to catch her in the same room as he is, and he often passes off any decisions to her so he doesn't have to make any choices. Beatrice will just ask Sir Regenal what he would do and then commands that once Frederick has found himself a bottle to drink himself to sleep with.

Sir Henry Frost


Sir Henry is a determined man with a stern face and a stern presence. He is always seen in his knight's armor, with the emblem of House Frost prominently displayed. His posture is always upright, reflecting his knightly discipline. Sir Henry is 5' 9" and 165 pounds, very muscular. He has blue piercing eyes and brown hair, which he keeps shaven to a short length, and he has a small mustache.

Henry is the son of Lord Frederick and Lady Beatrice and the cousin of Gemma. He is known for his bravery and his dedication to the protection of Frosthaven. Henry serves as a knight in the city, often leading patrols and ensuring the safety of the people. He wants nothing to do with his parents and wishes he was the son of Edmund.

As a knight, Henry is responsible for the safety and security of Frosthaven. He leads patrols, coordinates security measures, and personally leads the guard in times of crisis. Despite the demands of his job, Henry always carries out his duties with a sense of honor and duty, making him a respected figure in Frosthaven.

Thoren Ironhand


Thoren is a sturdy dwarf with a weathered face and strong hands. He is always seen in his work clothes, often covered in dust from his latest project. He is a young 150 years old, 4' 5" and 180 pounds. He has brown hair and grey hair and beard. He keeps his hair short and, of course, his beard long with several beads in it.

Thoren Ironhand is the Master Builder of Frosthaven, responsible for overseeing all construction and maintenance within the city. He has served House Frost for many years, ensuring that the city's defenses and infrastructure are always in top condition.

As the Master Builder, Thoren coordinates the efforts of all the city's builders and craftsmen. He is responsible for planning and executing all major construction projects, from the building of new homes to the fortification of the city's walls. Despite the demands of his job, Thoren always carries out his duties with a sense of dedication and pride, making him a respected figure in Frosthaven.

Elara Swiftwind


Elara is a graceful elf with a keen eye and a commanding presence. She wears her work uniform, with the emblem of Frosthaven prominently displayed. She is 200 years old, 5' 7" and 130 pounds. She has green eyes and braided blonde hair.

Elara Swiftwind is the Harbor Master of Frosthaven, responsible for overseeing all activities within the city's bustling port. She ensures that trade runs smoothly.

As the Harbor Master, Elara coordinates the efforts of all the city's sailors and dockworkers. She is responsible for managing cargo deliveries, enforcing port laws, and ensuring the safety and efficiency of all port operations. Despite the demands of her job, Elara always carries out her duties with a sense of honor and duty, making her a respected figure in Frosthaven.

Advisor Seraphine Duskwhisper


Seraphine is a tall and slender elf with a graceful presence who is 230 years old. Her skin is a soft, luminescent silver, and her eyes are a deep, penetrating violet. She has long, flowing hair the color of midnight, usually tied up in an intricate braid. She dresses in elegant, dark-colored robes adorned with silver embroidery, a testament to her high status.

Seraphine was born into a noble elven family known for their skills in diplomacy and espionage. From a young age, she was trained in the art of negotiation, strategy, and subterfuge. Her intelligence and natural aptitude for these skills quickly caught the attention of the king's grandfather, who appointed her as his counselor when she was just a century old.

The most significant event in Seraphine's life was when she successfully thwarted a coup against the king. Using her extensive spy network, she uncovered the plot and identified the traitors within the court. This event solidified her position as the king's most trusted advisor and the leader of the spy network.

Seraphine is calm, composed, and incredibly intelligent. She is a master of manipulation and is always several steps ahead of her adversaries. Despite her cold exterior, she is fiercely loyal to the king and would do anything to protect the kingdom.

Seraphine has a habit of twirling a silver pendant when deep in thought. This pendant is a symbol of her family and serves as a reminder of her duty and loyalty.

Seraphine is driven by a strong sense of duty (admiration) and has a deep-seated hatred for traitors (hatred). She is vigilant in her role as the king's counselor and the leader of the spy network, always on the lookout for any signs of treachery.