House Irna


King Geoff Irna

King Geoff is an elderly man with a sagging face and a weary demeanor. He is always seen in his all white royal attire, which, although finely made, is noticeably out of fashion. His posture is slightly stooped, reflecting his age and the weight of his responsibilities. He is in his early 70s, 5' 9" and 160 pounds. His white hair is long, but he does keep his bread closely trimmed and well kept.

Geoff Irna is the current king of Rochdale, a descendant of the founding family line of Irna. His family's glory days are long past, and he rules more out of obligation than desire. He is known for his bitterness and his longing for the past.

As the king, Geoff oversees the running of Rochdale, although he often delegates responsibilities to his advisors. He is a figurehead more than a leader, his rule characterized by stagnation and a lack of progress.

Queen Margaret Irna

Queen Margaret is an elderly woman, a year younger than Geoff, with a stern face and a weary demeanor. She is always seen in her royal attire, which, although finely made, is noticeably out of fashion. Her posture is slightly stooped, reflecting her age and the weight of her responsibilities. She is 5'5", 140 pounds and has grey hair styled in a bun, a style that was fashionable in her youth.

Margaret is the queen of Rochdale, married to King Geoff. She shares her husband's bitterness and longing for the past, often reminiscing about the glory days of their family. She is also bitter since she was taken from the newer noble families to marry into a dying noble line. She misses her home, Frosthaven, and the Frost line.

As the queen, Margaret assists her husband in running Rochdale, although she often delegates responsibilities to her advisors. She is a figurehead more than a leader, her rule characterized by stagnation and a lack of progress.

Prince Edward

Edward is a middle-aged man in his 50s with a tired face and a weary demeanor. He is always seen in his royal attire, which, although finely made, is noticeably out of fashion. He stands tall, for sake of his parents, but inside knows the line is almost over. He is 5' 10" and 170 pounds with brown hair and, like both parents, grey eyes.

Edward is the only child of King Geoff and Queen Margaret. His mother is constantly nagging him to produce an heir, he is on his third wife, the first, Janet, died in childbirth and his child, Stephan, also died. The second wife, Georgia, ran off with a stable hand and was murdered a few years later before he could recover her. Now on his third wife, Amelia, he is hoping to produce an heir and, to keep the family name, needs to be a male. He is resigned to his family duty but honestly, never got over Janet's death.

As the prince, Edward assists his parents in running Rochdale, he tries to ensure the king's and queen's wishes are carried out and follows up with the advisors. While he's not yet the king, his word is pretty much the same as the advisors know it is a short time before the king passes away.

Lady Amelia Irna

Lady Amelia is a beautiful young woman with a graceful demeanor. She is always seen in her royal attire, which, although finely made, is noticeably more modern than that of her husband and in-laws. She is 26 years old, 5'6" and 130 pounds with green eyes and blonde hair.

Amelia is the wife of Prince Edward. She is much younger than her husband and is often seen as an outsider in the old and bitter Irna family. Despite this, she tries her best to fulfill her duties as a member of the royal family.

As the wife of the prince, Amelia assists her husband in his duties, although she often finds herself at odds with the old-fashioned ways of the Irna family. She is a breath of fresh air in the stagnant court, her youth and energy contrasting sharply with the weariness of her in-laws.